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IEEE Standards Association Standardization in the IEEE Individual, IEEE-ISTO, and the IEEE-SA Corporate Program Chuck Adams IBM Chair, IEEE-SA Corporate.

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE Standards Association Standardization in the IEEE Individual, IEEE-ISTO, and the IEEE-SA Corporate Program Chuck Adams IBM Chair, IEEE-SA Corporate."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE Standards Association Standardization in the IEEE Individual, IEEE-ISTO, and the IEEE-SA Corporate Program Chuck Adams IBM Chair, IEEE-SA Corporate Advisory Group March 2006 Ottawa, Canada

2 IEEE: A Change Agent 115 Years of Stability and Evolution l 1884 Founding of American Institute of Electrical Engineers l 1890 Established the Henry - a practical unit of inductance l 1898 First dedicated effort toward standardization of electrotechnology in US l 1912 Institute of Radio Engineers formed its first standards committee l 1958 Joint Standards Committee of AIEE and IRE l 1963 Merger of AIEE and the IRE l 1973 Establishment of IEEE Standards Board 1998 IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Individual and Corporate membership 1999 IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO) Trade association status 2004 IEEE-SA Corporate Program

3 About the IEEE Extraordinary depth of resources 41 Technical Societies and Councils > 360,000 members 30% of worlds literature in electro- and info-technology Over 325 technical conferences per year

4 IEEE Standards Association An international membership organization serving todays industries with a complete portfolio of standards programs

5 IEEE Organizational View Industry Standards & Technology Organization (ISTO)

6 Individual Program l Cornerstone of IEEE standards development l Provides rich body of work to IT, communications, and power & energy industries worldwide l High-visibility national, regional, and international standards bodies have sought to adopt and use resulting products

7 Corporate Program l Launched in 2004 Enables quick start-up with modest development costs No infrastructure to form Supports shortened product life cycles Well-defined rules and framework Legal structure in place Clear intellectual property policy Corporate member governance Worldwide distribution Forum for multi-constituent collaboration Professional staff focus on expedited standards development l Route to global standardization Quick global industry adoption and distribution network

8 IEEE-SA Corporate Program Membership l Currently 85 corporate members in 10 countries l Sectors/categories l Battery and PC manufacturers l Networking solution providers l Power suppliers l Industry applications l Telecommunications l Information Technology l Associations l Research laboratory

9 Present Engagements: Corporate Standards Subject Areas l Power l Rechargeable Batteries for Portable Computing l Rechargeable Batteries for Cellular Telephones l Electronic System Level Design l SystemVerilog l Property Specification Language (PSL) l System C TM l SPIRIT Computer Microprocessors and Peripherals Memory Channel Test Methods for the Characterization of Organic Transistor Based Ring Oscillators Flash Memory Authentication l Broadband Over Powerlines l Outreach Areas Biotechnology Nanotechnology Internet Telephone Information Management Cognitive Radio Healthcare

10 Corporate Standards Governance IEEE-SA Corporate Advisory Group l Defines strategic direction l Infuses international industry and business perspective into standards activities l Builds broad coalitions of interested parties l Engages in IEEE-wide initiatives l Embracing the Chinese engineering community l Standards education at university level

11 IEEE-ISTO and Industry Programs l Maintain unique identity and flexibility in direction and actions l Operate under their own unique rules and procedures l Maintain complete control of its budget and operational expenses l Accommodate unique IP procedures l Legally exist l Gain recognition through affiliation with the IEEE l Operate w/o risk associated with unincorporated assoc. l Utilize resources on an as needed basis l Easily form and disband Industry Programs of the IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization, are able to….

12 IEEE International Collaboration l ISO/IEC JTC1 l 25+ years of adoption of IEEE network, operating systems, microprocessor, and software engineering standards l IEC l 30% of existing IEC library built on IEEE standards l Current Dual Logo Process facilitates rapid adoption: Power, Energy, Design Automation l ITU l Formal international recognition from radio and telecommunications sectors

13 IEEE Corporate Development Model Globally Supports All Levels and Constituents of Standards Development Consortia Global Internationalization IEEE-SAIEEE-ISTO SpecificationsC ompliance Constituents Standards

14 Overview of Process IEEE Standards Development

15 Everything you need to know… org/resources/development/ index.html Electronic resources IEEE Standards Development

16 IEEE-SA Services l Facilitate focus on technical aspects of standards development l Expedite areas of the process that are out of working group control (e.g., publishing)

17 Overview of Available SA Services Available Services l Balloting l Branding l Editorial/content support l International adoption support l Marketing and public relations l Meeting planning l No-cost standards distribution l Process support l Project management l Technical writing l Travel/meeting facilitation l Website development and maintenance Stages of Development l WG development and PAR submission l Standard development l Sponsor ballot l RevCom submission l Publication

18 Routes to IEEE Standardization l Study Group l Informal Route to develop Project Authorization Request l Develop Standardization Strategy l Organize stakeholders and leadership l IEEE Support Umbrella l Indemnification l Six month duration l Rapid Sponsor Initiation l Corporate – 3 participants l Individual – 5 participants l PAR Development Submission l Sponsor Approval l NesCom Submission

19 Going Forward with IEEE l Need for a standard l Stakeholders identification l Related standards projects internal / external to IEEE l IEEE special expertise l Critical mass of people with expertise willing to commit resource

20 IEEE Standards Enablement Core disciplines, Interoperability, Infrastructure, Converging Technologies Consortia Partnership Regional and international standards bodies collaboration l Emerging market zones corporation engagement

21 IEEE Corporate Advisory Group March 17, 2006 Motion l The IEEE-SA CAG is committed to supporting the coordinated standards development work taking place under ANSIs HITSP, with the proviso that this US-based initiative (HITSP) take into account globally relevant solutions in order to realize greater efficiency and cost effectiveness. l Further, the CAG recommends that this commitment include establishing an SCC under the Standards Board to embrace all of IEEEs interested technical standards programs. l The CAG requests that the Secretary to the SASB and BOG bring this statement of support to those Boards for their endorsement.

22 Five principles guide standards development Ensuring integrity and wide acceptance for IEEE standards IEEE-SA Standards Development

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