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Professional Responsibility
Summary of different senses of responsibility
Reactive Senses of Responsibility
Causal Physical motions produce an event Role individual stands committed to carry out common goods around which a social or professional role is oriented Capacity Determining the conditions under which someone can be held responsible for their actions Blame Praising or blaming someone for what they have done
Proactive Senses of Responsibility
Sharing Responsibility Answering for the actions of others within one’s group. (Share action-causing attitudes) Providing moral support to group members when they have gone astray. Does not entail accepting blame for their actions Responsibility as a Virtue When responsibility becomes proactive and supererogatory (i.e., goes beyond what is minimally required) Uncovering risk and preventing harm Recognizing and taking advantage of opportunities to promote value, Expanding range of control, Caring for stakeholders and their goods, and … Also indignation, shame, guilt, pride and other participatory, self-referential emotions Developing overlapping role responsibilities
Where one falls below the moral minimum
Prerequisites for Blaming
Capacity Responsibility
Conditions that connect an agent with an action for moral evaluation When one is capacity responsible, one is …capable of acting freely and knowingly in a given situation
Acting Freely… When we act freely, we act without compulsion
Compulsion is the production of a state of mind or body independently of the will (F. H. Bradley) Overwhelming fear compels me to do something that I would not do in a calm state of mind When somebody pushes me, they create a state of body (my falling toward the floor) which runs contrary to my actual will (remaining standing)
Acting knowingly… Acting knowingly means acting free from two kinds of ignorance: Moral ignorance (Not being able to appreciate the moral quality of my actions) Specific ignorance (Not knowing important details in the situation in which I am acting)
Moral Ignorance Moral sense (the ability to appreciate the moral quality of my actions) includes… bringing moral concepts, rules, and principles to bear on the situation (social injustice) responding in an emotionally appropriate way to the situation (indignation and rightful resentment) shaping one’s actions in accordance with moral understanding and moral emotion (opposing injustice with justice)
Specific Ignorance One fails to act responsibly in a situation because one lacks crucially relevant situational details I betray my sister’s secret But I am not responsible because I did not know that what I told was in fact a secret My ignorance of that crucial detail relieves me of responsibility in this situation
Not satisfying the knowledge and volitional conditions allows for excuses
Condition—Performing the action knowingly Excuse—I didn’t know what I was doing or I couldn’t appreciate the moral quality of what I was doing Condition—Performing the action willingly Excuse—I was forced to do it (I couldn’t have done otherwise)
Exception for Excuses Excuses based on ignorance and compulsion both have an important qualification I am responsible for what I do under ignorance and under compulsion if I got myself into the excuse-generating situations in the first place Examples: My ignorance was caused by past negligence My being compelled was caused by past recklessness (I recklessly took another drink and lost control)
Mitigating or exculpating conditions
Excuse Source Excuse Statement 1. Conflicts within a role responsibility and between different role responsibilities I cannot, at once, carry out all my conflicting role responsibilities. 2. Overwhelming situational constraints: hostile social surround or moral ecology The moral ecology in which I act makes it impossible to act responsibly. (Central commitments exclude moral values) 3. Overwhelming situational constraints: Money and Time I lack time and money to carry out my role responsibility. 4. Overwhelming situational constraints: technical and manufacturing limits Carrying out my role responsibility goes beyond technical and manufacturing limits 5. Overwhelming social constraints: persons, societies, legal, and political Personalities, societies, laws, or political climate set forth overwhelming obstacles to my carrying out my role responsibilities 6. Knowledge limitations: general and situation-based ignorance I lack the knowledge (general or specific) to act effectively and responsibly in this situation.
When one runs out of excuses
Blame Responsibility When one runs out of excuses
Blame Responsibility: Prerequisites
1. Untoward Event A wrong or harm has occurred 2. Causal Connection The agent identified is the one who has brought about the untoward event
Blame Responsibility: Prerequisites
3. Moral Fault A moral fault contributed directly to the occurrence of the untoward event The moral fault can be attributed to the agent in question Examples of Moral Fault Intentional Wrongdoing Negligence Recklessness
Blame Responsibility: Prerequisites
4. Capacity Responsibility The agent satisfies the requirements of capacity responsibility Acted free from compulsion Action free from general and particular ignorance
Blame Responsibility: Results
Agent is answerable for the action and subject to punishment Agent must answer for action by explaining it, justifying it, or excusing it Obligation to responsively adjust to avoid action in future Taking measures to prevent the act from reoccurring
A Brief Excursion on Moral Fault
Intentional Wrongdoing Negligence Recklessness
Moral Fault: Intentional Wrongdoing
Agent intends, through the untoward action, to bring about a wrong or harm The intended harm or wrong contributes to the untowardness of the action A disgruntled employee intentionally introduces a virus into the company’s computer system which causes the system to break down and produces severe financial harm
Moral Fault: Negligence
No harm or wrong is intended but nevertheless occurs because the agent did not exercise minimal care A software program malfunctions producing harm. The programmer did not know of the error that produced the malfunction but normal testing would have exposed this error The programmer failed to subject the program to normal testing and was, therefore, negligent
Moral Fault: Recklessness
Agent does not intend the harm but foresaw it and was willing to risk it in pursuit of another intention French’s Example: The pianist practices at 2:00 a.m. in his apartment with its paper thin walls His primary intention is to improve his playing skills But he is willing to risk disturbing his neighbor in pursuit of his primary intention
