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Mr. Kish’s Science Class ExpectationsRolesResponsibilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Kish’s Science Class ExpectationsRolesResponsibilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Kish’s Science Class ExpectationsRolesResponsibilities

2 Teacher Expectations To treat all students with respect To help students understand the material and perform to the best of their ability To present science material and set up labs To provide fair and accurate evaluations of student performance in science

3 Student Expectations To respect the teacher and all other students in the classroom To complete all homework and assignments on time To listen when others are speaking To clean up the classroom at the end of the class

4 Student Expectations continued To try all tasks to the best of your ability To work co-operatively with all students in the classroom To ask for help after class if needed To communicate any problems in class with Mr. Kish after class, unless urgent

5 So what does this mean anyway? It all boils down to the Golden Rule… treat others as you would like to be treated! It all boils down to the Golden Rule… treat others as you would like to be treated!

6 Frequently Asked Student Questions 1.How will I be marked? You will be given an average percentage mark based on your: Homework completion Quiz marks Unit test mark Lab results Notebook Classroom Behavior/Participation

7 2. How many labs will we be doing? You decide!

8 3. What are our units this year? Grade 4 Cells and Systems Energy Predicting Weather Fossils and Rocks Electricity and Magnetism Communities and Ecosystems

9 Grade 6/7 Diversity of Life/ Interactions within Ecosystems Mixtures and solutions The Earth’s Crust Space

10 Grade 7/8 Cells, Tissues, Organs and Systems Mixtures and solutions Fluids and Density The Earth’s Crust

11 Grade 8 Cells, Tissues, Organs and Systems Optics and Vision Fluids and Density Water Systems on Earth

12 What supplies do I need? A duo tang A pencil An eraser A pen (black or blue)

13 Please write a definition of what you think science is. Science is systematic knowledge of the material of physical world gained through observation and experimentation In other words it is finding out answers through asking questions and then finding the answers

14 Write a definition for Scientific Inquiry. Scientific Inquiry is a fancy way of describing how scientists go about finding answers to questions about the natural world. Scientific inquiry begins when you ask questions and continues as you look for answers to these questions.

15 Scientific Investigation Review 1.Ask a question: Ask a question you can answer by performing an experiment 2.Do research: Learn as much as you can about the topic. Research may be needed before you decide what to do for an experiment 3.Form a hypothesis: Suggest an idea that can be tested by an experiment

16 4.Design an Experiment: Decide what steps you need to do to test your hypothesis. Figure out what equipment you need. Identify variables 5.Gather Data: Record observations 6.Analyze data and draw conclusions: Examine data to see if your hypothesis is supported

17 7.Communicate Results: Share your results with others and get feedback 8.Identify questions for further investigation: Can your experiment be improved? Does it lead to more questions.

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