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Building Knowledge Bases from Reusable Components Peter Clark Boeing Applied Research and Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Knowledge Bases from Reusable Components Peter Clark Boeing Applied Research and Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Knowledge Bases from Reusable Components Peter Clark Boeing Applied Research and Technology

2 Fragment of a Knowledge-Base “What steps are involved in bioremediation?” “How does pollutant volume affect rate?” “What equipment is needed?” “What do the microbes do?”... Example queries: BioremediationAmount OilFertilizer GetApply Break Down Absorb MicrobesScript Bio- technologist Soil Rate environment contains Q+ I- Q- I+ amount product absorbed then agent patientagent script pollutant se rate agent then product se patient remediator amount Person isa... agent

3 Potentials… Growth of on-line, structured information, eg –XML –On-line databases (eg. commercial, geographic) –eCommerce –NLP-generated structures Requirements for more than fact retrieval, eg –Search / Information Access (“best search engine wins...”) –Knowledge Management –NL understanding / MLT / Speech The growing demand for knowledge processing:

4 The Botany KB Experience 10 yr effort, 20k concepts, 100k facts Supports sophisticated question-answering –description –prediction But: –KB still highly incomplete –laborious to build/maintain –difficult to achieve reuse  want a better approach!

5 Fundamental Problem Reliance on manual construction of many specific representations: –impractical, unmaintainable –can’t anticipate them all But: –representations contain repeated abstractions production occurs in photosynthesis, mitosis, growth germination includes conversion, production, expansion Goal: Capture abstractions in a recomposable way

6 BioremediationAmount OilFertilizer GetApply Break Down Absorb MicrobesScript Bio- technologist Soil Rate environment contains Q+ I- Q- I+ amount product absorbed then agent patientagent script pollutant se rate agent then product se patient remediator amount Representation of Bioremediation agent

7 BioremediationAmount OilFertilizer GetApply Break Down Absorb MicrobesScript Bio- technologist Soil Rate environment contains Q+ I- Q- I+ amount product absorbed then agent patientagent script pollutant se rate agent then product se patient remediator Conversion Amount Substance Rate Q+ I- Q- I+ amountraw- materials rate product Substance amount An underlying abstraction... agent

8 BioremediationAmount OilFertilizer GetApply Break Down Absorb MicrobesScript Bio- technologist Soil Rate environment contains Q+ I- Q- I+ amount product absorbed then agent patientagent script pollutant se rate agent then product se remediator amount Digest Substance Break Down Absorb AgentScript absorbed agent script food se then se patient eater agent Another abstraction... patient agent

9 BioremediationAmount OilFertilizer GetApply Break Down Absorb MicrobesScript Bio- technologist Soil Rate environment contains Q+ I- Q- I+ amount product absorbed then agent patientagent script pollutant se rate agent then product se patient remediator amount Another abstraction... Treatment Thing GetApply Thing Script Person agent patient script patient agent then se patient applied agent

10 A Component-Based Approach Represent component abstractions explicitly Define concepts as compositions Construct representations on-demand to answer qns KB Architecture Component theories = abstract, reusable models Definitions = specifications of compositions Inference = construct compositions as needed to answer questions.

11 Lessons from a Dictionary... Car: a Vehicle for Passengers Vehicle: a Means for Transporting something Transport: to Move from one Place to another Move: to GoGo: to Move Specific concepts defined as compositions of abstract concepts  Most abstract concepts appeal to core, foundational theories 

12 1. Component Theories A coherent, encapsulated system of concepts & relns Contains: –ontology (vocabulary of concepts and relations) –axioms (rules) relating these Provides semantics for these concepts in the KB Can layer these theories (define one using others)

13 Example: Distribution Network Rules (axioms): PRODUCERS produce MATERIAL. CONSUMERS can consume MATERIAL. A network element may be BLOCKED or UNBLOCKED. If an element connects with an UNBLOCKED element, then it has an ACCESS to that element. A CONSUMER is SUPPLIED if it has ACCESS to a PRODUCER. …. Ontology Producer Intermediary Consumer Material connects supplied state Producer Intermediary Consumer Intermediary

14 Axiom Representation (example) e1:Element connected- element Unblocked state e2:Element e1:Element access-to e2:Element   e1,e2:Element connected-element(e1,e2)  state(e2,Unblocked)  access-to(e1,e2) (every Element has (access-to ( (allof (the connected-element of Self ) where ((the state of It) = Unblocked ))))) “If an element connects to an UNBLOCKED element, then it has ACCESS to that element.” (iii) Implementation (KM) (ii) Logic (i) Semantic network

15 Other component theories... Supply-and-demand Containment Machines Production network Two-state object Transportation...

16 2. Definitions and Composition Definition = specification of a composition –a Fuel-Cell is a Producer of Electricity –a Bulb is an Electrical Resistor producing Light –a Camera is an Image Recording Device –a Wire is a Conduit of Electricity Automated composition: –Elaboration: component supplies info to answer query –Classification: recognize concepts in the composition

17 ( Camera has (superclasses ( Device ))) (every Camera has (behavior ((a Recording with (input ( Image ))))) 2. Composition (example) Composition: Camera = an Image Recording Device Recording Image Device behavior input Query: Failure modes of a camera?

