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Beam LARP Rotatable Collimator Mechanical Engineering Discussion 03 October 2008 Phase II CERN ME Video Mtg. Tom Markiewicz/SLAC BNL - FNAL- LBNL - SLAC.

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Presentation on theme: "Beam LARP Rotatable Collimator Mechanical Engineering Discussion 03 October 2008 Phase II CERN ME Video Mtg. Tom Markiewicz/SLAC BNL - FNAL- LBNL - SLAC."— Presentation transcript:

1 beam LARP Rotatable Collimator Mechanical Engineering Discussion 03 October 2008 Phase II CERN ME Video Mtg. Tom Markiewicz/SLAC BNL - FNAL- LBNL - SLAC US LHC Accelerator Research Program

2 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 2 / 16 2008-10-03 Discussion Questions 1)Discuss your latest results of thermo-mechanical calculations for nominal working conditions (1h and 12 min. beam life time): in which way is the "effective length" of the jaw under thermal load calculated ? 2) Dimensioning of cooling pipes (material and size), water flow rate, water velocity (possible erosion/corrosion problems), temp increase of the water? 3) Thermo-mechanical calculations for Asynchronous beam dump: –impact on TCP with shower on TCSM vs. direct impact on TCSM –have both cases been considered? –Discuss about method of calculation and results obtained. –Further analysis foreseen? 4) Is any sensor foreseen to detect a beam impact on collimator jaws? 5) Results of bake-out test? at which temperature was it performed? 6) Use of any lubricant for moving parts under vacuum (bearings, Geneva mechanism...)?

3 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 3 / 16 LHC Phase II Base Concept physical constraints current jaw design beam beam spacing: geometrical constraint Length available 1.47 m flange - flange Jaw translation mechanism and collimator support base: LHC Phase I >10 kW per jaw Steady State heat dissipation (material dependent) Cu coolant supply tubes twist to allow jaw rotation Hub area Glidcop Cu Mo Cantilever Mo shaft @ both ends Helical cooling channels 25mm below surface 20 facets

4 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 4 / 16 Results of Thermo-mechanical calculations for nominal working conditions Large amount of data presented over 2004-2006 –Jaw Material selection: Copper –Continuous azimuthally wound cooling Basic design “approved” by Assmann, Bertarelli et al summer 2005 All calculations refer to the FIRST secondary downstream of primaries. Have discussed: –if copper RC placed here, increase aperture from 7 to 8 sigma –keeping only C-C Phase I secondary in this location Design concept of “Jaw-Hub-Shaft” in 2006 improves performance under nominal 1hr and 12min beam lifetime conditions by x5

5 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 5 / 16 June 2006 Introduce new jaw-hub-shaft design which eliminates central stop & flexible springs x5 improvement in thermal deformation 1260 um  236 um (60kW/jaw,  12min) 426 um  84 um (12kW/jaw, t=60min)

6 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 6 / 16 Comparison of Hollow Moly shaft to Solid Copper Shaft: Improved deflections but necessitated Moly/Cu Brazing R&D Solid Cu, 75cm tapered jaw, asymmetric hub Tubular Moly, 95 cm straight jaw, symmetric hub Steady State  =1 hour  = 12 min for 10 sec Steady State  =1 hour  = 12 min for 10 sec Gravity sag200 um67.5 um Power absorbed11.7 kW58.5 kW12.9 kW64.5 kW Peak Temp.66.3 °C197 °C66 °C198 °C Midjaw  x 100 um339 um83.6 um236 um Effective Length51 cm25 cm74 cm39 cm Sagitta221 um881 um197 um781 um Effective length defined by 100um sagitta

7 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 7 / 16 Dimensioning of cooling pipes (material and size), water flow rate, water velocity (possible erosion/corrosion problems), temp increase of the water? Note location of most recent writeup: Tubing Variations Under Consideration –Copper Nickel tubing: need to test rigidity against winding on mandrel –Round tubing: 10mm OD, 8mm ID: Note: In current square tubing design, wall is 1.5mm and top wall thinned by 0.25mm to 1.25mm total to prep surface for brazing to jaws

