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Web-based language training and related services the right the right time in the right place.

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Presentation on theme: "Web-based language training and related services the right the right time in the right place."— Presentation transcript:

1 web-based language training and related services the right word @ the right time in the right place

2 Presentation Overview  Who are Abacus Communications?  What do we do?  Who is using our products?  How do we sell our products and services?

3 Who are Abacus Communications?  Headquarters in Dublin, Ireland  Irish-owned company  Design, develop and deliver world-class web-based learning solutions since 1996  Products meet international best practice standards  Over 50 man-years of software product development, software project management and multi-lingual content creation experience

4 Abacus CEO  J. Stephen Byrne, MPhil. (App. Ling.), HDip. in Ed., Dip. TEFLA, MIITD, has studied and worked in Asia, continental Europe and the British Isles over the past twenty years.  He has led courses at a number of multinational companies and plays an active part in the development of Flexible Learning Programmes. He has presented and published papers on the effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL).

5 Abacus Products  Let‘s Do Business web-based English for Business language course  Webschool; web-based General English programme ; web-based English for Academic Purposes course (IELTS)  Talking Your Language & Speaking your Language; modern languages for primary and second level schools  Tell me More Online; modern languages for adults

6 Key features of all products  Pedagogically sound as it is based on years of academic research both in Ireland and abroad  Specialised learning programmes  Technically reliable as it is widely adopted in companies and academic organisations throughout Europe.  Conforms to software industry standards (AICC/SCORM) so compatible with leading industry Learning Management System (LMS) platforms.AICC/SCORM

7 Some Customer Comments “Very user friendly… the audio quality is excellent …. The lay out of the screen is excellent … there is a huge amount of language practice … phonology exercises are inventive … vocabulary; there are some gems of exercises” “The screen is useful, easy to navigate and allowing easy access to the toolbar should there be computer problems. The glossary is good, … The feedback is easy to understand and silent which makes it pleasant and not patronising. … It was good to hear mixed English pronunciations and not just RP. I couldn't resist using the achievement test (good name for it by the way).” From: Ahrens, Gillian Audi Akademie. “I have been showing the internet version you sent me to ….. She was very interested and.... the variety of exercises and means to carry them out (dragging, typing, etc) was also appreciated.” Sally Lenoir / France Telecom Responsable Formation en Anglais

8 Benefits to organisations  Better trained, more effective workforce  Measure return on training investment  Train more personnel for less cost  “Just-in-time” training  Consistent course quality  Maximise investment in technology infrastructure

9 Abacus – Business Model  Annual Subscription Model Unlimited time ASP or customised Fixed cost

10 Abacus – the competition  Abacus’ EFL web-based products can be clearly distinguished from the competition according to a number of criteria;  variety of Spoken English offered (American, Australian, British, etc.)  type of English offered (General English, English for business, English for Academic Purposes)  levels of proficiency (beginner to advanced)  conformance with international industry standards (pedagogical and technical)  other added value (CD support, printed materials, tutoring either remote or face-2-face)  quality of products and support services

11 Abacus – References  Abacus sells business-to-business. It has established preferred partnerships with companies in its target markets.  References for your country are available upon request.

12 Abacus – References  Abacus is a client of Enterprise Ireland ( Enterprise Ireland is a government agency created to support Irish exporting Enterprise Ireland facilitates Abacus to develop its export business by enabling the company to take advantage of its extensive range of support services.  For more information, contact Ms Deirdre O’Neill, Development Advisor, Digital Media, eLearning Dept. Enterprise Ireland, 35-39 Shelbourne Rd, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Ph: 01 6092145 Fax: 01 609 2121 Mobile 087 650 0879

13 Thank you for your attention Abacus Communications Ltd. 12 Main Street, Lucan, Co. Dublin, Ireland Tel: +353 1 628 2055 Fax: +353 1 621 9550

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