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Dream Center success factors 1.Led with need and experience 2.Kept community involved 3.Need and community input informed next steps.

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Presentation on theme: "Dream Center success factors 1.Led with need and experience 2.Kept community involved 3.Need and community input informed next steps."— Presentation transcript:


2 Dream Center success factors 1.Led with need and experience 2.Kept community involved 3.Need and community input informed next steps

3 1. Lead with need and facts Make very clear the need Prove the experience of organization Research the issue nationally and locally, including solutions


5 There are 1,128 homeless youth aged 12 to 24 years old in Sonoma County

6 California has high poverty rate $16,640 $29,626


8 SAY was founded in 1971

9 SAY serves all of Sonoma County 2,000 youth annually county-wide Since we were founded we have served 35,500 youth and families in our County SAY does three things: – Housing – Counseling – Jobs

10 SAY Housing – since 1991 SAY has been operating housing services since 1991 Dr. James E Coffee House Teen Shelter, Ripley Avenue Serves runaway and homeless teens ages 12 – 17 Mary and Jose Tamayo Village, Yulupa Avenue Serves former foster children and homeless youth ages 18 -24 Stepping Stone, Russell Avenue Serves former foster children ages 18 - 21


12 Best practices inform Dream

13 2. Involve the community Prepare for opposition Galvanize support via public relations Make regular, continued contact

14 Lead the message The Dream Center IS NOT a: -Homeless shelter -Walk-in emergency shelter -Halfway house -Soup kitchen -Drug treatment -Center for out-of-county youth The Dream Center IS affordable housing services to help former foster children and homeless youth get the skills they need to – get and keep jobs – further their education – pursue their dreams

15 Dream Center defined SAY’s Dream Center will offer health and wellness services, employment training and affordable housing.

16 Community feedback incorporated Size Phasing Background checks Sex offender database checks Off-site intake Increased, on-site interior recreation Exterior social recreation no later than 9PM Guest policies Good neighbor policies On-site cameras Overnight on-site security Community engagement, volunteering, and mentoring opportunities for neighbors

17 SAY addressed community concerns Safety Police calls Size Property values Sustainability

18 Learn More… Take a Tour Tour SAY’s Tamayo Village Housing or the Teen Shelter Tour Tamayo Village on Fri, 4/18, at 12 noon Tour Coffee House Teen Shelter on Tues, 4/15, at 12 noon RSVP to Out of respect and privacy of our tenants, please do not attempt to tour the Property at any other time or trespass onto the property.

19 3. Next Steps The need and research led us to the National Conference on Ending Homelessness Quarterly community meetings at Dream Center Future partnerships and advocacy


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