8 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 8 / 16 Thermo-mechanical calculations for Asynchronous beam dump Permanent deformation AND Molten copper Case: beam abort system fires asynchronously, 8 full intensity bunches into jaw Model: - increased resolution 3-D ANSYS & FLUKA models - Thermal heating/cooling analysis followed by quasi-static stress analysis - Jaw ends constrained in z during 200 ns, released for 60 sec cool-down - 0.27 MJ deposited in 200 ns - Molten material removed from model after 200 ns Result: - 57e3 peak temperature (ultra fine model) - 54  m permanent deformation (concave) 5mm melt 2.5mm x 2.5mm elements T max = 57 e3 Shower max – extent of melted zone 3.3mm Cooling tubes Shaft Jaw facets

9 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 9 / 16 Accident Case Permanent Jaw deflection, ux, after 60 sec cool-down Melted material removed In-plane permanent deflection 54 um Beam side After energy deposit (200ns – 60 sec), z-constraints released. Original analysis used this constraint at all times. - What happens to vaporized/melted material? - How to use deformed jaw?

10 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 10 / 16 Longitudinal Temperature Distribution of Collimator Hit with 9E11 7 Tev Protons 120 cm long copper secondary collimator jaw Missteered beam (9E11 protons) Copper fractures @ ≈200 ˚C melting 25-30 cm above Cu melting

11 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 11 / 16 2.5 cm Cross section at shower max. Copper Fracture temp. of copper is about 200 deg C 840 deg C Copper Hit CollimatorAdjacent Collimator Temperature Profiles of Hit & Adjacent Collimators

12 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 12 / 16 Another accident Case Beam hits the horizontal primary collimator Copper 250 ˚C

13 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 13 / 16 Is any sensor foreseen to detect a beam impact on collimator jaws? Not precluded Would love to have a design contributed that we can incorporate What are plans for this functionality in the CERN designs What about “acoustic sensors”’ Area of transition RF foil, which is stationary, is a possible location

14 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 14 / 16 Results of bake-out test? at which temperature was it performed? Process: –“Standard” PEP-II Beamline bake-out sequence: –Vacuum vessel separately baked 200°C for several days 3.7E-9 torr –Jaw H fired at 850°C before bake to accelerate bake-out process –Bake 200°C several days with 24 hour excursion to 300°C paranoia RGA Zero hydrocarbons (mass >40) at 150 deg C Final RGA & pressure on 6 Oct.

15 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 15 / 16 Vacuum Test Photos

16 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 16 / 16 Use of any lubricant for moving parts under vacuum (bearings, Geneva mechanism...)? No lub on ceramic bearings Moly disulfide on Geneva mechanism gears Some parts of final Geneva will be ceramic

17 Bonus Slides

18 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 18 / 16 NLC Consumable Collimator rotatable jaws – 500 to 1000 hits 6.0 Note short high-Z material. radiative cooling! Aperture control mechanism – 5  m accuracy & stability Alignment BPMs upbeam & down Movers align chamber to beam based on BPMs

19 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 19 / 16 SLAC Timeline for RC=Rotatable Collimator Prototype Gene Anzalone, Yunhai Cai, Eric Doyle, Lew Keller, Steve Lundgren, Tom Markiewicz, Jeff Smith 2004:Introduction to project 2005:Conceptual Design Phase II RC using FLUKA, Sixtrack and ANSYS, External Design Review, collimator test lab set up 2006Improved Conceptual Design, hire full time ME and designer, fabricate tooling, 2D/3D drawings of test and final parts, braze two short test pieces 2007:Examine test brazes, braze and examine 3 rd short test piece, develop and build rotation mechanism, design RF shield, fab 1 st full length jaw; hire first postdoc 2008Thermal tests of single jaw, fabricate two more jaws and assemble into a vacuum tank compatible with Phase I adjustment mechanism = RC 2009:Mechanically test RC, ship and install in SPS/LHC 2010:Collimator tests at LHC & Final drawing package for CERN 2011:Await production & installation of chosen design(s) by CERN 2012:Commissioning support Main Deliverables Thermal tests of single collimator jaw Construct and mechanically test full RC prototype to be sent to CERN

20 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 20 / 16 FLUKA Results - Power Deposited vs. Length - Ist secondary collimator - Various materials 4 x 10 11 p/s lost