18 ( Device has (superclasses ( Physobj ))) (every Device has (behavior ((a Activity ))) (failure-modes ( (the failure-modes of (the participants of the behavior of Self )))))) Activity Physobj Device Failure- Mode Failure- Mode failure- mode failure- mode failure- mode failure- mode behavior participants Physobj Component Theory: Devices Physobj part. Failure- Mode Failure- Mode failure- mode failure- mode failure- mode failure- mode Recording Image Device behavior input

19 Physobj part. Failure- Mode Failure- Mode failure- mode failure- mode failure- mode failure- mode Recording Image Device behavior input Query: Failure modes of a camera? Sub-query: Participants in its behavior?

20 Component Theory: Recording ( Recording has (superclasses ( Activity ))) (every Recording has (input ((a Signal ))) (participants ( (a Receptor with (input ((the input of Self )))... Recording Signal Receptor Memory-Unit ReceivingWriting Signal input agent subevents patient input output input participant Physobj part. Failure- Mode Failure- Mode failure- mode failure- mode failure- mode failure- mode Recording Image Device behavior input Receptor Memory-Unit ReceivingWriting Signal input agent subevents patient part. input output part.

21 Image Receptor Signal Recording Device behavior input Memory-Unit ReceivingWriting input agent subevents patient part. input output part. Failure- Mode Failure- Mode failure- mode failure- mode failure- mode failure- mode Run-Time Classification: Aperture = an Image Receptor

22 Image Receptor Signal Recording Device behavior input Memory-Unit ReceivingWriting input agent subevents patient part. input output part. Failure- Mode Failure- Mode failure- mode failure- mode failure- mode failure- mode input output failure- mode Image Aperture Image Blockage Run-Time Classification: Aperture = an Image Receptor Aperture - inputs an image - outputs an image - might be blocked -... input output failure- mode Image Aperture Image Blockage

23 Run-Time Classification: Aperture = an Image Receptor Film= an Image Memory-Unit Blockage Recording Device behavior input Memory-Unit ReceivingWriting agent subevents patient part. input part. Failure- Mode failure- mode failure- mode failure- mode input output failure- mode Image Aperture Image

24 Run-Time Classification: Aperture = an Image Receptor Film= an Image Memory-Unit Film - includes a sheet coated with image-sensitive chemical - might age -... Blockage Recording Device behavior input Memory-Unit ReceivingWriting agent subevents patient part. input part. Failure- Mode failure- mode failure- mode failure- mode input output failure- mode Image Aperture Image Aging Film input failure- mode Image Chemical sensitive-to covering Sheet parts Aging Film input failure- mode Image Chemical sensitive-to covering Sheet parts

25 Blockage Recording Device behavior input Receiving Writing agent subevents patient part. input part. failure- mode failure- mode failure- mode input output failure- mode Image Aperture Image Aging Film input failure- mode Chemical sensitive-to covering Sheet Query: Failure modes of a camera? Blockage, Aging Sub-query: Participants in its behavior? Aperture, Film

26 KM>(a Device with (behavior ((a Recording with (input (Image)))))) _Device01 KM> (the failure-modes of _Device01) (the behavior of _Device01) _Recording01 KM> Demo...  failure modes of its participants? (from Device)  what are the participants?  a Receptor and a Memory-Unit. (from Recording) (classification) [Trace: _Receptor31 classified as a Aperture] [Trace: _Memory-Unit32 classified as a Film]  an Aperture and a Film.  failure modes of an Aperture and a Film?  Blocking, Aging. (from Aperture and Film)

27 KM>(a Device with (behavior ((a Recording with (input (Image)))))) _Device01 KM> (the failure-modes of _Device01) (the behavior of _Device01) _Recording01 KM> Demo...  failure modes of its participants? (from Device)  what are the participants?  a Receptor and a Memory-Unit. (from Recording) (classification) [Trace: _Receptor31 classified as a Aperture] [Trace: _Memory-Unit32 classified as a Film]  an Aperture and a Film.  failure modes of an Aperture and a Film?  Blocking, Aging. (from Aperture and Film) (Blocking Aging) KM> [Trace: _Writing45 classified as a Exposing] (_Receiving45 _Exposing46) KM> (the subevents of (the behavior of _Device01))

28 Other Compositions... Sound Recording Device (tape recorder) Recording Sound Device behavior input Sound Producing Device (stereo) Vibration Recording Device (seismology) Idea Recording Device (palmtop) etc.

29 Compound Concepts are Ubiquitous –Botany: photosynthesis plant material distribution... –Aerospace: turbine gearbox assembly case drain fluid …(43k acronyms!)… –Sentences also: “The aircraft overshot the runway.” “The air-conditioning unit had no power.”...

