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College of the Canyons Distance Learning Overview Number of online sections WI 2013 = 110 = 100% of total credit sections FA 2012 = 169 = 11.5% of total.

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Presentation on theme: "College of the Canyons Distance Learning Overview Number of online sections WI 2013 = 110 = 100% of total credit sections FA 2012 = 169 = 11.5% of total."— Presentation transcript:

1 College of the Canyons Distance Learning Overview Number of online sections WI 2013 = 110 = 100% of total credit sections FA 2012 = 169 = 11.5% of total SU 2012 = 134 = 28.5% of total SP 2012 = 191 = 12.5% of total Scheduling formats Online classes—16-week, 8-week, and 5-week formats Hybrid classes, including public speaking and laboratory science Accelerated learning community cohorts for remedial math and English

2 Training Required training: College-level coursework in OL teaching & learning 6 hours of LMS training 1 hour of accessibility (Section 508 and ADA) training On-going training is offered on many topics, including: academic integrity, media production, OER, flipping the classroom, and assessment in online classes. Accessibility (Section 508 and ADA) is integrated into most training.

3 Data Collection Annual faculty and staff survey Annual student survey Regular program analysis  Action implications  Program review  Dissemination

4 Data Collection Annual student survey Students stating that SLOs were on the course syllabus for an online class = 97% Students satisfied with tutoring available = 63%

5 Data Collection Analysis of Alternative Delivery Modes Fall Terms: 2007-2011 Instructional Delivery MethodFall 2007Fall 2008Fall 2009Fall 2010Fall 2011 Accelerated Online80% 86%91%85% Full Semester Online80%82%86%88%84% Accelerated Hybrid82% 85%89%86% Full Semester Hybrid79%84%82%85%87% Full Semester Face-to-Face89%91%92%91%92% Accelerated Face-to-Face95%94% 95% PAL--96%98%95%97% Table 1. Overall Retention Rates: Fall 2007-Fall 2011 (Percentage). Note: Includes all courses taught within each delivery mode.

6 Data Collection Analysis of Alternative Delivery Modes Fall Terms: 2007-2011 Instructional Delivery MethodFall 2007Fall 2008Fall 2009Fall 2010Fall 2011 Accelerated Online50%54%64%68%65% Full Semester Online56%57%64%68%63% Accelerated Hybrid55%60%61%70%69% Full Semester Hybrid58%63%59%67%63% Full Semester Face-to-Face68%70%72% 73% Accelerated Face-to-Face78%75%80%79%83% PAL--84%76%74%83% Table 2. Overall Success Rates: Fall 2007-Fall 2011 (Percentage). Note: Includes all courses taught within each delivery mode.

7 Open Educational Resources COC develops and uses open textbooks resulting in savings for students Content available via COC OER repository 3 Sociology courses using open textbooks, including 2 authored by our faculty: 25 sections of Sociology x 35 students x $100 per textbook = $87,500 student savings 2 Water Technology courses using open textbooks, both authored by our faculty: 4 sections x 35 students x $100 per textbook = $14,000 student savings 1 Math course using open courseware from Carnegie Mellon University: 26sections x 35 students x $150 per textbook = $136,500 Total student savings during SP12 and FA12 = $238,000

8 Collaboration Training: Academic Senate, Professional Development, IT Accessibility: DSPS, IT Data collection: Institutional Development OER: Professional Development, IT, faculty And many, many, many more departments….

9 Contact James Glapa-Grossklag Dean, Educational Technology, Learning Resources, and Distance Learning College of the Canyons Santa Clarita, CA 91355 T: 661.362.3632 E: President, Advisory Board, Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources

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