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Project justification the legal and administrative situation in the forest sector: shortcomings threatening progress of recent years; preventing the full.

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Presentation on theme: "Project justification the legal and administrative situation in the forest sector: shortcomings threatening progress of recent years; preventing the full."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project justification the legal and administrative situation in the forest sector: shortcomings threatening progress of recent years; preventing the full use of the potential of the sector to contribute to the well-being of the country. depopulation of rural areas, and low productivity Urgent need for clarification of challenges, responsibilities, improvement of forest legislation and statutory instruments

2 2. Expected Outputs, Target Groups and Beneficiaries

3 Outputs (1) Permanent fora for informed decision-making in forest policy, consisting of (a) Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) of invited actors on challenges of forests and forestry in Ukraine, organized around specific topics, and (b) Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) on forests and forestry, headed by the State Forest Resources Agency, and based on the existing ad hoc working group “Forestry.”

4 Outputs (2) A conceptual framework (roadmap) for the Ukrainian forest sector based on the assessment of past forest policy measures, perspectives and priorities. Roadmap for change Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Areas: fields of action (esp. public relations, afforestation, monitoring…)

5 Outputs (3) Public relations strategy for forestry, highlighting the fact that there is a higher potential of forestry for society (necessity of increasing harvesting level, role of forestry in increasing income in rural areas, providing environmental services).

6 Outputs (4) Afforestation/reforestation strategy is prepared, including the regeneration of previous existing forests, the establishment of protective plantations and plantations for bioenergy, the establishment of forests on private land and land reserves. Cf. forest restoration issue

7 Outputs (5) Recommendations for improvement of the system of forest reporting and statistical information, with adapted linkages to European and international reporting schemes on forests. and specification of the information needed for the national forest policy development

8 Stakeholders permanent forest users (State Forest Resources Agency, Ministry of Agricultural Policy, Ministry of Emergencies, Ministry of Transport, other governmental agencies, and Kyiv city administration), key stakeholders for the Ukrainian forest sector: (i) stakeholder groups of forestry, i.e. associations of foresters and forest worker groups, forest educational and forest research institutions;

9 Stakeholders (2) (ii) associations of the forest industries, i.e. wood processing industry, wood manufacturing industry, wood craftsmanship, pulp and paper industry, wood trade and transportation, wood energy use, wood-related ancillary industry, non-timber forest products and services, other forest and wood-related organizations; (iii) representatives of societal interests towards forests and forestry, especially nature conservation agencies and environmental NGOs, associations for hunting, recreation and tourism and other resource users.

10 Target beneficiaries Governmental agencies involved in forest administration issues on different levels (national, regional, local). Indirectly, the project will improve the situation of a large number of people working in and around the forest sector, especially in rural areas. attractiveness for potential investors in forestry will be increased by securing a reliable institutional frame.

11 Excursus: Participation – Why? High expectations: strengthening democracy, improving policy making, collaborative learning Public participation in planning processes around forests – Receiving social acceptance of sustainable forest management – opportunity to promote social sustainability of decisions and strategies in forest management – Raising awareness, focusing the attention of the population to functions and values of wooded areas – Overcoming resistance against projects European Commission 2003; Cantiani 2012

12 Participation – How? Stages/levels of participation Wilcox 1994 Level 5independent initiativesempower 4joint actioncollaborate 3co-decision makinginvolve 2consultationconsult 1informationinform Source: Wilcox 1994Source: IAPP 2000 Degree of citizen involvement

13 3. Strategy and Methodology

14 Strategy and Methodology

15 First step Comprehensive analysis of the situation of forestry in Ukraine (forest sector analysis, forest policy analysis): Institutional setup; Decision-making processes and structures Identification of best practices Gap analysis Cross-sectoral policy linkages forest policy in the national development strategies.

16 First step (ctd.) This analysis should consist of 2 major parts: The first part (1) concentrates on a factual analysis of official documents, including (a) Analysis of institutional setup (with decision-making structures etc); (b) Forest sector analysis (including its economic, social and environmental aspects) with a focus on sector development constraints, potentials and priorities; (c) Policy-legal aspects, including: forest policy and legislation coordination/gaps with other sectors’ policies and legislation. The second part (2) should deal with stakeholders’ perceptions/visions about forest sector development constraints, potentials and priorities. These perceptions are to be collected during the regional workshops and multi-stakeholder meetings. The participation of stakeholders dealing with gender equality issues in the forest sector should be encouraged in all regional workshops and meetings, and their perceptions/visions should be integrated in the final report.

17 Second step In a second step, a road map for forest policy in Ukraine will be drafted. Roadmap for change Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4

18 Third step dissemination of project results and the publication of the respective findings in traditional and electronic media, respectively.

19 4. Impact

20 Project Framework: Impact The Ukrainian forest sector will be equally based on the economic, ecologic and social pillars of sustainability. Forestry substantially contributes to the achievement of national MDGs by having improved the situation of people living from forestry especially in rural areas, and to international commitments of the country with regard to climate change and biodiversity. In addition, the potential of the forest sector to serve the needs of diverse societal interests (especially material, energy, nature protection, recreation, cultural values of forests) has been realized.

21 Conclusion Forests are biotopes and real green factories at the same time Their wise, sustainable use substantially contributes to the welfare of a country Forests in Ukraine still have a high potential for additional ecosystem services (wood, biodiversity, soil and water protection, employment, recreation…)

22 Thank you for your attention!

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