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Welcome to ADA Jeopardy. ADA Jeopardy DesignEmployment Communication Access Programs and Services The Law $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to ADA Jeopardy. ADA Jeopardy DesignEmployment Communication Access Programs and Services The Law $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to ADA Jeopardy

2 ADA Jeopardy DesignEmployment Communication Access Programs and Services The Law $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question - Design A maximum of 1:20 slope is the definition of this answerback to categories

4 $100 Answer - Design What is an accessible route? back to categories

5 $200 Question - Design Included in the definition of this is the requirement for handrails and a slope not to exceed 1:12 answerback to categories

6 $200 Answer - Design What is a ramp? back to categories

7 $300 Question - Design The clear width of an accessible route is this wide answerback to categories

8 $300 Answer - Design What is 36 inches? back to categories

9 $400 Question - Design This striped area is next to an accessible parking stall to provide entry and exit from a vehicle answerback to categories

10 $400 Answer - Design What is an access aisle? back to categories

11 $500 Question - Design An accessible surface must have these three characteristics answerback to categories

12 $500 Answer - Design What is firm, stable, and slip resistant? back to categories

13 $100 Question - Employment This title of the ADA prohibits discrimination in employment against persons with disabilities answerback to categories

14 $100 Answer - Employment What is Title I? back to categories

15 $200 Question - Employment This is a modification or adjustment to a job to enable a qualified individual with a disability to work answerback to categories

16 $200 Answer - Employment What is a reasonable accommodation? back to categories

17 $300 Question - Employment An employer may ask an employee about his or her disability at this stage of a job offer answerback to categories

18 $300 Answer - Employment What is “after a conditional job offer”? back to categories

19 $400 Question - Employment This is one of the two legal defenses for not providing a reasonable accommodation answerback to categories

20 $400 Answer - Employment What is undue hardship? or What is direct threat? back to categories

21 $500 Question - Employment An individual must be able to perform this in order to be considered “qualified to do a job” answerback to categories

22 $500 Answer - Employment What is “perform the essential functions of the job”? back to categories

23 $100 Question – Communication Access This device used with a phone allows a deaf, hard of hearing, or speech- impaired person to use the phone answerback to categories

24 $100 Answer – Communication Access What is a TTY? (Text telephone, teletypewriter) back to categories

25 $200 Question – Communication Access FM, Infrared, Induction Loops, 3-D Loops, and Telecoils are types of these answerback to categories

26 $200 Answer – Communication Access What is an assistive listening system? back to categories

27 $300 Question – Communication Access These are three types of captioning answerback to categories

28 $300 Answer – Communication Access What are open captioning, closed captioning, and real time captioning? back to categories

29 $400 Question – Communication Access This type of exhibit is especially helpful for people who are blind or visually impaired because they can touch it answerback to categories

30 $400 Answer – Communication Access What is a tactile exhibit? back to categories

31 $500 Question – Communication Access Interpreters, note-takers, computer-aided transcription, amplifiers, and video displays are examples of these answerback to categories

32 $500 Answer – Communication Access What are auxiliary aids and services? back to categories

33 $100 Question – Program and Services These types of animals must be permitted on a property even if you have a ‘no pets’ policy answerback to categories

34 $100 Answer – Programs and Services What is a service animal? back to categories

35 $200 Question – Programs and Services This is an illegal extra cost for an aid or service such as charging for a sign language interpreter answerback to categories

36 $200 Answer – Recreation Standards What is a surcharge? back to categories

37 $300 Question – Programs and Services Public entities must provide this type of alternate transportation if they offer a public transit system answerback to categories

38 $300 Answer – Programs and Services What is paratransit? back to categories

39 $400 Question – Programs and Services This is the primary agency responsible for enforcement of the ADA Titles II and III for access to programs and services answer back to categories

40 $400 Answer – Programs and Services What is the U.S. Department of Justice? back to categories

41 $500 Question – Programs and Services State and local government agencies must have one of these to guide their facility improvements to remove barriers to programs answer back to categories

42 $500 Answer – Programs and Services What is a Transition Plan? back to categories

43 $100 Question – The Law The ADA became a law in this year answer back to categories

44 $100 Answer – The Law What is 1990? back to categories

45 $200 Question – The Law The ADA is patterned after a civil rights law answer back to categories

46 $200 Answer – The Law What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964? or What is Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act? back to categories

47 $300 Question – The Law The ADA does not apply to this level of government answer back to categories

48 $300 Answer – The Law What is the federal government? back to categories

49 $400 Question – The Law This Federal Law complements the ADA by covering discrimination in multi-family dwelling units answer back to categories

50 $400 Answer – The Law What is the Fair Housing Amendments Act? back to categories

51 $500 Question – The Law This Federal Law complements the ADA by covering discrimination in air travel answerback to categories

52 $500 Answer – The Law What is the Air Carriers Access Act? back to categories

53 Final Jeopardy A person must be substantially limited in this to be considered ‘disabled’ under the law (exact wording is required) Final Jeopardy Answerback to categories

54 Final Jeopardy Answer What is a ‘major life activity’? back to categories

55 Credits The text of this game was developed by the Disability and Communication Access Board State of Hawaii The template for the ADA Jeopardy Game was developed by the National Center on Accessibility

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