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11 Caribbean Accreditation Council for Engineering and Technology Program Evaluator Training 27-28 November 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "11 Caribbean Accreditation Council for Engineering and Technology Program Evaluator Training 27-28 November 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 Caribbean Accreditation Council for Engineering and Technology Program Evaluator Training 27-28 November 2009

2 22 Why are we here? We are in the process of forming CACET – Caribbean Accreditation Council for Engineering and Technology – On 26-27 November the Board of Directors has met The purposes of the BoD meeting were: – Review and approve governing documents of CACET – Identify needs for new documents and assign writing responsibilities – Identify needs for appointments, and make them

3 33 CACET CACET is a not for profit, nonpolitical, nongovernmental organization – Registered is planned in Trinidad and Tobago – Discussions with CARICOM are ongoing CACET provides accreditation services to Engineering and Technology programs in academic institutions, and maintains a public archive of programs that were accredited by CACET.

4 44 CACETs organizational Chart CACET President Board of Directors: Regular Members (incl. President, Vice president, Accreditation Activities), President Elect, Treasurer, Secretary Accreditation Councils Program Evaluation Teams Standing Committees: Finance, N&A, Accreditation Ad Hoc Committees CACET Staff Vice President, Accreditation Activities Operating Committee Accreditation Committee

5 55 Basic Principles Accreditation by CACET is voluntary – Provided to programs that have expressed interest in being accredited by CACET and have agreed to abide by CACETs governance documents and by the decisions of CACETs governing bodies. CACET accreditation ought not to be mandated by law or government regulations. Disputes about decisions and recommendations of CACET are not expected to be resolved through litigation.

6 66 Where and Why CACET seeks to accredit programs in the general geographical areas known as the Caribbean and West Indies. CACET seeks to accredit programs conducted principally in English. CACET provides accreditation services with the general objective of providing for the public good.

7 77 Aims of CACET Accreditation CACET aims to recognize and promote quality in academic education in Engineering and Technology Assist the public (including academic institutions and their constituents as well as governments and industrial corporations) in making decisions pertaining to higher education in Engineering and Technology; Encourage innovation, progress and growth in Engineering and Technology education; and Promote cooperation and mutual recognition of accreditation credentials by accrediting bodies, academic institutions, and other relevant organizations worldwide. –

8 8 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Representatives of academia (one representative of each university that offers baccalaureate degrees programmes): UWI (Chandrabhan Sharma) UTEC (Gossett Oliver) (Noel Brown) UG (Maxwell Jackson) UTT (Cheryl Bennett) (Ruby Alleyne/Saeed Mohammad) Representatives of Professional Associations in nation states: Trevor Browne (Barbados) Hannah Wei Muddeen (Trinidad & Tobago) Gabriel James (St Lucia – OECS) (Roger Blackmann; {Tony Gibbs} CCEO) Melvyn Sankies (Guyana) Garth Kiddoe (Jamaica) (Joseph Aryee) Representative of Caribbean Area Network for Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education (CANQATE) Dr. Ethley London (Ruby Alleyne) CARICOM Myrna Bernard (Abs) IEEE representative Moshe Kam

9 99 The next steps… In order to make CACET operational, it needs – Charter and Operation Manual* – Accreditation Manual* – Finance Manual – Program evaluators and team chairs – Programs that seek CACET accreditation – A good website

10 10 Program Evaluators Every visit by CACET would require program evaluator(s) and a team chair In the first few years we will also have a consultant from an existing accrediting body which is part of the Washington Accord The purpose of this meeting is to start the training of program evaluators

11 11 Training of Program Evaluators Part 1 – face to face – San Juan, PR; 27-8 Nov 2009 – General discussion of accreditation – Review of CACETs Charter and Operations Manual – Review of CACETs Accreditation Manual – Discussion of roles and responsibilities of program evaluators and team chairs Part 2 – on line, between 10 December and 22 December – On-line test on the materials reviewed in SJ – Straightforward – a formal step needed to complete the process

12 12 General Discussion of Accreditation Aims and models Myths about accreditation Challenges and alternatives to accreditation Relevant developments in accreditation methodology Accreditation and licensure Opportunities available to new accrediting bodies

13 13 First Reading of the Charter and Operation Manual

14 14 First Reading of the Accreditation Manual

15 15 Discussion of Program Evaluator Roles and responsibilities How will I become a program evaluator? Will I get paid? Will I get reimbursed? What to expect? Time and writing commitments COI and confidentiality

16 16 CACET website Currently CACET has a webpage of the IEEE Trinidad and Tobago Section: We need a mirror site on The 2007 San Juan Declaration is here: s/education/apc/cgaa/CACET_Declaration.pdf s/education/apc/cgaa/CACET_Declaration.pdf The meeting website is here: am/global_accreditation/cacet_2009/index.html am/global_accreditation/cacet_2009/index.html We are working on a single website

17 17

18 18 Content of CACET Website General description (as we have now) The 2007 San Juan Declaration COM Accreditation Manual Finance Manual Forms Names and affiliations of all Directors and Committee Members Contact address (with anti-robot features) Pictures from past CACET events

19 19 Part 2: Engineering Accreditation: Challenges and Opportunities Moshe Kam Chair, IEEE Global Accreditation Committee

20 20 Logistics: Expense reimbursement Billed to the IEEE Master Account: – Airfare booked through World Travel – Sleeping rooms Retain any receipts for approved travel-related expenses you incur during approved travel dates to and from the meetings – ground transportation, mileage for personal auto usage, meals to and from meetings, gratuities, etc. submit with your expense report for reimbursement Receipts are required for amounts over $25 USD Please inform us of the date that was used for the currency conversion and type of currency 2009 CACET Expense Report was sent to all participants

21 21 Detailed Instructions were sent on… Wire Transfers Reimbursed and non-reimbursed expenses Questions or comments – address for expense reports: Laurie Policastro IEEE Educational Activities 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA Fax: +1-732-981-1686

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