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Rabbit Bowl 2004 Darla Marks...Teton County 4-H Educator Stephen R Schafer, EdD…State 4-H Specialist University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Rabbit Bowl 2004 Darla Marks...Teton County 4-H Educator Stephen R Schafer, EdD…State 4-H Specialist University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rabbit Bowl 2004 Darla Marks...Teton County 4-H Educator Stephen R Schafer, EdD…State 4-H Specialist University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service

2 True or False: When breeding, always take the buck to the doe’s cage. –False

3 True or False: Water bowls should be cleaned about once a month as it usually takes longer than that for germs to begin. –False

4 True or False: A normal doe will produce a litter in 28-32 days after breeding. –True

5 True or False: “Legs” are not awarded at shows not sanctioned by ARBA. –True

6 True or False: In order to receive a “leg” at an ARBA show, one way is that the animal must win first place with 4 animals and three breeders in the class. –False

7 True or False: A breeding certificate is written by the owner of the buck showing it’s pedigree and date of breeding to the doe. –True

8 True or False: Luster is the brightness and brilliance of the eye color. –False

9 True or False: Does not showing both testicles will be eliminated. –False

10 True or False: No animal over 8 months of age may be shown as an intermediate. –True

11 True or False: A missing dewclaw is a disqualification. –True

12 True or False: An entire class of animals cannot be given “unworthy of an award”. One must take first place. –False

13 True or False: Disqualification of an animal for altering of appearance results in the disqualification of the exhibitors entire entry from the show. –True

14 True or False: A slipping coat is a coat of fur that is shedding or molting. –True

15 True or False: Malocclusion is buck teeth or mis-formed teeth. –True

16 True or False: Most fancy breeds have a top weight of under 9 pounds. –True

17 True or False: Most commercial breeds have a top weight of over nine pounds. –True

18 True or False: Dutch has 50 points on markings and only 25 on type. –True

19 True or False: All varieties of Dutch have brown eyes except the gray. –False

20 True or False: Colored toenails on the Dutch breed of rabbits is an elimination. –False

21 True or False: A disqualification is a problem that can be corrected. –False

22 True or False: Eliminations cannot be corrected. –False

23 True or False: A dewlap in the Dwarf Hotot is a disqualification. –True

24 True or False: There are more points on wool than type on an English Angora. –True

25 True or False: French Angoras have tassels and fringe. –False

26 True or False: Minimum acceptable length of wool is 1 ½ inches and no advantage is given to wool over 3 inches in either French or English Angora. –True

27 True or False: Three varieties are found in English Angora – colored, white, & broken. –False

28 True or False: Color on Californians is to be on nose, ears, feet, and tail. Colored spots on dewlap are confined to dewlap only. –True

29 True or False: Champagne d’Argent shows a butterfly of a medium shade of silver. –True

30 True or False: Champagne d’Argent litters are born totally black silvering as they grow. –True

31 True or False: There are three varieties of Checkered Giant; black, blue, and fawn. –False

32 True or False: Senior Checkered Giant does require a weight of twelve pounds or over. –True

33 True or False: Judging of checkered Giants is best done if the animal is allowed to move freely on the table. –True

34 True or False: Dutch breeders can pick out mis-marked babies as soon as they are born. –True

35 True or False: The English Spot has seven varieties. –True

36 True or False: The English Spot should be allowed to move freely on the judging table to display it’s markings. – True

37 True or False: Herringbone is a term used to describe the division line of color on Harlequins. –False

38 True or False: Flemish Giant senior does have an ideal weight of 13 pounds and over. –True

39 True or False: Florida Whites are a fancy breed used for meat, as well. –True

40 True or False: Florida Whites have pink eyes, colored nails, and weigh no more than seven pounds. –False

41 True or False: Sneakers is a term describing the colored markings on the hind feet and legs of Himalayans. –False

42 True or False: English Lop ears must be at least twenty one inches and there’s a total of 30 points on ears, with only 25 on body. –True

43 True or False: English Lop allows a very small dewlap on bucks. –True

44 True or False: English Lop is shown in two varieties. –True

45 True or False: French Lop fur has rollback. –True

46 True or False: Three varieties are shown in French Lop. –False

47 True or False: A small simple dewlap is permitted in Holland Lop does. –True

48 True or False: Broken Holland Lops require rear white feet and front feet may be white. –True

49 True or False: Mini Lops are not allowed even a small dewlap. –False

50 True or False: It is desirable for broken mini lops to have elbow spots. –True

51 True or False: Netherland Dwarf is shown in 32 groups with 5 colors in each. –False

52 True or False: Netherland Dwarf has a weight limit of 2 ½ pounds. –True

53 True or False: The ideal ear length on Netherland Dwarf is two inches. –True

54 True or False: Netherland Dwarf Red Eyed Whites are Albinos. –True

55 True or False: The underside of Netherland Dwarf Himalayans need not be colored. –True

56 True or False: Unmatched toenails on the same foot and on corresponding feet in colored varieties or Californian and Himalayan breeds, and colored toenails in white rabbits are an elimination. –False

