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The European Renaissance and Reformation

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1 The European Renaissance and Reformation

2 Renaissance The “rebirth” of classical learning, art, writing and an intellectual rediscovery of Ancient Rome and Greece.

3 TURBULENT YEARS The Ending of Ages, Hundred Years’ War and the Plague
1300-mid 1400

4 The Age of Faith— during The Middle Ages—time where the church was seen as head, not questioned and obeyed Seen as a social regression (compared to Greek and Roman cultures) People started to distrust the church, leading to the decline of the Age of Faith

5 The Age of Chivalry— Chivalry—behavior/warrior code use by knights (individual training and service to others) Now: Seen as “courtly love,” virtue, honor

6 Ending of the Age of Faith
Pope Boniface VIII disobeyed by King Philip IV of France First open rejection of papal spiritual dominance Pope Boniface captured by French before finalizing a new papal bull

7 The Death of Pope Boniface VIII

8 Avignon Clement V 1305--French archbishop appointed pope under Philip IV’s urging Papacy moved to Avignon


10 The Great Schism Caused people to distrust the church
Caused by the return of the papacy to Rome and the pope’s death (Gregory XI) The Romans wanted a Roman pope, so the Cardinals elected a man with no French ties—Urban VI—Quick regret

11 The Great Schism Cardinals retreated to Anagni and elected Clement VII, reestablishing Avignon as the papal court antipope

12 The Great Schism Diplomatic problem not just religious Avignon: Rome:
France, Scotland, England, Denmark, Burgundy Holy Roman Empire The Council of Constance – 1414 Finally ended the Schism Resignation of popes, election of Pope Martin V

13 The Bubonic Plague—1300s Bubo-swollen, inflamed lymph node in the armpit, groin or neck



16 The Hundred Years’ War Series of wars ranging from 1337 to 1453 between France and England Chivalry—still in play, looked down on common foot soldiers

17 The Longbow Battle of Crécy- * Battle of Poitiers Battle of Agincourt
All three battles: English introduced the longbow and slaughtered the French Knights could not stand against the longbow Laid groundwork for the end of chivalric warfare.

18 This is a random guy…I do not know him.

19 Joan of Arc Helped France win the Hundred Years’ War
Helped Charles VII to victory and kingship She as captured by the English, and not defended by Charles. She was burned at the stake.


21 End of the War—1453 Nationalism France power increased
England—War of the Roses End with Henry Tudor becoming king Tudor reign for 117 years Religious devotion and chivalry drawn to close (knights deemed obsolete and changed medieval society) End of Age of Faith and Age of Chivalry

22 The Crusades POINT—CRUSADES Impact on Renaissance- Opened them up to Middle Eastern culture, religion, and technology Failure—Made the church look bad and unreliable

23 FEUDALISM Feudalism-was a set of legal and military customs in medieval Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries, which was a system for structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labor

24 Feudalism King- monarch over a country, top of feudal pyramid
Nobles-rank that possesses privileges, or eminence, and certain rights not granted to members of other classes in a society, such as commoners Knights (vassal)-A medieval tenant giving military service as a mounted man-at-arms to a feudal landholder. Peasants/Serfs-A member of the lowest feudal class, attached to the land owned by a lord and required to perform labor in return for certain legal or customary rights. Vassal: person who has entered into a mutual obligation to a lord or monarch

25 The Ending of Feudalism

26 Serfs: MONARCH Ms Bagley
Superintendent Serfs: NOBLES Greater Mr Adair, Principal Lesser Ms Jones, Ms Mitchell, Mr Sams Assistant Principals KNIGHT (vassal) Ms Boring Social Studies Teacher PEASANTS/SERF You The Students

27 The Decline of Feudalism
Due to plague—money now source of exchange, not just land Less people alive, more jobs available and people were capable of moving up social classes Feudal armies could not stand against new technology Decline of church’s power

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