30 Overall Architecture 2. Component theories (computational clockwork) Producer Consumer Circuit... Distn.Network Physobj Move Location... Movement 1. Ontology (conceptual vocabulary)... Thing

31 Overall Architecture 1. Ontology (conceptual vocabulary) 2. Component theories (computational clockwork) Producer Consumer Circuit... Distn.Network Physobj Move Location... Movement... Producer Consumer Circuit Thing

32 Overall Architecture 1. Ontology (conceptual vocabulary) 2. Component theories (computational clockwork) Producer Consumer Circuit... Distn.Network Physobj Move Location... Movement... Physobj Activity Move Thing

33 Overall Architecture 1. Ontology (conceptual vocabulary) 3. Definitions and Descriptions (describe concepts in terms of others) 2. Component theories (computational clockwork) Producer Consumer Circuit... Distn.Network Physobj Move Location... Movement... Thing Bulb = Light-producing Electrical Consumer 4. Databases of basic facts (instances)

34 Prototype KBS: PHaSE Trainer Computer + Screen Laser source

35 PHaSE KB Architecture... Thing 1. Ontology Bulb = Light-producing Electrical Consumer parts: Filament, Terminals... 2-state Object Blckable DAG Process Network Distrn Network Optical Circuits Elec. Circuits Machine Discrete events 2. Component theories

36 PHaSE KB Architecture Blckable DAG Process Network Distrn Network Optical Circuits Elec. Circuits... Thing 1. Ontology 2. Component theories Carousel = a Revolving Case for Storage 3. Definitions and Descriptions

37 PHaSE KB Architecture Blckable DAG Process Network Distrn Network Optical Circuits Elec. Circuits... Thing 1. Ontology 2. Component theories 4. Basic Facts about PHaSE PH. Science Checklists PH. Circuit PHaSE physical structure 3. Definitions and Descriptions Carousel =...

38 Example Queries “The parts of the PHaSE control panel?” PHaSE-cover-screw, main power switch, PHaSE MOTOR PWR light, … “The tool for removing the cover screw?” 4.5mm screwdriver “The possible malfunctions of the PHaSE MOTOR PWR light?” “The motor pwr light has no electricity. (_ Absence23 ) The filament of the motor pwr light is burned out.(_ Burned-Out24 ) The carousel motor is tripped.”(_ Tripped25 ) “The corrective actions for a tripped motor?” “Toggle the power switch of the carousel motor.”

39 PHaSE User Interface


41 Application:Product Description/eCommerce... KB Abalt Ltd London UK bolt M8 titanium 3Al-2.5V 0.03 GBP “Low-priced fastener?” “no import restrictions?” “heat-resistant to 600F?” “nearby supplier?”... “M8 titanium alloy bolt” (XML)

42 Knowledge Requirements for this... KB “Low-priced fastener?” “no import restrictions?” “heat-resistant to 600F?” “nearby supplier?”... Component Theories Definitions Fact databases Transportation (transport, location, vehicle, …) Commerce (buyer, goods, …) Finance (money, account, exchange-rate, …) Material physics (temperature, density, …)... Purchase = an exchange of goods for money Delivery = the transport of goods from a seller to a buyer... Geography Vendors Materials Part-lists

43 Application: Incident DB Search 950708025099G THE AIRPLANE OVERSHOT THE RUNWAY. STOPPED 40 FEET FROM END. 961003038219C NUMBER 1 ENGINE FAILED DURING TAKEOFF. RETURNED. 961211044319C A PASSENGER CUSSED OUT THE FLIGHT ATTENDANT. PASSENGER REMOVED. 961203043609C BLEW TIRE DURING LANDING. FAA Flight Incident Database Example Search Questions: “Which events affected the propulsion? (2) “Which events might have damaged the undercarriage? (1,4) “Which events required a mechanic? (1,2,4)... (2) (1) (4) (3)

44 Application: Incident DB Search 950708025099G THE AIRPLANE OVERSHOT THE RUNWAY. STOPPED 40 FEET FROM END. 961003038219C NUMBER 1 ENGINE FAILED DURING TAKEOFF. RETURNED. 961211044319C A PASSENGER CUSSED OUT THE FLIGHT ATTENDANT. PASSENGER REMOVED. 961203043609C BLEW TIRE DURING LANDING. FAA Flight Incident Database (2) (1) (4) (3) (a Incident with (aircraft ((a Piper-PA-32 ))) (destination ( OHare-Airport )))) (event ((a Overshooting with (agent ((the aircraft of Self ))) (target ((the runway of (the destination of Self )))))) Representation (“Specification”) + Composition  Answers

45 Related Work Component-based approaches –Compositional Modeling (CML, Xerox) –Description Logics (composition) –problem-solving methods (KADS) –contexts (Cyc) –s/w engineering (many! Patterns, Comp. Arch) Large-scale KBs –Cyc, BKB, TOVE, HPKB –WordNet, Pangloss

46 Summary Demand and potential of knowledge processing Component-based architecture –ontology –core theories –definitions (specifications of compositions) –basic fact libraries Staged, evaluable development possible –simple, inferred fact delivery… –…to a large-scale knowledge resource

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