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Blackboard for Deaf Students Disability or Different Ability? John Webber eLearning Development Manager Sussex Downs College, UK.

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Presentation on theme: "Blackboard for Deaf Students Disability or Different Ability? John Webber eLearning Development Manager Sussex Downs College, UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blackboard for Deaf Students Disability or Different Ability? John Webber eLearning Development Manager Sussex Downs College, UK

2 2 Disability or different ability? Disability presents a challenge Many disabled people respond powerfully New abilities are created in response Try walking with a blind person in the dark! Deaf people are striking examples Sign language and lip reading Working with them opens up our own thinking Especially about language and communication

3 3 Creative responses to disability The project is a first attempt within the college to innovate in this way It may be we can generalise from it Interested to hear of other approaches Relating to any disability Especially within Blackboard

4 4 Background to this project Recent research by LSC reveals Deaf people (90%+) especially eager to learn Many want to learn at mainstream colleges New Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) “Towards Inclusion” DfEE 2001 Requires Universities & Colleges in the UK to: “make reasonable adjustments to ensure that people who are disabled are not put at a substantial disadvantage to people who are not disabled in accessing education”

5 5 The College Large mainstream college with small minority of deaf students who depend on BSL Existing support Limited to class times Emerging technologies in the college Blackboard Online video We aspire to use these to benefit disabled users and thus contribute to inclusiveness

6 6 The many kinds of deafness Degree Age of onset Oralism vs. signing (and combinations) Potential impact on literacy (quote research) Impact on background knowledge A challenge, with communication at it’s heart

7 7 What is the time? The syntax of BSL vs. English With thanks to RNID

8 8 Challenges for deaf students in a “mainstream” college Isolation Difficulties accessing standard services and information Dependency on Communication Support Worker (CSW) Potentially diminishes both self-esteem and self-confidence

9 9 How Blackboard can make things worse Lecturers naive assumption (mine too) that it helps to put notes online Sign language users and text resources New UK Law (DDA part 4) says we must address this The defensive and the proactive response

10 10 Turning this around: Blackboard can help To provide alternatives to text To provide general info for deaf students To support individual study But beyond that we hoped to use it to: Nurture the sense of community Communicate a sense of recognition and belonging Raise the profile of deaf students in college and the awareness of deaf needs

11 11 With thanks to RNID

12 12 We planned a pilot development And began work Then we dropped everything To focus on an urgent individual need

13 13 Nicky - A case study Intelligent, motivated But… Profoundly deaf Limited conventional literacy Low level of confidence and organisation Dependent on presence of signer for almost all study Hence limited achievements Under-achieving?

14 14 Nicky’s final exam preparation Had passed previous modules but not with much margin Anxious with approach of final, deciding, exam Parents sent him away for 3 weeks Return at start of Easter holidays Exam early next term Asked for help with independent study

15 15 Our response Revision resource with BSL and subtitles On Blackboard for access at college On CD (video-rich) for home study Demonstration: Health and Social Care Revision To see a demonstration of the video-rich resource, contact:

16 16 Observations from this pilot Immediately obvious: Nicky’s delight But we also soon recognised… His increased self-esteem Increased engagement and status with hearing peers Increased confidence and independence in approach to study Dramatic improvement in his results

17 17 Why this impact? A sense of being valued? Increased morale and commitment Structure to study materials? Contrast with relay from interpreter Enabled to study independently? Increased confidence The power of repetition in learning? At last able to review work without CSW An encouraging start

18 18 Back to plan A An online environment for all deaf students

19 19 Access to Core Information Normally provided by Printed and online text Or word of mouth Deaf students often excluded Using Blackboard to address this Demonstration: Blackboard for Deaf To see a demonstration of this resource, contact:

20 20 Giving a Voice to Deaf Students? Handing over some dev to deaf student with media skills Inviting input on design from other deaf students Online forums for deaf students Personal areas? web pages with video Webcams for 2 way comms?

21 21 Steps to Raising Awareness Opening up area to all students Presenting information about the nature of deafness Experimenting with ways of communicating this Demos: The challenge for lip readers To see a demonstration of this resource, contact: We aim to broaden programme to other disabilities

22 22 How we have gained Stimulated to think and to innovate in our communication Created an efficient process for online video development and delivery Learnt we can draw disabled users into the heart of the process Learnt to see the “different ability” in “disability”

23 23 The end for now Questions, suggestions, comments? My email address:

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