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Guidance for SBT1. Documentation You should have collected 4 documents :  Documentation for Trainee Progress File SBT1  Teachers’ Standards Grid  SBT1.

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Presentation on theme: "Guidance for SBT1. Documentation You should have collected 4 documents :  Documentation for Trainee Progress File SBT1  Teachers’ Standards Grid  SBT1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guidance for SBT1

2 Documentation You should have collected 4 documents :  Documentation for Trainee Progress File SBT1  Teachers’ Standards Grid  SBT1 Expectations Grid  Teaching File Guidance

3 Terminology SBT : School Based Training Teacher Tutor – the class teacher (or teachers if a job share) that you are based in. Mentor – this may be your Teacher Tutor. Their role is to help support you and to monitor and assess your progress. UT or AT – a University Tutor (campus based) or Associate Tutor (non campus based) will visit you during the placement.

4 Assessment of the SBT is evidence based and is kept in two separate files Teaching File Teaching File Guidance This file is specific to your placement and includes: Section 1: Timetables and Class Lists Section 2: Planning – daily, medium, weekly plans and resources Section 3: Assessment of pupils’ progress Section 4: Background Information about the school; policies and procedures

5 Teaching File (cont) You will need to buy a file and organise it into the 4 sections above. Please remember that this is a professional working document and should be available to school and university staff Keeping your planning and assessment records on a memory stick is not appropriate – they should be working documents and hard copies kept in your file

6 Teaching file – specific to each placement Keep Guidance for Teaching file accessible. The file should be organised so that at any time, you can find what you need or what your Teacher Tutor/Mentor/AT/UT asks you for. It is a working document – plans can be annotated to reflect evaluation of lesson and changes to the next lesson. Lesson evaluations – one per activity/lesson Please keep all notes confidential and written in a professional language.

7 Trainee Progress File This is the ring binder you were given on Day 1 Documentation for Trainee Progress File – blue cover This file is organised into 10 sections and tracks your progress through the course - both the campus-based parts of the course and whilst on School Based Training. Your Expectations Grid and Teachers’ Standards Grid are also kept in this file.

8 Trainee Progress File SectionContent 1 Code of conduct 2 action plans 3 Introductory statement, Summative reflections, personal statement 4 Progress in Course work 5 Tracker of SBT’s 6 SBT1 7 SBT2 8 SBT3 9 Preparation for NQT year 10 Any other important information

9  This is a guide to how the placement can progress.  There are requirements that can facilitate a dialogue between yourself and your Teacher tutor/ mentor  There are subject specific requirements that are required to do. Expectations Grid

10 Weeks Teaching (each trainee) Weeks 1 & 2 The trainee should focus on building their confidence in planning and teaching in preparation for weeks 3 to 5 Weeks 3,4&5 The trainee should be planning and teaching for 50% of the time. This may include working with small groups, taking parts of lessons, team teaching, whole class teaching and sequences of lessons

11 50% - What Does it Mean ? 50% each does not mean that you and your teaching partner are planning and teaching for the whole week. Eg. If you are working with a small group during your partner’s maths lesson, this time counts towards your 50% and towards their 50%. An example of a week :

12  It should be used as a formative assessment tool, where trainees are always aware of their progress and targets, in the following ways:  On a weekly basis the trainee, teacher tutor/ mentor should make informal markings on the grid to note areas of progress, these will, in turn inform the School experience reports.  Markings should include annotations, ticks or highlighting that in any way best reflects and informs progress.  The evidence column should be signed and dated.  In readiness for completion of the assessment summary on SBT reports clear decisions need to be made against the criteria, where the grid will be used to inform a best fit summative judgement. The Teachers’ Standards Grid

13 Teaching Standards 1 : Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils  establish a safe and stimulating environment for pupils, rooted in mutual respect  set goals that stretch and challenge pupils of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions  demonstrate consistently the positive attitudes, values and behaviour, which are expected of pupils. Key questions : Are you a positive role model to the children (behaviour and learning)? How are you demonstrating professional, purposeful and sensitive working relationships? What do you do to make all children feel safe, welcome and ready to learn? Working towards (alongside class teacher) Working ‘at’ teaching standard (achieving independently) Working at a good level (confident to experiment) Working at a high level (confident individual teacher identity) Evidence (note where to find evidence of attainment) Apply established procedures, rules and routines e.g. procedures at transition points. Independently apply established procedures which promote positive attitudes, values and behaviour. Effectively apply established procedures and adapt these successfully to particular situations and contexts. Evaluate established procedures, adapt and take ownership of classroom organisation and management. Create an atmosphere conducive to learning. Encourage pupils to participate and contribute in an atmosphere conducive to learning, setting appropriately high expectations. Consistently establish a positive learning atmosphere and set high expectations. As a result pupils are engaged, motivated and make progress. Inspire and motivate pupils, creating excellent relationships where there are consistently high expectations. Ask about pupils’ backgrounds and abilities in order to develop each child to their full potential. Consider pupils’ backgrounds, abilities and dispositions in all interactions and use this to set appropriate goals. Apply knowledge of individual pupils’ backgrounds, abilities and dispositions in all interactions, setting goals that stretch and challenge. Demonstrate sensitivity with regard to pupils’ backgrounds and adapt interactions. Consistently set goals that stretch and challenge. Are aware of the need to be a positive role model. Demonstrate enthusiasm about working with children. Demonstrate professional behaviour, respect and support for the ethos of the school. Consistently demonstrate enthusiasm for teaching and learning. Trainees consistently act as a positive role model and encourage pupils to consider their own behaviour and learning. Model enthusiasm and passion for learning. The learning environment is rooted in mutual respect.

