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核工程计算物理实验室 Nuclear Engineering Computational Physics 2015-9-17 The Neutronics Studies of Fusion Fission Hybrid Power Reactor Youqi Zheng Ph. D Nuclear.

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Presentation on theme: "核工程计算物理实验室 Nuclear Engineering Computational Physics 2015-9-17 The Neutronics Studies of Fusion Fission Hybrid Power Reactor Youqi Zheng Ph. D Nuclear."— Presentation transcript:

1 核工程计算物理实验室 Nuclear Engineering Computational Physics 2015-9-17 The Neutronics Studies of Fusion Fission Hybrid Power Reactor Youqi Zheng Ph. D Nuclear Engineering Computational Physics Lab. Xi’an Jiaotong University

2 2 Contents  Background  Fusion Source and Blanket Design  Neutronics Design and Sensitivity Analysis  Conclusions

3 3 NOW2018 2030 2050 3 A long way for the pure fusion energy, but A short way for the application of fusion source Background(1/3) It is well recognized that the fusion fission hybrid power reactor is an important early use of fusion source

4 4 After 2000 1991-2000 1986-1990 1980-1985 4 Background(2/3) R&D of hybrid reactor in China Re-evaluation for Producing Energy, Breeding and Transmutation R&D of Hybrid Power Reactor (National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Science Program, 2010)

5 Background(3/3)  The target—A hybrid power reactor 1000MWe Power Output for 5 years Tritium self-sustaining considering 5% loss Applying the existing fission technology as much as possible Sufficient energy multiplication of blanket for different fusion power  The first step Determining the outline of reactor Determining the candidate fuel Evaluating the feasibility 5

6 6 Contents  Background  Fusion Source and Blanket Design  Neutronics Design and Sensitivity Analysis  Conclusions

7  The referred fusion reactor Citing from the works on FDS-I by ASIPP ( under the cooperation in National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Science Program ) 7 Fusion Source and Blanket Design (1/4) ParametersReference Value Major radius/m4 Minor radius/m1 Aspect ratio4 Plasma elongation1.78 Triangularity0.4

8 Fusion Source and Blanket Design (2/4)  Preliminary evaluation of water cooling blanket 8 200mm is required for the FW based on the press analysis (Referring: for a PWR vessel 43mm is required, but the practical one is >200mm) For the fuel pins and pressurized water coolant with 15.5MPa

9 Fusion Source and Blanket Design (3/4)  The modular-type pressure tube blanket 9

10 Fusion Source and Blanket Design (4/4)  The simplified evaluation model 10

11 11 Contents  Background  Fusion Source and Blanket Design  Neutronics Design and Sensitivity Analysis  Conclusions

12 Neutronics Design and Sensitivity Analysis (1/4)  Energy multiplication requirements of the fission blanket 12 For the 50MW fusion power Keff >0.9 For the 100~200MW fusion power Keff~0.8 For the 500MW fusion power Keff~0.6

13 Neutronics Design and Sensitivity Analysis (2/4)  Keff varying in the lifetime of different fuels 13 Reprocessed fuel for high energy multiplication Spent fuel for middle energy multiplication Natural uranium fuel for low energy multiplication

14  High energy multiplication blanket 14 Neutronics Design and Sensitivity Analysis (3/4) 14.3%w/o Pu Moderator-fuel ratio 1.0 Gd 2 O 3 0.85%w/o 4.5%w/o Pu More plutonium content Flattened burn-up process Burnable poison is another choice

15  Low energy multiplication blanket Higher fusion power and released blanket performance 15 Neutronics Design and Sensitivity Analysis (4/4) Moderator-fuel ratio 0.5 Modified blanket Moderator-fuel ratio 1.0 The same blanket

16 16 Contents  Background  Fusion Source and Blanket Design  Neutronics Design and Sensitivity Analysis  Conclusions

17  The reprocessed fuel containing existing plutonium from PWRs makes the hybrid power reactor feasible in the coming future  Progress of fusion technology may encourage the more easier fuels like the natural uranium fuel and directly burning the spent fuel from PWRs  Advanced work can and should be boosted based on the analysis 17 Conclusions (1/2)

18  Discussions High energy multiplication Fuel support of the reactors –~40tons plutonium will be loaded every 5 years Control of the reactors –90 times multiplication down to 60 times Low energy multiplication For the natural uranium fuel, the required small moderator- fuel ratio is very difficult to achieve for the pressure tubes For the spent fuel, the fuel processing before loading 18 Conclusions (2/2)

19 19 eutronics valuation omprehensive ackage ovelty ndeavor ooperation ersist Thank you ! Welcome to:

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