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Future perspectives of nuclear energy

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1 Future perspectives of nuclear energy
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Institute of Nuclear and Physical Engineering Future perspectives of nuclear energy Štefan Čerba

2 Contents Introduction Nuclear energy in global and in Slovakia
The role of nuclear energy in a future of Slovakia Advantages of the fast neutron spectrum GEN IV nuclear energy systems

3 Introduction

4 Nuclear energy in global

5 Nuclear energy in global

6 Nuclear energy in Slovakia
Total production: TWh[1] Total consumption: TWh Import: 521 GWh Installed capacity: MWe Till 2030  MWe

7 Nuclear power plants in Slovakia
EBO V2 Bohunice EMO 1,2 Mochovce EMO 3,4 Mochovce EBO V1 Bohunice A1 Bohunice Reactor type VVER 440/ v213 VVER 440/ v230 KS 150 Thermal power [MWth] 1471 1375 (1471) 1375 560 Gross electric power [MWe] 500 440 (500) 440 150 Reactor units 2 1 Launch 1984/1985 1998/2000 2012/2013 1978/1980 1972 Shutdown 2024/2025 2038/2040 2052/2053 2006/2008 1979 Status operating Built shutdown

8 The future of nuclear energy
6,948,762,823 84,739

9 The future of nuclear energy

10 Classification of nuclear reactors

11 Generation four international forum
Goals: Sustainability, Economy, Safety and reliability, Proliferation resistance and physical protection. GIF 2002 SFR – Sodium-cooled fast reactor LFR – Lead-cooled fast reactor, GFR – Gas cooled fast reactor. VHTR – Very high temperature reactor, SCWR – Supercritical water-cooled reactor, MSR – Molten salt reactor,

12 Fast neutron spectrum

13 Fast neutron spectrum Increasing n energy --> Thermal spectrum:
Enrichment < 5 % Fast spectrum: Enrichment = %

14 SFR – Sodium-cooled fast reactor
Sodium coolant, Fast neutron spectrum, Closed fuel cycle, Electricity production and actinide transmutation, Operation: 550 °C - low pressure, Oxide, carbide or metallic fuel with U, Pu and MA content, Burnup up to 200 GWd/tHM, SF reprocessing via PUREX. EBR–I, Phenix, BN-600. ASTRID - demonstrator

15 LFR – Lead-cooled fast reactor
Liquid lead coolant, Fast neutron spectrum, Operation in closed fuel cycle, Actinide transmutation, Electricity production, Possibility of hydrogen production, Operation conditions: 550 °C at low pressure, technology base: Russian α type submarines (Pb-Bi). 2 concepts: Reference design: 600 MWe (ELSY) – (U,Pu,MA)O2 fuel Modular design: 20 MWe (SSTAR) – (U,Pu,MA)N fuel (t=650 °C).

16 GFR – gas cooled fast reactor
He coolant, Fast neutron spectrum, Closed fuel cycle, More effective natural U utilization, Reduction of the long-lived RAV radiotoxicity, Operation conditions: 750 °C and 7 MPa, Efficient electricity generation, Hydrogen production and process heat supply, Innovative (U,Pu,MA)C –SiC fuel, Unique DHR system, ALLEGRO – demonstrator.

17 VHTR – very high temperature reactor
Helium coolant, Graphite moderator, Thermal neutron spectrum, Once-through U fuel cycle, Cogeneration of electricity and hydrogen, Process heat applications, Operation at high temperatures °C and high pressure 7 MPa, UO2 – SiC fuel, Very high thermal efficiency.

18 SCWR – Supercritical water-cooled reactor
Operation above the TD critical point of water(t=374 °C, p=22MPa, ρ=0.32 g/cm3), Either thermal or fast neutron spectrum, Possible once-though or closed fuel cycle, Base-load electricity production, Thermal efficiency η>50 %, Investment and operation costs comparable with LWRs, UO2 fuel, target burnup - 45 GWd/tHM.

19 MSR – molten salt reactor
liquid fluoride salt coolant, UF, PuF – ZrF, NaF, LiF, Thermal and epithermal neutron spectrum, Excellent neutron balance, Actinide transmutation, Electricity generation, Hydrogen production, Process heat supply, Continuous refueling, Possible addition of actinide feeds during operation, Th-U Breeder fuel cycle.

20 ESNII - European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative

21 “The country which first develops a breeder reactor will have a great competitive advantage in atomic energy.” E. Fermi

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