14 Teaching Standards 1 : Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils  establish a safe and stimulating environment for pupils, rooted in mutual respect  set goals that stretch and challenge pupils of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions  demonstrate consistently the positive attitudes, values and behaviour, which are expected of pupils. Key questions : Are you a positive role model to the children (behaviour and learning)? How are you demonstrating professional, purposeful and sensitive working relationships? What do you do to make all children feel safe, welcome and ready to learn? Working towards (alongside class teacher) Working ‘at’ teaching standard (achieving independently) Working at a good level (confident to experiment) Working at a high level (confident individual teacher identity) Evidence (note where to find evidence of attainment) Apply established procedures, rules and routines e.g. procedures at transition points. Independently apply established procedures which promote positive attitudes, values and behaviour. Effectively apply established procedures and adapt these successfully to particular situations and contexts. Evaluate established procedures, adapt and take ownership of classroom organisation and management. See final SBT1 report Create an atmosphere conducive to learning. Encourage pupils to participate and contribute in an atmosphere conducive to learning, setting appropriately high expectations. Consistently establish a positive learning atmosphere and set high expectations. As a result pupils are engaged, motivated and make progress. Inspire and motivate pupils, creating excellent relationships where there are consistently high expectations. See lesson plans dated….. Ask about pupils’ backgrounds and abilities in order to develop each child to their full potential. Consider pupils’ backgrounds, abilities and dispositions in all interactions and use this to set appropriate goals. Apply knowledge of individual pupils’ backgrounds, abilities and dispositions in all interactions, setting goals that stretch and challenge. Demonstrate sensitivity with regard to pupils’ backgrounds and adapt interactions. Consistently set goals that stretch and challenge. Are aware of the need to be a positive role model. Demonstrate enthusiasm about working with children. Demonstrate professional behaviour, respect and support for the ethos of the school. Consistently demonstrate enthusiasm for teaching and learning. Trainees consistently act as a positive role model and encourage pupils to consider their own behaviour and learning. Model enthusiasm and passion for learning. The learning environment is rooted in mutual respect. Noted as a strength. See lesson plans in Mathematics & final report

15 Assessment of SBT 1 Assessment is evidence based and draws from lesson observations, your planning and assessment and your weekly reflections. A summary of your progress and the standard you have reached will be in the form of a report: The Summative Report. Please make a copy of this report. You need to keep a copy and post the original in the posting boxes on Thursday 26 th June 2014.

16 Summative Report This report is completed by your teacher tutor or mentor and should be discussed with you. The Teachers’ Standards grid should be used to determine grades and should be based on evidence drawn from lesson observations, feedback, weekly evaluations, personal reflections and progress made from targets on incoming action plan. Set targets for SBT 2

17 Tick in appropriate box for each standard Working towards (WT) Working at (WA) Good Level (GL) High Level (HL) TS1 : Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils √ TS2 : Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils √ TS3 : Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge √ TS4 : Plan and teach well-structured lessons √ TS5 : Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils √ TS6 : Make accurate and productive use of assessment √ TS7 : Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment √ TS8 : Fulfil wider professional responsibilities √ Summative Report- Best Fit

18 Process for supporting Trainees and Schools during SBT when difficulties or a lack of progress are identified Step 1 – Focussed Support Plan If targets are met by set date, you come off the action plan. If any targets on the action plan are not met by the agreed target date, you will then move to Step 2 Step 2 – Cause for Concern If you have progressed sufficiently to achieve a pass for the Report, in line with all Teachers’ Standards, you will continue the course. If you have not progressed sufficiently against the Teachers’ Standards, further action will be taken as outlined in the Trainee Progress File

19 University /Associate Tutor visits Your University/ Associate tutor will visit you once during your SBT 1 (1 hour per student) They will observe you teaching for 15-20 mins (max)review your files& discuss progress. It is vital that you are proactive in contacting your UT or AT: e-mail them to introduce your self as soon as is possible. Please note that AT’s DONOT have a Brookes e-mail account. You will need to check on BV for their personal e-mails, which you can use.

20 Keep files up to date and organised Please be ready to show and discuss the following with your university tutor (use post it notes)  A good lesson plan with evaluation of that lesson Assessment of children’s learning in the lesson Assessment records( could be group or whole class) Weekly evaluation Anything else you would like to show or discuss with your university tutor

21 Organise / facilitate your university tutor visit Please be flexible – meetings may or may not be with teacher tutor/mentor depending on availability but your university tutor will meet with teacher tutor/mentor for moderation purposes University/ Associate tutor visit

22 Ask for support if you need it Teacher Tutor and Mentor, other staff There may be other students in the school Others in your teaching group Brookes Virtual University/ associate Tutor Personal Tutor Jean Clark /Partnership Team Programme Leaders

23 Action Plan Please make sure that you have thought about and written an incoming action plan to share with your mentor and Teacher tutor….. This just a suggestion …. Maybe 3 bullet points stating what you would like to achieve by the end of SBT1

24 Working as a professional - expectations Arrival Attendance – If you are ill or have authorised absence during SBT1, it is important that you notify the school, university and anyone you share a lift with. have a back-up plan should there be problems with your car/driver. Find out about public transport or others who live near you. Get to school as soon as you can, even if it is half way through the day. Attitude Flexibility Staff room Dress code Risk-taking

25 Placements – how you will be notified  You will be informed about your placement by e-mail.  A spread sheet will go up on BV ( School experience tab ) : travel arrangements & tutor list  Once you know where you are going you could contact the school regarding arrival times etc.  Please note that you do have to be prepared to travel.  IF there is a genuine mistake, please email the Partnership Office : education-schoolexperience@brookes> We WILL get back to>

26 Mountain or Valley person ? Go and be a mountain person. Take risks Be creative Try to see the whole picture

27 Wishing you every success on your SBT 1 Have fun learning and teaching

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