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Campus Budget Update 2011-2012 December 7, 2011. State Appropriations Operating Recommendations: 6.1% ($1,623,145) Performance Incentives.

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Presentation on theme: "Campus Budget Update 2011-2012 December 7, 2011. State Appropriations Operating Recommendations: 6.1% ($1,623,145) Performance Incentives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campus Budget Update 2011-2012 December 7, 2011

2 State Appropriations Operating Recommendations: Reduction @ 6.1% ($1,623,145) Performance Incentives Reallocations $ Factor Successfully completed credit hours (SCCH) $ 235,930.24 SCCH for dual credit students $ 22,875 1.00 Degree change $1,260,000 4.00 Time to degree $ 30,479 2.00 Low income degree completion $ 168,000 1.05 Net Change $ 94,139 Note: Performance Incentives are based on Indiana students only.

3 Tuition Proposed Tuition Rates: + 2.5% Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Undergraduate Resident $ 220.75$ 226.30 $ 231.95 Non-Resident $ 498.70 $ 511.20 $ 524.00 Graduate Resident $ 268.90 $ 275.65 $ 282.55 Non-Resident $ 572.65 $ 587.00 $ 601.70

4 Tuition Other New Purdue Calumet Fees Undergraduate Application Fee $ 25 Effective for Spring 2012 International Student Fee $ 50 Per Semester, beginning Fall 2012

5 Approved Budget State Appro-Operating$ 94,139 Debt service ( 1,766) Tuition and Fees 2,561,834 F&A 505,000 Interest 275,000 Admission Fee 30,000 Total$ 3,464,207

6 Approved Budget 2% Salary Pool$ 874,926 Faculty Promotions 78,200 Summer Stipends 56,673 Benefit Changes 928,932 Fee Remissions/Scholarships 31,650 Interpreting Services 24,000 Intercollegiate Athletics 9,000 Technology Support 11,200

7 Approved Budget Designated Fees Technology $ 83,019 Instructional Labs 35,000 Repair and Rehabilitation 131,000 New Fees Admissions Support 30,000

8 Approved Budget F&A Allocation Business Support-International Programs (Salary & Benefits)$ 60,000 Sponsored Programs Support (Salaries & Benefits) 445,000

9 Approved Budget Schneider Avenue Building $ 111,000 CIVS Maintenance Support 22,000 Utilities and Insurance 187,350 Administrative Overhead 126,350 Bank Service Charges 45,000 Debt Service( 1,766)

10 Approved Budget Unallocated Recurring Carry Forward 175,673 Total$ 3,464,207 Did not need $ 1.9 million reserve from 7% reduction to balance budget Did not need $.7 million Carry Forward for Future Budget Commitments fund to balance budget

11 Approved Budget Unallocated Recurring Carry Forward 2011-2012$ 175,673 Carry Forward 2010-2011 764,266 Carry Forward 2010 & Prior 64,498 7% Contingency Fund 1,872,327 Total$2,876,764

12 Financial Results 2010-2011 October 10, 2011

13 Financial Results (Central Funds) Revenues Compared to Budget State Appropriations$( 6,629) Tuition and Fees 3,832,851 F&A Cost Recovery 771,362 Interest Income 330,165 Other 131,785 Total Revenue Variance$ 5,231,595

14 Financial Results (Central Funds) Expenditures in Relation to Budget Budgeted Reserves$ 484,622 Staff Benefits ( 150,076) Utilities &Other Mandatory Costs 678,427 Bank and Similar Charges 79,203 Debt Service 6,629 Fee Remissions 244,052 Total Expenditure Variance $ 1,342,857 Total Operating Variance$ 6,574,452

15 Carry-Forward Utilization Source of Funds Available for 2011-2012 Operating Results $ 6,574,452 Campus Contingency Reserve 2,987,227 Campus Reallocation Reserve 9,207 Total Available Funds $ 9,570,885

16 Carry-Forward Utilization Use of Funds Reserves Campus Contingency Reserve $ 3,300,000 Campus Development Reserve 200,000 Chancellor’s Contingency Reserve 150,000 Total Reserves$ 3,650,000

17 Carry-Forward Utilization Pre-Closing Commitments of Reserve Funds Scholarship Commitments $ 1,031,000 Veterans Entitlement Scholarship Programs 92,745 Riley Child Care Center Support 127,293 Academic Partners – Advance 647,284 Academic Learning Center Support 150,000 Schneider Avenue Building Lease 44,158 Marketing Program and ADA Accessibility for the Web 55,000

18 Carry-Forward Utilization Pre-Closing Commitments of Reserve Funds Schneider Avenue Building Renovation $ 39,000 Miscellaneous 143,788 R&R, actual designated fees over budget 42,323 Tech Fees, actual over budget 36,684 F&A Cost Distribution 771,362 Total Pre-Closing Commitments $ 6,830,637 Funds Remaining from Carry-Forward $ 2,740,248

19 Carry-Forward Utilization Other Carry-Forward Funds Chancellor $ 489,712 Advancement 446,642 Student Services 318,201 Administrative Services 1,318,229 Academic Affairs 6,161,519 Information Services 2,504,928 Special Projects (Central) 4,337,846 Total Other Carry-Forward Funds $ 15,577,077 Grand Total of Carry-Forwards $ 25,147,962

20 Looking Forward 2011-2012 Budget State Revenues appear to be exceeding projections Enrollment at or near that budgeted Positive in-state/out-of-state mix Sufficient flexibility (recurring and cash) to address any expenditure budget shortfalls

21 Looking Forward 2012-2013 Budget Projections Assumes no change in enrollment, no change in mix 2.5% tuition rate Assumes no change in State appropriations Provides for 3% salary pool, changes in benefits, unavoidables Requires use of $ 1,790,726 of recurring unallocated

22 Looking Forward To Do: Review enrollment projections Decide use of recurring unallocated budget Address current use of cash for recurring purposes Decide use for one-time cash Monitor state revenues

23 Looking Forward Contingency Status, 2011-2012 Budget Cash reserves of $ 3.3 million Enrollment reserves $ 637,578 (recurring) Allocation decisions

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