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J-C BRIENT LLR AGENDA CALORIMETRY and other subdetectors session J-C. BRIENT LLR Status report on the W-Si ECAL 30’ V. VRBA IP-ASCR Silicon pad sensors.

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Presentation on theme: "J-C BRIENT LLR AGENDA CALORIMETRY and other subdetectors session J-C. BRIENT LLR Status report on the W-Si ECAL 30’ V. VRBA IP-ASCR Silicon pad sensors."— Presentation transcript:

1 J-C BRIENT LLR AGENDA CALORIMETRY and other subdetectors session J-C. BRIENT LLR Status report on the W-Si ECAL 30’ V. VRBA IP-ASCR Silicon pad sensors for the W-Si ECAL 30’ S. MANEN LPC Readout electronics for the W-Si ECAL 30’ P. CHECCHIA PADOVA Status of the tile-silicon ECAL project 30’ V. KORBEL DESY Status of the tile HCAL 30’ J. CVACH IP-ASCR Tile and fiber measurement for the tile HCAL 30’ B. DOGOLSHEIN MEPhI Readout of the tile HCAL with silicon PM 20’ T. TAKESHITA SHINSHU ACFA/JLC calorimeter studies 20’ J. REPOND ANL In search for an active medium for the HCAL 25’ V. AMMOSOV IHEP Progress report on the digital HCAL at IHEP25’ E. FISK FNAL Scintillator based muon detector 10’ M. PICOLLO LNF Status on the muon detector 20’ About 5 hours session

2 J-C BRIENT LLR 2 projects on the way - LCcal (Italian project) Lead/tiles+3 planes of silicon (next september) CALICE collaboration -CALICE collaboration Silicon – tungsten (40 layers) 30 layers in prototype (end of 2003) Project active medium readout LCcal tile+fiber PM (just for proto.) silicon matrixchip on PCB CALICE CALICE silicon matrix chip (Opera) on PCB dedicated R&D for new VFE chip CALORIMETER EM

3 J-C BRIENT LLR LCcal project

4 J-C BRIENT LLR Scintillator tiles 3 mm Kuraray SCSN-61(25x25 cm 2 ) 3 mm Bicron BC-408 (25x25 cm 2 ) Machined with vacuum plate as holder Whole Production starting now LCcal P.Checchia presentation LARGE tile plates BUT SMALLER CELLS - cross talks - light collection effic. - in B-field ??

5 J-C BRIENT LLR The ACFA calorimeter design LCcal In sense very similar to the LCcal  tiles + 2 high granularity planes (not in Si) ECAL and projective tiles /lead in the HCAL - nice e/h ratio almost flat in momentum - some developments on the photodetector side -main concerns on the granularity optimisation PFLOW photon/pion geometrical separation  PFLOW In progress, we can hope to have informations at LCW2002

6 J-C BRIENT LLR CALICE coll. Physics prototype -- tungsten  good first prod. ITEP,IHEP,LLR -- Si. matrix  in production IP-ASCR, MSU,PICM -- VFE chip  first version in prod LAL -- Digital part + DAQ  in definition in UK 5 labs(IC,UCL,Manch.,Camb.,Birm.)

7 J-C BRIENT LLR Top view of the pads in the Si matrix Deposition of Si am. for the AC coupling 5 masks DC coupling THEN See V.Vrba presentation CALICE coll. 1 cm

8 J-C BRIENT LLR CALICE coll. R&D for the final project - silicon matrix  large scale prod. IP-ASCR, MSU,PICM,SNU,LLR - VFE chip  Proto. to fundery LAL, LPC - A new design of the detector slab  LLR,Manchester, …(need volunteers here) Presentation of S.Manen -3 gains - low noise - low power - different techno. - MUX+ ADC’s included ….

9 J-C BRIENT LLR There are good reasons to believe in a cost of 2 € /cm² for the silicon For the complete set ECAL + HCAL + Muon-CH ( MCH) CMS Calice -FLC 216 132/178 18/40% reduction Cost of the calorimeter W-Si ECAL cost … still an argument ?

10 J-C BRIENT LLR My personal view on the ECAL status LCcal - expected performances on jets for LCcal missing ACFA only in progress for ACFA projective tiles - advanced study on the hardware side AFCA on AFCA and LCcal W/Si-CALICE only in progress for W/Si-CALICE LINK with PFLOW and physics results Volunteers needed !!!

