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2005 MD RETREAT Enrique Tejera PES VP Membership & Chapters Activities New Jersey, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "2005 MD RETREAT Enrique Tejera PES VP Membership & Chapters Activities New Jersey, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 2005 MD RETREAT Enrique Tejera PES VP Membership & Chapters Activities New Jersey, 2005

2 Why did I join IEEE? Because a professor told me about IEEE. It sounded interesting. There was no student branch at the University

3 What did I find? Information good enough to help me with my graduation thesis From the beginning I was also involved as a volunteer thanks to a major event celebrated in Panama (CONCAPAN I) Central America and Panama Conference and Exhibition.

4 Why did I stay as member? The contacts gained through the participation as a volunteer gave me the opportunity to get my first job. As a new engineer IEEE, and very special PES, was a source of information to maintain myself up to date. Through the participation in IEEE as a volunteer I was able to meet people, places and make friends.

5 What have I obtained from IEEE? Opportunity to develop skills not given at the university such as public speaking, organization of major events, managing people on projects working in a low risk environment where mistakes are allowed. As participant in major conferences I have been able to develop myself professionally presenting technical papers in those major events. The information available in IEEE continues to help me day by day in my professional activities.

6 Why do I continue as a member? I would say it is a 50-50 combination. 50% for the participation as a volunteer and the opportunity to know and help people. 50% for the opportunity to be connected to the major source of technical information for my profession to maintain myself up to date. Even though I am not applying everything I see, it helps me a lot to know what is happening technically around the word.

7 Where I am now? Profession Panama Canal Authority Electrical Engineer Responsible for Operation, maintenance of Power System IEEE PES VP Membership & Chapter Activities 2004- 2005 Region 9 RSAC 2004-2005 N & A Committee Member at Large TAB Representative to GOLD Committee Candidate for Director Elect Region 9

8 Where will I go? I do not know. What I am sure is that I will continue professionally connected to IEEE and as a volunteer continue contributing in whatever I can do for the society.

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