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China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Q1-Q3 2007 Results Announcement October 30, 2007 Beijing.

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Presentation on theme: "China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Q1-Q3 2007 Results Announcement October 30, 2007 Beijing."— Presentation transcript:

1 China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Q1-Q3 2007 Results Announcement October 30, 2007 Beijing

2 2 As required by the CSRC, financial statements of the first three quarters of Sinopec Corp. (the “Company”) were prepared under the PRC Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. The Company has adjusted part of the financial data in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards hereby for the reference of international investors. Financial data of the first three quarters contained in the presentation and presentation materials are unaudited. This presentation and the presentation materials distributed herein include forward-looking statements. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, that address activities, events or developments that Sinopec Corp. expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future (including but not limited to projections, targets, estimates and business plans) are forward-looking statements. Sinopec Corp.'s actual results or developments may differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements as a result of various factors and uncertainties, including but not limited to price fluctuations, actual demand, exchange rate fluctuations, exploration and development outcomes, estimates of proven reserves, competition, environmental risks, changes in legal, financial and regulatory frameworks, international economic and financial market conditions, political risks, project delay, project approval, cost estimates and other risks and factors beyond our control. In addition, Sinopec Corp. makes the forward-looking statements referred to herein as of today and undertakes no obligation to update these statements. Disclaimer

3 3 前三季度的市场环境 China’s economy maintained its rapid growth, with GDP rising 11.5% in Q1-Q3 Domestic demand for refined oil products and chemical products grew steadily International crude oil prices kept increasing Price controls on refined oil products remained in effect Chemical prices remained high Market Environment in Q1-Q3

4 4 RMB million 1-9’071-9’06change% Turnover and other operating revenues 875,218770,29613.62 EBITDA102,97077,62432.65 EBIT74,06553,56038.28 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company 49,81834,78743.21 EPS (RMB)0.5750.40143.21 Profit Growth

5 5 RMB millionAs of 30 Sep. 2007As of 31 Dec. 2006 Short-term debt40,42252,824 Long-term debt69,30361,617 Equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company 298,907262,845 RMB million1-9’07 Cash flow from operating activities 98,486 Cash flow used in investing activities(69,158) Cash flow from financing activities(27,633) Cash & cash equivalents - ending balance8,343 Financial Position

6 6 Note: 1 tonne = 7.1 barrels , 1 cubic meter = 35.31 cubic feet 1-9’071-9’06change% Crude production (million tonnes)30.6930.012.23 Gas production (billion cubic meters)5.9765.34811.74 Crude realized Price (RMB/tonne) 2,955.573,388.03(12.76) Gas realized Price (RMB/’000 cubic meters) 809.94750.707.89 Oil & gas lifting cost (RMB/tonne)557.91470.3518.62 EBIT (RMB million)37,26552,594(29.15) E&P – Operational Summary

7 7 (million tonnes) 1-9’071-9’06change% Crude oil processed 115.80108.706.53 Gasoline production 18.4116.978.49 Diesel production 44.1143.012.56 Light chemical feedstock production 17.9817.164.78 Kerosene incl. jet fuel production 6.314.7532.84 Light yield (%) 74.4174.64(0.23) bps Refining yield (%)93.7793.630.14bps Refining – Operational Summary

8 8 Refining Margin / Cash Operating Cost Refining Margin (RMB/tonne) Cash Operating Cost (RMB/tonne) RMB million EBIT of Refining Segment Refining – Segment Performance

9 9 1-9’071-9’06change% Domestic sales of refined oil products (million tonnes) 88.5783.066.63 Incl. Retail (million tonnes) 55.8253.394.55 Distribution (million tonnes) 15.4614.496.69 Total number of gas stations (# sites) 28,976 28,546 1.51 Incl. Self-operated stations (# sites) 28,280 27,746 1.92 Franchised stations (# sites) 696 800 (13.0) Annualized throughput of self-operated stations (tonnes/station) 2,632 2,566 2.57 Marketing – Operational Summary

10 10 RON 90# Gasoline Guidance Price RMB/Tonne 0# Diesel Guidance Price RMB/Tonne EBIT of Marketing Segment RMB million Marketing – Segment Performance

11 11 Unit: 1,000 tonnes 1-9’071-9’06change% Ethylene 4,8874,5347.79 Synthetic resin 7,2076,28914.60 Synthetic fiber 5,9215,4019.63 Synthetic rubber 1,0741,137(5.54) Monomer & polymer for synthetic fiber 54649011.43 Urea 1,2291,321(6.96) Note: 100% production from YPC-BASF and Shanghai-Secco included. Chemicals – Operational Summary

12 12 EBIT of Chemicals Segment RMB million Chemicals – Segment Performance

13 13 Capital Expenditure Exploration and Production: RMB 30.807 billion. Newly built production capacity of crude oil and natural gas was 4.51 million tonnes per year and 0.985 billion cubic meters per year respectively Refining: RMB12.178 billion. The refinery revamping project in Yanshan completed; The refinery Projects in Qingdao, Luoyang, Wuhan, Gaoqiao and crude oil pier progressed smoothly Marketing : RMB 7.948 billion. Construction and acquisition of gas stations in key areas continued with 547 newly added stations, the marketing network got improved Chemicals: RMB 7.207 billion. Construction of Maoming ethylene expansion project, Shanghai glycol project and Yangzi-Jinpu styrene-butadiene rubber projects completed. Ethylene projects of Tianjin , Zhenhai and Fujian, as well as other projects proceeded on schedule. Corporate & Others – RMB 1.770 billion RMB million Q1-Q3 2007 Capex: RMB59.910 bn

14 14 Investor Relations Beijing:Tel: (8610) 64990060 Fax: (8610) 64990022 Email: Hong Kong:Tel: (852) 28242638 Fax: (852) 28243669 Email: New York:Tel: (212) 759 5085 Fax: (212) 759 6882 Email: Media Relations Tel: (8610) 64990092 Fax: (8610) 64990093 Email: For Further Information

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