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Linac BPM Electronics Upgrade PIP Status report Elliott McCrory March 6, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Linac BPM Electronics Upgrade PIP Status report Elliott McCrory March 6, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linac BPM Electronics Upgrade PIP Status report Elliott McCrory March 6, 2013

2 Outline  The good parts  All modules are installed  All positions have been verified as reasonable  ACNET Devices read correctly  OAC is running and doing many of the specified actions  New Java applications are loaded  The not-so-good part  Continue to have commissioning problems with modules  OAC response is not great  Java applications need work  Measurements  Software Status 3/5/2013 BPM Status 2

3 Personnel Review  Instrumentation  EM  Nathan Eddy  Technicians as needed  Linac  Matt Gardner  Technicians as needed  PPD  Sten Hansen  Terry Kiper 3/5/2013 BPM Status 3

4 The Good Parts

5 Installations  15 “Masters” in 15 crates are online.  Some BPM Pickups are faulty  BPV5OT: Is beam hitting the pickup? 3/5/2013 BPM Status 5

6 Modules on hand  These 71 modules exist  S/N 3, 4, 6, 7, 9-20, 22-37, 39-61, 64, 65, 67- 74, 87, 90, 91, 93  Photos – Tank 5 (Typical of LEL) 3/5/2013 BPM Status 6

7 Diagnostics Room

8 Linac 400 MeV 3/5/2013 BPM Status 8

9 Booster 400 MeV 3/5/2013 BPM Status 9

10 Booster Rack 2 3/5/2013 BPM Status 10

11 Booster Rack 3 3/5/2013 BPM Status 11

12 Measurements BPM Status 12 3/5/2013

13 Simple Phase Correlation L:D52BF L:D74BF 3/5/2013 BPM Status 13

14 BPM Status 14 3/5/2013 SVD for Phases 0: D42BF 1, 2: D7TOR SV 3

15 Simple Position Correlation L:D22BPH L:D23BPH 3/5/2013 BPM Status 15

16 Simple Position Correlation B:HPLAM B:HPQ2 3/5/2013 BPM Status 16

17 SVD: First singular value 3/5/2013 BPM Status 17 D12BPV D34BPV D54BPV D62BPV D64BPV D72BPV D22BPV D23BPV D31BPV D43BPV VPQ2

18 Second singular value BPM Status 18 3/5/2013 D13BPH D21BPHD23BPH D31BPH D41BPH D51BPH D61BPH D71BPH D74BPH HPQ2

19 7 th & 9 th singular value: Noisy? BPM Status 19 3/5/2013 D13BPV D44BPH

20 Controls Software BPM Status 20 3/5/2013

21 Java Applications: Screen Shots 3/5/2013 BPM Status 21

22 Linac BPM Expert 3/5/2013 BPM Status 22

23 Access to internal registers 3/5/2013 BPM Status 23

24 Calibration with CalTone 3/5/2013 BPM Status 24

25 Synchronous DAQ Waveforms 3/5/2013 BPM Status 25

26 Sync. DAQ Waveforms 3/5/2013 BPM Status 26

27 Multiplexed Waveforms 3/5/2013 BPM Status 27

28 Register Summaries 3/5/2013 BPM Status 28

29 Ongoing work

30 List of commissioning problems  Several one-offs that have been fixed  E.g., forgetting to “save” registers properly so that they come up in the correct configuration.  Simple problems with modules (e.g., loose connection, S/W bugs) Easily repaired by Hansen/Kiper  NIM Power supply failure  805 MHz input signal problem  Each module requires 805 MHz at ~ -10 dBm  When it goes away, FPGA enters undefined state  Kiper & Hansen understand the problem; developing a work-around  This seems to manifest itself only in the 400 MeV BPMs Source: Debuncher room 3/5/2013 BPM Status 30

31 Controls Software TO DO  Booster 400 MeV line steering  Bill Marsh & Mike Sliczniak are on it  Problems in OAC/Module communications  Leads to slow response taking fraction minute to see result  Gives impression that Java apps are unreliable  More bells & whistles? 3/5/2013 BPM Status 31

32 Other TO DO  Calibration  Better data analysis BPM Status 32 3/5/2013

33 Summary  Installation is complete  Still seeing startup problems  Java/expert apps need work BPM Status 33 3/5/2013

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