11 J-C BRIENT LLR HADRONIC CALORIMETER Evolution or revolution?  HC1  5X5 to 20x20 cm tiles/steel sampling known technology for a semi-analytic PFLOW (tiles size) Scint. Tiles/lead projective tower + photodetector (APD,…)  HC2  1X1 cm digital readout Totally PFLOW oriented, A brand new way to measure energy (well not so brand new …)

12 J-C BRIENT LLR Well covered by R&D  scintillator – fiber – geometry ITEP,DESY,IP-ASCR Not covered by R&D  AGING – Perf. In B-field – photodetector (in preparation at ITEP,….) (in preparation at ITEP,….) (review by Volker Korbel and talks by B.Dolgoshein, J.Cvach) APD, Si PM, multi-anode APD,….. far from a clear view on that side TILE HCAL

13 J-C BRIENT LLR Search for optimal WLS-Fibre arrangement 10 different TF configurations studied WLS fibre end polished, no reflector air gap contact to tile Tyvek reflector on tile tile irradiated with collimated Ru 106 source, simple current measurement for LY Ru 106 source,  ~ 2cm Talks from V.Korbel (DESY)

14 J-C BRIENT LLR Example: tile with middle groove fiber on side fiber in groove Groove effect not masked by source profile PM Talks from J.Cvach (IP-ASCR)

15 J-C BRIENT LLR Pixel gain sensitivity SiPM APD on voltage dG/G ~ 7 dV/V dG/G ~ 75 dV/V dG/G ~ 3% for dV=0.1 V (V=24.5 V) on temperature dG/G ~ 1.7 dT/T ( o K) dG/G ~ 17 dT/T dG/G ~ 0.5% for dT=1 o (T o =-20 o C) Silicon photomultiplier Talks by B.Dolgoshein WARNING on saturation effect !!!  number of pixel/mm² on efficiency

16 J-C BRIENT LLR Scintillator in US Advantages: Old technology Effort in US : NIU-NICCAD Has to work in B-field Choices: Avalanche photodiodes: low gain Hybrid photodiodes: complicated readout VLPC: Visual Light Photon Counters Quantum efficiency: 60 – 80 % Gain: 10 5 – 10 6 Operates at 7 0 K MRS: Metal Resistor Semiconductor Photodiodes Recent development Quantum efficiency: ~30% Operates at room temperature Plot by V Rykalin ADC counts Cosmic ray test Realistic set-up with fibers etc. Different types of scintillator Fiber routing and light losses Investigations Readout

17 J-C BRIENT LLR DIGITAL HCAL Which active medium Which active medium - talks by V.Ammosov (IHEP), J.Repond (ANL) - RPC’s (avalanche or streamer) - SDT (short drift tubes) - GEM (proposal from Uni.Texas) Which radiator Nobody works here – need volunteers Acceptable Rates and occupancy Thickness Cost for large area Cross talk Efficiency for a mip

18 J-C BRIENT LLR First results for RPC’s at IHEP(V.Ammosov) m.i.p. efficiency about 95-98 % Fake (noise) about 0.2 Hz/cm² cross talks 1.06 (SDT) /1.2 (RPC’s) BUT Very encouraging results BUT need a similar measurement with a multilayers device using thin readout electronics,….. A weak place today, NEED VOLUNTEERS

19 J-C BRIENT LLR Test set-up at Argonne Cosmic ray telescope Computer controlled readout - Events written to disk - Possibility to readout large number of channels Test chambers Obtained from FNAL Glass: t = 2.1 mm Single gap: 2.1 mm Gas Freon 62% Argon 30% Isobutene 8% J.Repond (ANL Talks by J.Repond (ANL)

20 J-C BRIENT LLR Tile-HCAL Tile-HCAL is a known technollogy  well covered by R&D and a prototype is foreseen  Need clearly work on photodet. and readout system Digital HCAL Digital HCAL is a rising activity  It looks promising but needs definitely more work Don’t be afraid by calorimeters, (ILC-detector panel…) and join us in this adventure…. and join us in this adventure…. conclusion

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