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1 G52IWS: Introduction Chris Greenhalgh. 2 Contents Scope & style Main topics Prerequisites Resources Assessment Contact.

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Presentation on theme: "1 G52IWS: Introduction Chris Greenhalgh. 2 Contents Scope & style Main topics Prerequisites Resources Assessment Contact."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 G52IWS: Introduction Chris Greenhalgh

2 2 Contents Scope & style Main topics Prerequisites Resources Assessment Contact

3 3 Scope & Style Web services  i.e. Distributed computation and coordination based on XML, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI,... Mixture of theory and practical examples  Practical examples based on Java, Apache AXIS and Jetty J2EE container

4 4 Main topics RPC-based web service interaction Message-based web service interaction Web service standards  SOAP  WSDL  UDDI Web service security Background: XML, HTTP, WWW

5 5 Prerequisites G51WPS – Web Programming & Scripting G51PRG – Programming (Java)‏

6 6 Resources Lectures  2 per week, ~1 hour each Non-assessed exercises  With lab support sessions (TBD)‏ Textbooks  Ramesh Nagappan, Robert Skoczylas, Rima Patel Sriganesh. Developing Java Web Services: Architecting and Developing Secure Web Services Using Java, 1st ed. Wiley, 2003.  H. Peter Alesso, Craig F. Smith. Developing Semantic Web services. Natick, Mass. : A K Peters, 2005.

7 7 Assessment 1 Unseen written examination  2 hours  Provisionally 3 questions from 5

8 8 Contact Prof. Chris Greenhalgh Room B2, CS building, Jubilee Campus Email:  (repeatedly...)‏

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