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Chapters 1 and 2. Geography Study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features on the earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapters 1 and 2. Geography Study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features on the earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapters 1 and 2

2 Geography Study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features on the earth

3 5 Themes-Location “Where is it?” Absolute-exact Relative-comparative

4 5 Themes-Place “What is it like?” Physical-landforms, climate Cultural-religion, traditions

5 5 Themes-Region “How are places similar?” DFW North Texas

6 5 Themes- Human-Environment Interaction “How do people interact with the environment?” Depend-rivers Modify-roads Adapt-clothes

7 5 Themes- Movement “How do people, goods, and ideas move from place to place?” Technology is most important

8 Equator An imaginary line that divides the earth into northern and southern halves

9 Prime meridian Imaginary line dividing the earth into eastern and western halves

10 Hemisphere Half of the earth Northern, southern, eastern, western

11 Globe 3-Dimensional representation of earth Not portable

12 Cartographer Person who makes maps Map is 2-D, distorts landmasses, and is portable

13 Topographic Map Shows natural and man-made features on the earth

14 Thematic Map Emphasizes specific information like climate or vegetation or population

15 GIS-Geographic Information System A system that uses digital map information to create a databank Can add or remove different layers to highlight certain information

16 Economic – financial issues, business Social – Culture, society Political – government, leaders Nature – Environment, resources, physical geography

17 Chapter 2 Objective: Explain the physical forces that shape the Earth and how they affect people

18 Hydrosphere Includes all water on earth Ocean=71% The Blue Planet

19 Lithosphere The solid rock- portion of the earth’s surface Includes crust and upper most mantle

20 Atmosphere The oxygen we breathe, protects earth from radiation, allows for weather and climate to occur

21 Hydrologic Cycle Continuous circulation of water between earth, atmosphere and oceans

22 Magma/Lava Molten Rock under/above surface

23 Tectonic Plates Giant moving pieces of the earth’s crust

24 Plate Movement Divergent-move apart, spreading horizontally Convergent-collide, one goes under or both crumple Transform-slide past one another


26 Ring of Fire Zone around Pacific Ocean where most volcanoes and earthquakes occur

27 Earthquake Violent movement of the earth’s crust

28 Volcano Crack in the earth’s crust where molten rock exits Often on a mountain or bulge Violent

29 Tsunami Giant wave usually caused by underwater earthquakes or volcanoes

30 Destruction during Japanese Tsunami 2011

31 Aftermath at vehicle shipping yard

32 Weathering Process which acts upon the earth's surface to decompose and breakdown rocks and earth.

33 Glacier Large, slow moving mass of ice. Moves because of gravity

34 Erosion The movement of weathered material by wind, water, or ice

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