21 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 21 / 16 –25  m maximum deformation toward beam –7  nominal aperture The first long secondary collimator may be set at 8  to ensure 25  m intrusion with respect to 7  –45 mm minimum aperture jaws fully retracted –Beam spacing limits transverse dimensions –Maximum length predetermined: 1.48 m flange-flange –No water-vacuum joints Dominant collimator specifications Beam heating Cooling This side expands due to heating TT Expansion of jaw’s beam side causes bending toward beam This effect is a function of material, jaw OD & ID, length, and cooling arrangement Thermal expansion is the problem

22 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 22 / 16 FLUKA ANSYS Basis for Design Choices ANSYS Thermal/Mechanical simulations using FLUKA energy deposit 10x10x24 FLUKA bins mapped to ANSYS elements, one for one Energy density of FLUKA bin applied to ANSYS element 80mm 25mm X

23 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 23 / 16 Material thermal performance - Hollow Cylinder Model - O.D = 150 mm, I.D. = 100 mm, L = 1.2 m - NLC-type edge supports - aperture 10  Cu chosen – balance of efficiency, deflection and manufacturability * * Promising but no practical implementation

24 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 24 / 16 Cu chosen as best balance between collimation efficiency, thermal distortion & manufacturablity Justification of Cu Choice

25 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 25 / 16 Specification Changes Relative to April 2006 Design

26 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 26 / 16 Beam 1 Beam 2 Primary collimators First group of secondary collimators 40 m dipoles IR-7

27 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 27 / 16 Heat deposited in major components (W/m^3) in 1 hr beam lifetime operation

28 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 28 / 16 Major jaw dimensions and calculated cooling performance

29 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 29 / 16 Vacuum Bake of 1 st 200mm Test Piece Results: 4/1/07 ~3x over LHC Spec 1st Jaw Braze Test Assembly has been vacuum baked at 300 degrees C for 32 hours. LHC Requirement = 1E-7 Pa = 7.5E-10 Torr Baseline pressure of Vacuum Test Chamber: 4.3E-7 Pa (3.2E-9 Torr) Pressure w/ 200mm Jaw Assy. in Test Chamber: 4.9E-7 Pa (3.7E-9 Torr) Presumed pressure of 200mm lg. Jaw Assy.: 6.0E-8 Pa (4.5E-10 Torr) Note: above readings were from gauges in the foreline, closer to the pump than to the Test Chamber. Pressures at the part could be higher. Outcome: SLAC vacuum group has suggested longitudinal grooves be incorporated into the inner length of jaws; incorporated into next prototype

30 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 30 / 16 Braze Test #3: 8 ¼-round jaws to mandrel/coil 19 June 2007: After 1 st Jaw Braze Prepped for 2 nd Braze to fillup jaw-jaw joints 14 June 2007: Jaw Fit Up

31 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 31 / 16 Braze Test #3: Vacuum tests: No improvement 3rd Jaw Braze Test Assembly has been vacuum baked at 300 degrees C for 32 hours. Results in slightly lower pressure. Inclusion of longitudinal grooves in the inner length of jaws for better outgasing Test Chamber setup similar to previous test. OldNew Baseline3.2E-9 Torr2.4E-9 Torr?? w/ jaw assy.3.7E-9 Torr3.4E-9 Torr Presumed jaw assy. pressure 4.5E-10 Torr10E-10 Torr?? LHC requirement 7.5E-10 Torr

32 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 32 / 16 Exact Nature & Extent of Damaged Region Thin Cu sample in FFTB electron beam at SLAC Hole = Beam Size 2000um 500 kW 20 GeV e- beam hitting a 30cm Cu block a few mm from edge for 1.3 sec (0.65 MJ) FNAL Collimator with.5 MJ

33 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 33 / 16 Cross Section at Shower Maximum Showing Copper Melting and Possible Fracture Regions in a Mis-steering Accident Copper Jaw 3D ANSYS model, E. Doyle Melting zone (grey), radius = 3.3 mm Fracture zone, radius = 7 mm 2.5 cm

34 CERN Video Mtg - 03 October 2008RC ME Questions - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 34 / 16 2.5 cm Cross Section at Shower Maximum Showing Copper Boiling in a Mis-steering Accident Copper Jaw 3D ANSYS model, E. Doyle Boiling zone (grey), radius = 2.2 mm

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