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Employment and Support Allowance BASE Conference 11 September 2008 Phil Bartlett Programme Director Jobcentre Plus.

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Presentation on theme: "Employment and Support Allowance BASE Conference 11 September 2008 Phil Bartlett Programme Director Jobcentre Plus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employment and Support Allowance BASE Conference 11 September 2008 Phil Bartlett Programme Director Jobcentre Plus

2 Employment & Support Allowance  Employment and Support Allowance forms part of the Welfare Reform programme.  Fits within the key principles of ‘work for those who can, support for those who cannot’; by focusing on our customers’ capability for work. It recognises that for the vast majority of us work is the best form of welfare for our health, wealth and security - both now and in the future.  Offers a work-focused regime to support customers back into employment where that is possible.  Our goal is to reduce the numbers of working age people who are dependent on benefit, and to continue to close the employment gaps between different groups.  Available from 27 October 2008 for new applications from customers with a health condition or disability. Replaces Incapacity Benefit and Income Support (on basis of incapacity) subject to Incapacity Benefit linking rules.

3 The case for change  72% of customers have received incapacity benefits for over 2 years, and are more likely to die or reach retirement age than return to work.  But, 80-90% of people making a claim for incapacity benefits want and expect to get back to work.  After decades of low expectations for customers of incapacity benefits, we are now serving second and third generation benefit customers and we want to end this  Opportunities are there to help more of our ill or disabled customers move towards work: 18,500 new vacancies reported to us every day. Over 600,000 vacancies. Labour Market inactivity is lowest since 1992.  So need is for a gateway to work……. ……… not a gateway to benefit.

4 How does it work?  An integrated Allowance comprising contributory and income related benefits  A new customer account management system re-uses data. Less repetition of information, so quicker application process  Making the most of telephony for faster, more accurate processing, no forms to sign and an 0800 number for new applications - other contact channels available where needed  A 13 week assessment period  Access to new medical assessments Assessing the customers capability for work or work related activity  A main phase from the 14 th Week comprising A revised award of the Allowance to include work-related activity or support group components  Access to Personal Adviser for work focused interviews  Access to condition management and work focused activity support

5 Vulnerable Customers “Those customers who have difficulty in dealing with the demands of our processes through our preferred channel at a time when they need to access our service and as a result need additional support”  Our aim is to offer a sensitive service to customers with built in flexibilities to ensure we are able to help vulnerable customers make their claim by giving access to contact channels that better meet their individual needs as far as possible  Training package for Personal Advisers incorporates comprehensive coverage to working with customers with an illness or disability including mental health

6 Focusing on capability  Work Capability Assessment will use updated mental and physical health assessments, including the interaction between physical and mental health  It incorporates a Work Focused Health Related Assessment to look at what the customer can do, not just what they cannot do, and identify any health barriers to work – allowing the customer the opportunity to discuss their hopes and fears and the approved healthcare professional the chance to reassure them  The health assessment report will be sent to the customer and their Personal Adviser and will be used to support the work-focused interviews  The Personal Adviser will be able to refer customers for a package of employment support, training and assistance in managing their illness or disability

7 Work Capability Assessment The Work Capability Assessment has three components: Limited Capability for Work Assessment to help determine benefit entitlement based on the extent to which, a customer’s illness or disability affects their capability for work Limited Capability for Work-Related Activity Assessment to determine whether the customer can be placed into the Support Group because the effect of their condition is such that they are unable to engage in work-related activity Work Focused Health Related Assessment Interview with the healthcare professional who will ask a customer how they feel their illness or disability is stopping them from working, and what help they may need to start work. The report will provide advice to a Personal Adviser about potential barriers to work and any relevant health related interventions identified

8 Work Capability Assessment and the Personal Adviser The Work Focused Health Related Assessment assists the Personal Adviser by:  Identifying what challenges the customer has against getting back to work and what help and support can be provided to support them in overcoming these difficulties.  Providing constructive information to support them in helping customers take steps back towards the labour market and gives information about: –The type of work the customer has experience in –Why they stopped work –An assessment of the customer’s capabilities in the light of their medical condition –Special help and equipment they might need or have used –Whether the customer’s condition or disability might pose a risk in the workplace. By focusing on the information in the Work Focused Health Related Assessment, the Personal Adviser can concentrate on the customer’s capabilities rather than on what they cannot do and determine the best package of support for them.

9 Opportunities Once we have established the capabilities and work aspirations of our customers, we will work with them and our key partners to help them achieve their goals…  Pathways to Work  Local Employment Partnerships

10 What is Pathways to Work ?  Gives individual, targeted support to people with health problems and disabilities, while balancing rights and responsibilities  Helps customers overcome health-related, personal and external barriers to work, improving work-entry and retention  Enhanced package of support from the early days of their benefit claim, providing right help at right time  Provides a platform for Employment and Support Allowance regime

11 Pathways success stories The fact I have now regained my confidence & started work again has not only had a positive affect on my life, but also that of my whole family Alison, Hamilton With all the support I have found a job that suits me perfectly and I am so happy Kathleen, Uddingston Pathways made it easy for me to get back out there, I can’t thank you enough. Mark held my hand every step of the way and gave me the direction and confidence I needed to go out and get the job I wanted Sharon, Bathgate

12 What are Local Employment Partnerships ?  Local Employment Partnerships are joined up employment and skills in action, and an integral part of the government’s employment, skills and welfare reform agenda. Their aims are:  that employers agree to work with Jobcentre Plus to provide more opportunities for our priority customers.  to support our priority customers to help them overcome their barriers to work and give them the chance to prepare for specific vacancies and opportunities.  to get a quarter of a million priority customers into work by the end of 2010.  They are based on a simple deal: we get our priority customers ready for work and employers with vacancies give them a fair shot at the jobs.

13 “Now I’ve got plenty of motivation and confidence. What I’ve learnt has strengthened me. My kids are proud. I’m buying a home. I have a whole new life.” Andrew "I'm really happy in my job. When you’re out of work for a while your comfort zone really shrinks and it can be daunting to think about going back to work. Colin Local Employment Partnerships success stories “I feel that this experience has improved my outlook on life and… my general health has improved since I started work. I really appreciated the help, advice and support given by my Jobcentre Plus adviser. It has made going back to work much easier.” Sandy I feel as though I’m achieving something for myself at the same time as helping people by giving customer service in the shop.” Jackie Her son added, “Mum is much happier now she has a job.”

14 Working Together We are listening to and engaged with:  Our customers;  Policy and Operational Colleagues;  Our suppliers and delivery partners;  Other Government Departments and Local Authorities; and of course  Customer Representative Groups … support the smooth introduction of Employment and Support Allowance and crucially, our shared customers to achieve their hopes and aspirations.

15 Welfare Reform Green Paper  Customers currently receiving Incapacity Benefit or Income Support because of an illness or disability will continue to receive their existing benefits, so long as they continue to satisfy the entitlement conditions.  You will be aware however, that the Government has launched a consultation into proposals to reform the welfare state, including how to simplify the welfare system and bring existing customers of incapacity benefits into Employment and Support Allowance.  If you would like to contribute to the consultation you can find the document "No one written off: reforming welfare to reward responsibility" and take part in the debate, by visiting:

16 Thank You Any Questions?

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