57 True or False: Black, blue, red and white are accepted varieties of New Zealand. –False

58 True or False: Palomino has two varieties. –True

59 True or False: Since there are only two varieties of Palomino, both are shown in the same class. –False

60 True or False: Five varieties are found in the Polish breed. –True

61 True or False: General type on Polish has 75 points. –True

62 True or False: Rex has accepted the latest color – otter. –True ??? Is this still true

63 True or False: Fur is almost as important to Rex as general type – 45 points on type, 40 on fur. –True

64 True or False: Broken Rex require 10% color, but no more than 50%. –True

65 True or False: Rex fur is plush with no guard hair. –False

66 True or False: Satin has ten varieties. –True

67 True or False: Satin Fur, like Rex Fur, is different from Normal Fur. –True

68 True or False: There are four fur classes in ARBA. –True

69 True or False: Broken Satin must be one of the nine accepted varieties with white. –True

70 True or False: Color on broken Satin must be at least 10% and no more than 50%. –False

71 True or False: Silver Marten has three varieties. –False

72 True or False: Silver Marten with a dewlap must be disqualified. –True

73 True or False: Ear Mites can be treated by placing oil in the ear for about three days, and then every seven to ten days. –True

74 True or False: Fur ball can be treated by giving the animal mineral oil orally for three days and repeating once a week. –True

75 True or False: In order to register an animal, it must be free from disqualifications have a three generation pedigree, and the owner must be an ARBA member. –True

76 True or False: Animals must be tattooed in the left ear with registration number going under the existing tattoo. –False

77 True or False: Large breeds should be fed twice a day because of their size. –True

78 True or False: Palpation should never be used as it is easy to damage the fetuses. –False

79 True or False: Rabbit droppings can be used for fertilizer around plants, trees, and in gardens. –True

80 True or False: When filling out an entry form, always have the breed, color, sex, age, and ear number ready. –True

81 True or False: Variety is a term used to describe the color of an animal. –True

82 True or False: Mastitis is a form of ear canker. –False

83 True or False: In order to sanction breeds with specialty clubs, the show must first have an ARBA sanction number. –True

84 True or False: There is little tangible evidence that the Himalayan rabbit came from the Andes Mountain region. –True

85 True or False: The pear shaped head is an undesirable trait on any breed of rabbit. –True

86 True or False: Satin is a mutation of a normal coat that is plush-like in texture with a reduced guard hair so that it has a level appearance. –False

87 True or False: There are five groups of body types. –True

88 True or False: The mini Lop is classified as solid or broken. –True

89 True or False: The Beveren comes in only Black and White varieties. –False

90 True or False: A self colored or self animal can have ticking. –False

91 True or False: A breed can be dropped from the standard if not shown at the National Convention. –False

92 True or False: The Mini Lop shows excellent Mandolin type. –False

93 True or False: A judge must place each animal in a class. –False

94 True or False: Bucks with no testicles are eliminated from showing in their class. –False

95 True or False: Rabbits that are overweight can show in fur classes. –False

96 True or False: Rabbits are coprophagic. –True

97 True or False: Coprophagic means it will eat feces. –True

98 True or False: Rabbits excrete two types of fecal material. –True

99 True or False: A charlie is an animal with a lot of markings and color. –False

100 True or False: Pasteurelosis can express itself as an abscess. –True

101 True or False: Enteritis can be prevented with a low fiber diet. –True

102 Does usually kindle ____ days after breeding. a.20 b.27 c.31 d.35 Multiple Choice:

103 All of the following are disqualifications except: a.Abscess b.Wall eyes c.Buck teeth d.Dewlap on a Netherland Dwarf

104 Multiple Choice: Which of these is an elimination? a.Blindness b.Hutch Stain & Molt c.Slobbers d.Screw Tail

105 Multiple Choice: All of the following breeds are “Fancy” except: a.Dutch b.Tan c.English Spot d.California

106 Multiple Choice: A junior is a rabbit: a.Under 6 months of age b.6 pounds in weight c.Over 6 months of age d.Under 3 months of age

107 Multiple Choice: _____ is the smallest breed in weight. a.Polish b.Netherland Dwarf c.Silver d.Himalayan

108 Multiple Choice: The ___ is an excellent choice for meat production. a.Tan b.Sable c.Flemish Giant d.New Zealand

109 Multiple Choice: All of the following are recognized fur classes except: a.Meat Pen Fur b.French Angora Wool c.Rex Fur d.Satin Fur

110 An ailment of the respiratory tract, it is usually a chronic & it can develop into pneumonia. Rabbits sneeze, have watery eyes, rub their nose with front paws, and there is a purulent discharge from the nose. a.Snuffles or Cold b.Malocclusion c.Slobbers d.Bloat or Scours Multiple Choice:

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