Feinberg on Negligence and Recklessness
“When one knowingly creates an unreasonable risk to self or others, one is reckless; when one unknowingly but faultily creates such a risk, one is negligent.” Joel Feinberg, Doing and Deserving, 193
Role Responsibility Sources Ties to Codes
Role Responsibility Commitment to carry out common goods around which a professional or social role is oriented Goods arise in relations Example: Relation—professional to public Goods—well-being, health, and safety Professionals should not deprive the public of goods, work to prevent others from depriving, and strive (through their work) to increase goods
Sources of Role Responsibilities
1. Explicit commitments such as contractual obligations and promises 2. Implicit commitments embedded in our social relations and roles 3. Legal Responsibilities Due care, avoiding conflicts of interests, maintaining confidences, and faithful agency (law of agency) Professionals: Due care Employees: Faithful agency as specified under law of agency
Sources of Role Responsibilities
4. Job Description 5. Codes of Ethics (Professional and Corporate) Arise from professional relations and the goods involved Public, Client, Employers, Peers, Profession
Role Responsibilities arise out of key relations of computing professional (AMC/IEEE Code)
Public Contribute to society and human well-being (1.1) Protect fundamental human rights Respect the diversity of all cultures Minimize negative consequences of computing systems including threats to health and safety Ensure that CT and CS are used in socially responsible ways Accessed 10/14/10
Role Responsibilities in Code
Public Avoid harm to others (1.2) Injury or negative consequences Generally accepted standards for system design and testing Credible assessment of risk and responsibility Report any signs of system dangers May require whistle blowing
Other Responsibilities to Public
Respect the privacy of others (1.5) Honor property rights including copyrights and patents (1.6) Improve public understanding of computing and its consequences (2.7)
Responsibilities as Employees
Contractual obligations Working hours Job responsibilities Codes of ethics Position in org decision structure HR issues As Employees (law of agency) Honor Employer interests Follow legal orders Avoid conflicts of interests Maintain confidences
Responsibilities to Client
Exercise due care in carrying out interests of client Due care defined in terms of professional standards Avoiding bad faith, negligence or recklessness Avoid conflicts of interests Maintain confidences When professional judgment is overruled, notify client of consequences Includes dissent when issues of public health and safety are involved May require that engineers do not approve plans even when public safety is not involved Maintaining trust
Responsibilities to Peers
Give peers due credit for their work Refrain from slandering peers Share research and innovation Refrain from disloyal competition
Responsibilities to Profession
Work to uphold the reputation and integrity of the profession Support ethical professionals Honor and support professional standards and professional codes of ethics
Proactive Responsibility
Going Above and Beyond the Minimum Responsibility as a Virtue
Responsibility as a Virtue
Proactive Future-oriented, focusing on preventing harm and realizing value Supererogatory Goes above and beyond what is minimally required for avoiding blame
Responsibility as a Virtue
Uncovering risk and preventing harm Uncovering risk Imaginatively reconstructing ordinary situations to produce scenarios in which normal events take on unusual configurations and produce harm Preventing harm Developing/designing effective counter-measures to these scenarios to prevent the latent harms from occurring
Responsibility as a Virtue
Recognizing and taking advantage of opportunities to promote value Developing an expertise in participatory design methodologies Working to uncover community needs Creatively using one’s professional knowledge and skill to respond to these needs
Responsibility as a Virtue
Expanding area of control Not giving way to the temptation to retreat from action in order to avoid blame Extending knowledge and skills to fill in gaps that can lead to loss of control accidents See Ladd, Perrow, and Reason for description of loss of control accidents Perrow: Chain reaction metaphor Reason: Disease metaphor Ladd: Accidents caused by lack of care
Responsibility as a Virtue
Caring for stakeholders and their goods Lack of care is at the root of many normal accidents Boisjoly tests: Is it safe enough for someone I care about? Identify oneself with one’s designs and actions
Responsibility as a Virtue
Developing overlapping of role responsibilities The scope or range of one’s role responsibilities overlap with others One “takes up” task-responsibilities that others have “dropped” Recognition that responsibilities can and should be shared Hitting the volleyball between different players or between front and back row
Responsibility as a Virtue
Taking responsibility can be understood as a virtue Publicity Test Computing specialists choose actions and designs that reveal them as responsible These actions and designs would be chosen by MECP (=morally responsible computing professional)
Virtue Ethics Virtue comes from the Greek word, arete, which means excellence Represent characteristics that exemplify human excellences Stem from dispositions that are refined by moral reason and appropriate emotion Especially suited to promoting the common goods around which professional roles are constituted Preventing harm, Promoting safety & health, Enhancing well-being, Maintaining/promoting client trust
Virtue as the mean between two extremes
Aristotle characterizes virtue as the skill of identifying and acting from the mean between two extremes, excess and defect Courage is the skill of identifying the mean between two extremes in facing danger Recklessness—taking too great a risk Cowardice—taking too little risk
Responsibility as a Virtue
Defect: Irresponsibility Mean: Taking Responsibility Excess: Carrying the World on Your Shoulders 1. Negligence and recklessness 2. Egocentric or egoistic attitude 3. Retreating to avoid blame 4. Apathy & Indifference 5. Mapping RR into separate domains 1. Uncovering risk and preventing harm 2. Recognizing and exploiting oppor-tunities to do good 3. Extending causal control 4. Attitude of care for region of RR 5. Overlapping mapping of RR 1. Paralysis of analysis and action 2. Telescopic Philanthropy 3. Trying to control everything 4. Too much care 5. Mapping includes everything
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