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A Calendar Oriented Service for Smart Home Author : Yuan-Chih Yu, Shing-chem D. You, Dwen-Ren Tsai Sourse : Sixth International Networked Computing and.

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Presentation on theme: "A Calendar Oriented Service for Smart Home Author : Yuan-Chih Yu, Shing-chem D. You, Dwen-Ren Tsai Sourse : Sixth International Networked Computing and."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Calendar Oriented Service for Smart Home Author : Yuan-Chih Yu, Shing-chem D. You, Dwen-Ren Tsai Sourse : Sixth International Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management (NCM), 2010 Speaker : Cheng-Wei Wang Advisor : Ku-Yaw Chang 1

2 Outline  Introduction  Ambient intelligence in home  Home service to support home member activities  Combine spring and BPEL in OSGI platform  Evaluation and discussion  Conclude 2

3 Outline  Introduction  Ambient intelligence in home  Home service to support home member activities  Combine spring and BPEL in OSGI platform  Evaluation and discussion  Conclude 3

4 Introduction  What is smart home  improve the quality of life of people  The vision of smart home  Personalized  Adaptive  Anticipatory 4

5 Introduction  Five goals for a service  Availability  No matter user or environments change  Transparency  Show interface and hides the underlying technology  Seamlessness  From one environment to another is not disruptive or interfering  Awareness  Make service greater awareness of the consumer  Trustworthiness 5

6 Introduction  dynamic home calendar  integrates all members' activity together  more intelligent and automatic possibility suitable for smart home development 6

7 Outline  Introduction  Ambient intelligence in home  Home service to support home member activities  Combine spring and BPEL in OSGI platform  Evaluation and discussion  Conclude 7

8 Ambient intelligence in home  Ambient intelligence(AmI)  In 1999, Philips Research proposed  dynamically adapted to the interaction context  Basic elements  Ubiquity  surrounded by a multitude of interconnected embedded systems  Transparency  surrounding systems are invisible and moved into the background  Intelligence  learn from their behavior, and possibly show emotion 8

9 Ambient intelligence in home  Context-aware computation  key factor for AmI system  system automatically senses the calculation of context  adjusts its behavior to reflect its own judgment  Environmental context  Time, temperature  Appliance context  State of an appliance  User context  habits, interests 9

10 Ambient intelligence in home  The overall architecture is built on OSGi platform  OSGi  Open Services Gateway Initiative 10 Local platform have service Return local service Register service on local OSGi Find remote service Return service for local OSGi Request End Yes No Yes No

11 Outline  Introduction  Ambient intelligence in home  Home service to support home member activities  Combine spring and BPEL in OSGI platform  Evaluation and discussion  Conclude 11

12 Home service to support home member activities  home service  service provided by smart home  live more comfortable, more convenient and more seamlessness  TV, radio, video, audio, phone, web, gamming, alarm, and automation 12

13 Home service to support home member activities  Using BPEL for Home Service Modeling  BPEL  Business Process Execution Language  Based on XML  Describe Business Process  design and composite activity which composite the home smart service 13

14 Home service to support home member activities  Home Calendar Centered Service  need a pool that is committed to various home activities  home calendar is the right place to coordinate and cooperate the activities 14

15 Home service to support home member activities  The Service Model  entire Home calendar can be viewed as an outer BPEL 15

16 Home service to support home member activities  The Service Model  Step1 : merge to current home calendar 16

17 Home service to support home member activities  The Service Model  Step2 : weave the new information into the home calendar 17

18 Home service to support home member activities  The Service Model  Step3 : record into the home calendar 18

19 Outline  Introduction  Ambient intelligence in home  Home service to support home member activities  Combine spring and BPEL in OSGI platform  Evaluation and discussion  Conclude 19

20 Combine spring and BPEL in OSGi platform  Spring Framework  Java platform  Developing BPEL Application in OSGi platform 20

21 Outline  Introduction  Ambient intelligence in home  Home service to support home member activities  Combine spring and BPEL in OSGI platform  Evaluation and discussion  Conclude 21

22 Evaluation and discussion  build a home portal site on top of OSGi platform  family can review the home calendar  online for management 22

23 Outline  Introduction  Ambient intelligence in home  Home service to support home member activities  Combine spring and BPEL in OSGI platform  Evaluation and discussion  Conclude 23

24 Conclude  Service-oriented architecture helps the system functions more humanistic  future home must evolve from the existing homes culture  Users used to the manual access to their home devices  might not be ready to interact 24

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