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THE ROLE OF COOPERATIVES IN A NATURAL DISASTER RECOVERY (Case in NAD and Yogyakarta Provinces ) Presented by Indonesia Cooperative Council ( DEKOPIN) In.

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Presentation on theme: "THE ROLE OF COOPERATIVES IN A NATURAL DISASTER RECOVERY (Case in NAD and Yogyakarta Provinces ) Presented by Indonesia Cooperative Council ( DEKOPIN) In."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE ROLE OF COOPERATIVES IN A NATURAL DISASTER RECOVERY (Case in NAD and Yogyakarta Provinces ) Presented by Indonesia Cooperative Council ( DEKOPIN) In KOBE

2 DISASTER TRAGEDY IN ACEH AND NORTH SUMATERA PROVINCES It was on Sunday, 26 th of December 2004, when the Sumatera –Andaman earthquake occurred with a magnitude of Mw 9.1 -9.3. The earthquake resulted tsunami that destroyed and wiped out all the thing on the west coast of not only Nangro Aceh Darussalam and North Sumatera Provinces, but also some coast in several countries such as India, Sri Langka, Thailand, Myanmar and some others. At least 187,000 people died and 130,000 of the victims were in Aceh and North Sumatera Provinces. The tsunami in Aceh was a natural disaster tragedy that brought about many impact such as : economic, psychological, environmental, and other impact. The government of Indonesia estimated at least US $ 4.5 Billion economic loss.

3 EARTHEQUAKE DESTROYED YOGYAKARTA On 27 th of May, 2006. Fifty seven seconds tectonic earthquake on 6.2 Richter Scale shocked Yogyakarta province. At least 6000 people died and 40,000 people were wounded. According to Indonesia government, the disaster in Yogyakarta brought about US $ 3.1 Billion economic loss. As well Tsunami in Aceh, earthquake in Yogyakarta destroyed thousand of houses and production facilities of SME’s and cooperatives.

4 Potential area of disaster in Indonesia 1.Earthquake : West coast of Sumatera Island, South coast Java Island, Nusatenggara, Papua. 2.Flood : Sumatera island, West Java, and some island as impact of deforestry. 3. Mountain eruption : All volcanic mountains. 4. Tsunami : Sumatera, Sulawesi, Nusatenggara. ( Source : Indonesian National Board of Disaster Management ).




8 Source : Google

9 Map of Yogyakarta

10 Source : Google Earthquake in Yogyakarta

11 IMPLICATION OF DISASTER TO SME AND COOPERATIVES VICTIMS 1.The damage of their house and production facility. 2. No business activity. 3. Incapability to pay the installment of loan or credit. 4. Trauma and psychological effect. 5. Loss and damage the important file or document. 6. Mental and physical suffering. 7. Etc.

12 The significant role of DEKOPINWIL Aceh Province in reconstruction and rehabilitations phase 1.As cooperatives organization, Dekopinwil Aceh province took actively a strategic action by making coordination and involvement with Local Government and Board of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction ( formed by The Government of Indonesia ). Some activities done by Dekopinwil were : training for member and board of Coop, distributing productive equipment for cooperative such as fishery vessel, mini store ( coop mart), 2. To build Center of Cooperative Recovery. 3. Distributing aid from other countries cooperatives : UK- cooperative, Singapore National Cooperative Federation, ICA, Sweden Coop, 4.Supported by some donor institutions, Dekopinwil Aceh conducted some training activities for SME. 5.Conducting a cooperation with some foreign NGO such as Oxfam Novib to build saving and loan cooperative s

13 The role of Dekopinwil Yogyakarta Province In Rehabilitation and Reconstruction phase 1.The role of Dekopinwil Yogyakarta to be part of Provincial Government authority and Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management in rehabilitation and reconstruction phase. The Provincial Government made a policy in which all donation and aid for the victim of disaster should be centralized and distributed by government. 2. The role of Dekopinwil assisted the government for identifying the coop that need support and rehabilitation. 3. Aid from other cooperatives were submitted by Dekopinwil to the Provincial Board of Rehabilitation a d Reconstruction.

14 1.Tsunami in Aceh and earthquake in Yogyakarta had risen the solidarity among nations included cooperative movement. It could be proven by the spontaneous aid and support from many countries and cooperatives organizations to the victims of disaster. 2.Disaster in Aceh and Yogyakarta had also build Indonesian national solidarity, better humanism, and care among others. 3. The disaster showed that actually the spirit of cooperatives is very important and cooperatives could share significantly in rehabilitation and reconstruction process. Positive impact of the disaster

15 Conclusion and hopes Learning that cooperatives had showed its significant role concerning disaster, and considering serious disaster could happen to any nation, it is important for ICA : 1.Developing and fostering cooperatives solidarity and concern. 2.Making a special bank account for receiving aid or financial support from any cooperatives organization/ movement as emergency fund that could be used for immediately aid for cooperatives victim of disaster. 3.Insisting all member of ICA to have a special fund that is easy to be mobilized in case of natural disaster occur on their members respectively.


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