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Nutrition Nutrients and Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating.

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2 Nutrition Nutrients and Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating

3 Nutrients Protein Fat Carbohydrates Vitamins Minerals Water

4 Protein Growth and repair (maintenance) of body Tissues Builds antibodies which fight infection. Food Sources: –Meat –Fish and poultry –Eggs –Milk and milk products –Legumes –Nuts and seeds

5 Fat Supplies energy Aids in the absorptions of fats soluble vitamins Food Sources: –Margarine, butter, oil, salad dressings, nuts, milk products, meats. Healthy Fats:monosaturated, polyunsaturatred, omega 3 and omega 6. Harmful fats: saturated, Trans, hydrogenated.

6 Carbohydrates Supplies energy and assists in the utilization of fat. Food Sources: –Grain products (bread, cereal, pasta, rice) –Vegetable/fruit –Milk –Sugars/sweets Fibre: Promotes bowel regularity, reduce risk of certain diseases (Cancer, heart disease)

7 Vitamins & Minerals Vitamins:Compounds needed in small amounts for normal growth and activity of the body. Examples: Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Folic Acid Minerals: The basic chemical elements used in the body to help regulate body processes. Examples: Iron, Calcium

8 Vitamins & Minerals (Cont’d) Vitamin C: Maintains healthy gums and teeth and strong blood vessel walls. (Citrus fruits, broccoli, green pepper, strawberries) Vitamin D: Enhances calcium and phosphorous absorption for bone and tooth development. (fortified milk and margarine, organ meats, salmon, tuna, eggs) Iron: helps form hemoglobin which is the oxygen and carbon dioxide carrier of the red blood cells. (Red meat and legumes) Calcium: Maintains bones and teeth (Milk, sardines, salmon, almonds) Water: Involved in almost all body functions

9 Serving Sizes: Just how big is a serving? 1 cup of rice or pasta = a computer mouse. 1 cup of cold cereal = one baseball 1 slice of bread = CD case 3-4 oz. Or 50-100g of meat, fish and poultry = deck of cards Milk = 8 oz. ½ cup of fruit or vegetable = tennis ball 1 cup of salad = 2 cupped hands

10 Canada’s Food Guide an/label- etiquet/nutrition/cons/inl_flash- eng.php an/label- etiquet/nutrition/cons/inl_flash- eng.php an/food-guide-aliment/myguide- monguide/index-eng.php an/food-guide-aliment/myguide- monguide/index-eng.php

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