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The Greatest Day (Jn.20) I. A Day Of Life. Firstthird First day is third day: time for resurrection (20:1-2) Mt.27:62-66 Stone removed (= 11:38). Mt.27:65;

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Presentation on theme: "The Greatest Day (Jn.20) I. A Day Of Life. Firstthird First day is third day: time for resurrection (20:1-2) Mt.27:62-66 Stone removed (= 11:38). Mt.27:65;"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Greatest Day (Jn.20) I. A Day Of Life

2 Firstthird First day is third day: time for resurrection (20:1-2) Mt.27:62-66 Stone removed (= 11:38). Mt.27:65; 28:2 Lord (15): exalted view of Jesus 6-7, folded Would tomb robbers leave grave-clothes behind? …folded?

3 The well from which life flows, 1:4 Mangled body – think “life”? Jn.12:10-11, if Jews found His body… Jn.18, if Pilate had another meeting… What if John ended at 19:30? Life: Life: 47 x in John. Jn.14:6; 20:31

4 Facts of Life Live Young Forever – how? What is the secret to happiness? “Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning” – Newman “The great purpose of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it”

5 I. A Day Of Life II. A Day Of Love

6 Women: first and last (19:25; 20:1) 1: 3-6 a.m. Not force but love, Mk.16:9 What motivates us to serve God? Love: Love: 57 x in John Hell, Mt.5 Duty, Lk.17 Family, Ep.6 Love, 1 Jn.4 Jn.14:15 Obedience Jn.21:15-17 Care for others

7 I. A Day Of Life III. A Day Of Faith II. A Day Of Love

8 “Dead men stay dead…” National Geographic Jesus Seminar Jewish unbelief... apostasy Disciples, Mk.16:14. Jn.20:19

9 Triple sign, Jn.20:8-9 Thomas: no sight, no faith (24-28). [11:16] 27, Jesus quotes Thomas (cf. 1:47) 28, no rebuke (Rv.22:8-9) 29, for our benefit 1 Open tomb 2 Empty tomb 3 Grave clothes The climax of John’s book! Greatest doubter utters the greatest confession

10 Sight and Faith 29, carnal faith must see miracle; sight Biblical faith accepts testimony, 30-31  John: bring readers to his faith Believe: Believe: 60 x in Jn. Jn.9; 1 Jn.1:1-3 Greater faith would rejoice, not weep Sight depends on senses Faith depends on testimony

11 I. A Day Of Life IV. A Day Of Hope II. A Day Of Love III. A Day Of Faith

12 Jn.20:17 Do not cling to Me…  Ct. 27; Lk.24:39; Mt.28:9  Holding and handling are different  1 Co.15; 1 Th.4; Jn.11 24 …It shall be imputed to us who believe in Him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, 25 who was delivered up because of our offenses, and was raised because of our justification – Ro.4:24-25

13 Hope dispels… Meaningless existence Ep.4:17 Gloom of the tomb Hb.2:14 “ Hope means hoping when things are hopeless, or it is no virtue at all... As long as matters are really hopeful, hope is mere flattery or platitude; it is only when everything is hopeless that hope begins to be a strength” – G.K. Chesterton

14 Hope dispels… Meaningless existence Ep.4:17 Gloom of the tomb Hb.2:14 Earthly injustices Rv.6:9-11

15 Because He lives…we can live by – Genesis 3 Paradise lost in Garden John 20 Paradise regained in Garden FaithHopeLove New life New outlook New attitude

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