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NON-CREDIT STUDENTS IN COLLEAGUE Connie Black, College of Western Idaho Sara Matson, Dynamic Campus Friday, July 31, 2015 Enrollment & Student Services.

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Presentation on theme: "NON-CREDIT STUDENTS IN COLLEAGUE Connie Black, College of Western Idaho Sara Matson, Dynamic Campus Friday, July 31, 2015 Enrollment & Student Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 NON-CREDIT STUDENTS IN COLLEAGUE Connie Black, College of Western Idaho Sara Matson, Dynamic Campus Friday, July 31, 2015 Enrollment & Student Services Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

2 SESSION RULES OF ETIQUETTE  Please turn off you cell phone/pager  If you must leave the session early, please do so as discreetly as possible  Please avoid side conversation during the session Thank you for your cooperation! Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

3 INTRODUCTION  Purpose of this session  This session describes how College of Western Idaho (CWI)migrated non- credit students into Colleague and shows how to bring teams together for a successful outcome  Benefits of attending this session  Consider the feasibility of merging credit and non-credit operations into one ERP  Learn how CWI made this happen in 11 months  Understand how Instant Enrollment can be customized  See the structure of an effective, cross-functional project team Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

4 SESSION AGENDA 1. About CWI 2. History of Workforce Development at CWI 3. Identifying the Problems 4. Defining a Project 5. Project Tasks 6. Project Timeline 7. Looking Back Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

5 ABOUT CWI Who we are, demographics Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

6 WHO WE ARE  Comprehensive community college in Western Idaho  Community college district created by voters in 2007  First students in January 2009  Inherited professional technical programs and workforce development from Boise State in July 2009  Two campus locations  One Stop Student Services model  Accreditation partnership with College of Southern Idaho (CSI) Coeur d’Alene, Idaho


8 HISTORY OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AT CWI Processing non-credit students in AceWare: Systems and Staff Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

9 HISTORY: SYSTEMS  Credit students processed in Colleague  Non-credit students in Workforce Development programs processed in Aceware  Records transferred from Boise State University  Initial implementation of Instant Enrollment in 2009 for community education courses Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

10 HISTORY: STAFF  Separate staff  Workforce Development had its own staff to maintain Aceware, develop reports, create courses, register students, monitor student accounts, etc.  Staff knowledge  Workforce Development staff held a deep historical knowledge and understanding of non-credit programs and processes Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

11 IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEMS Integrating credit and non-credit students, programs, and staff Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

12 WHAT DID WE NEED TO SOLVE?  Better service to students  Approx. 50% of the student population takes non-credit courses  General communication and services available to all CWI students  Emergency alerts  Better use of systems  Complications of two systems  IT had to support two systems  One Stop staff had to understand two systems  Dual entry of cash receipts, separate bank deposits  Lack of reporting  Better integration of staff  Physically separated, processes not integrated, duplication of efforts Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

13 DEFINING A PROJECT Team members, roles Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

14 DEFINING A PROJECT  Created a SharePoint project site  Share documents, resources, links  Team Members included representation from:  Admissions  Information Technology  Marketing  Registrar’s Office  Student Financial Services  Workforce Development Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

15 Roles Definition for WD Processes within Colleague Process AreaWDRegistrar Academic Records  Setup and Maintenance – academic levels, academic terms, grade schemes/codes, repeat codes, etc. Curriculum Management  Create/maintain course section (class) information  Create/maintain waitlist info  Add new faculty to FCTY  Cancel course sections  Setup and Maintenance – courses, non-courses, tests, degrees, certificates, programs, catalogs, degree audit, etc. Registration and Records (Student Level/Transactional)  Process applications  Process registrations – web, RGN, block  Monitor waitlists  Course section changes  Access class rosters  Grade course sections  Maintain student demographic information  Enter tests and non-courses  Maintain and process student communications  Produce course credentials  Student level reporting  Instant Enrollment web parameters  Document imaging for student files  Registration controls  Registration user groups  Official transcripts  myCWI web parameters Process AreaWDStudent Financial Services Section Billing  Section level billing  Course level billing Cashiering  No cashiering access  All transactions processed through One Stop Sponsorship, Payment Plans, Collections  No processing  Process Sponsorships, Payment Plans, Collections

16 PROJECT TASKS Colleague setup, customizations to Instant Enrollment Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

17 COLLEAGUE SETUP  Academic Records, Curriculum Management, Communications Management, Accounts Receivable  Record Setup Workbook Coeur d’Alene, Idaho FieldSetup onColleague FormNew Code in Production? Academic LevelACLVCRSEmodify XC, CWDYes Academic ProgramPROGn/aWDxxxYes Alternate ID VAL- ALT.ID.TYPESDADD ACEW, WDAPP, WDJNY, WDAWMYes Application StatusAPSMAPPNNA- Not acceptedNo AR CodesARCFSECBWDxxx, see AR Code tabYes AR ruleRLDE/REBPREBPRule ARWDYes BuildingsBLDGsee Buildings TabYes CatalogCTLGPROGWDYes

18 INSTANT ENROLLMENT SETUP  Improve searching capabilities  Improve readability  Enhance the student’s registration experience  A smooth transition from Aceweb existing functionality Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

19  Improve searching capabilities  Link from external

20  Improve searching capabilities  Reorganize layout  Add Program search (subject code)  Enhance Course Title search

21  Improve readability  Reorganize columns  Add/Remove columns  Course Number and Title separated  Modify Capacity/Available Seats

22  Improve readability  Remove boxes  Align row titles

23  Improve readability  Remove boxes  Modify drop down  Add additional instructions

24 PROJECT TIMELINE Phases, milestones Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

25 PROJECT TIMELINE  Phase 1 (5 months)  Discovery  CORE training  Colleague setup/training- Academic Records, Curriculum, AR, Billing, Registration  Phase 2 (2.5 months)  Colleague setup/training- Communications Management  Instant Enrollment setup and testing Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

26 PROJECT TIMELINE  Phase 3 (1.5 months)  User Testing/Mock Registrations  Develop Training Materials  Student Feedback Session  Training  Reporting  Phase 4 (2 months)  Business Process Documentation  One Stop Mock Registration  Final Testing/Verification Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

27 LOOKING BACK What we gained, what we learned Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

28 LOOKING BACK  What we gained  Enhanced student experience  Personal and professional relationships  Evaluating how the system was setup for credit students, making improvements  Reporting capabilities on our entire student population  Improved staff efficiencies and broader knowledge of non-credit across CWI Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

29 LOOKING BACK  What we learned:  We did not anticipate how many of our credit students were ALSO taking non-credit courses!  You can never test enough, create scenarios way outside the box  Buy-in is needed from all departments on campus, no one was left un-affected by this integration  Utilize team members at all levels – they are often eager for the challenge  A seemingly impossible task can be achieved Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

30 SESSION SUMMARY  A successful project made possible by:  Executive sponsorship  Cross-functional project team  Early agreement and acceptance of team member roles  Involvement and dedication of project team and extended team members/testers  Clear tasks and deadlines Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

31 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

32 THANK YOU! Connie Black, Sara Matson, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

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