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Building the Green Team For Reporting to the Climate Registry (866) 523-0764 x3

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Presentation on theme: "Building the Green Team For Reporting to the Climate Registry (866) 523-0764 x3"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building the Green Team For Reporting to the Climate Registry (866) 523-0764 x3

2 Welcome & Agenda  We’ve joined The Climate Registry to voluntarily report our carbon footprint  During today’s meeting, we’ll discuss:  The basics of climate change  Introduction to The Climate Registry  Our carbon management goals  Reporting requirements  Staff roles & responsibilities 2

3 Climate Change: A Primer  GHGs have a climatic warming effect by trapping heat in the Earth’s atmosphere 3

4 Greenhouse Gas Emissions  The Kyoto Protocol identifies seven internationally recognized GHGs  Carbon dioxide (CO 2 )  Methane (CH 4 )  Nitrous oxide (N 2 O)  Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)  Perfluorocarbons (PFCs)  Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF 6 )  Nitrogen Trifluoride (NF 3 )  These gases are produced by various activities, including the burning of fossil fuels, and are linked to an increase in global temperatures 4

5 The Basics of a Carbon Footprint  Carbon footprint—a measure of impact on the environment in terms of GHG emissions released into the atmosphere 5

6 CARBON FOOTPRINT Brand & reputation Increase operational & energy efficiency Why manage our carbon footprint? Corporate community Corporate social responsibility Demonstrate leadership 6

7 Goals for Carbon Management 1. …. 2. …. 3. …. 7

8 What is a registry?  A GHG emissions registry is a bottom-up approach to emissions accounting  Members quantify and report their emissions from various individual sources according to a uniform accounting standard 8

9 The Climate Registry  The Registry is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization created in 2007  It encourages early actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and supports future greenhouse gas reduction efforts across North America  The Registry coordinates with federal, state/provincial, and regional policy makers 9 9

10 Our Commitment to The Climate Registry  Each year we will:  Calculate GHG emissions using The Registry’s protocols  Report emissions using CRIS, online reporting software  Optionally verify our report using an approved third party  We show environmental leadership by voluntarily disclosing our verified GHG emissions reports at  We join a prestigious community of climate policymakers, business leaders and environmentalists 10

11 Benefits of Registry Membership  We can’t manage what we don’t measure  Understand the impact of our operations  Assess environmental liability and risk  Increase operational & energy efficiency  Readiness for compliance with new regulations  Document early action  Provide information to public and stakeholders  Recognition as an environmental leader  Expert Registry educational services  Access to software and technical support 11

12 What does reporting entail?  Understand The Registry’s program requirements and protocols  Identify the activities and business units within our organizational boundaries that emit GHGs  Compile our GHG emissions inventory by tracking emissions data and reporting it to The Registry through CRIS  Hire a third party Verification Body to verify our emissions report 12

13 What does verification entail?  Select and contract a third party Verification Body  Provide the necessary documentation for the Verifier to conduct a risk-based assessment  Prepare for the Verifier to conduct facility visits in the first year of verification  Develop an internal checklist and implement an internal audit process to improve the accuracy & completeness of our GHG emission reports  Submit our report and verification opinion to The Registry for its final review and acceptance 13

14 The Climate Registry’s Reporting Requirements 14

15 Emissions to be reported 15 NF 3

16 Examples of Emissions to be Reported  Scope 1 direct emissions  Stationary combustion-e.g., diesel generator (CO 2, CH 4 & N 2 0)  Mobile combustion-e.g., passenger vehicles (CO 2, N 2 O & CH 4 )  Process emissions-e.g., aluminum production (CO 2 & PFCs)  Fugitive emissions-e.g., refrigerators (HFCs & PFCs)  Biogenic emissions-e.g., boiler using landfill gas (CH 4 & N 2 O)  Scope 2 indirect emissions  e.g., purchased electricity (CO 2, N 2 O & CH 4 )  Scope 3 biogenic emissions (optional)  e.g., boiler using landfill gas (CO 2 ) 16

17 Where are these gases found in our operations? NAMEGHGPURPOSECOMMON SOURCE OF EMISSIONS Carbon Dioxide CO 2 Byproduct of fossil fuel combustion Electricity generation & consumption, use of vehicles & small equipment MethaneCH 4 Energy sourceCombusting fossil fuels, leaks in pipelines, landfills Nitrous Oxide N2ON2OUsed in fertilizer, surgery Combusting fossil fuels, reaction in chemical process Hydrofluoro- carbons HFCsRefrigerants/ coolants Refrigerant or coolant leaks in HVAC, vehicles or compressors Perfluoro- carbons PFCsIndustrial solventsChemical reactions in process e.g., manufacturing semiconductors Sulfurhexa- fluoride SF 6 InsulantLeaks from insulating canisters installed in electricity T&D systems Nitrogen Trifluoride NF 3 Etching, cleaningLCD or PV manufacturing, dry etching for semi-conductor cleaning 17

18 Which staff will be involved?  Building our carbon footprint is a team effort  Accounting, fleet & property managers, engineers, maintenance, HVAC contractors, etc.  Reporting tasks include:  Determine our reporting boundaries  Create an inventory management plan  Enter our facilities and sources into CRIS  Compile our annual energy consumption totals and enter the data into CRIS  Conduct an internal audit of our draft report  Manage the verification process 18

19 What type of data do we need to collect?  Fuel consumption  Vehicle mileage  Vehicle make, model and year  Electricity consumption  Natural gas use  Refrigerant leakage  Etc. 19

20 What steps do we take to verify?  Draft an RFP  Review bids & select a Verification Body  Finalize the verification contract  Provide requested documentation and assist the Verifier in completing the verification activities  Review the Verifier’s findings  Complete corrective action  Submit final emissions report to The Registry 20

21 How much time is required?  The time needed to build and verify our carbon footprint depends on a variety of factors  Dedication of staff resources  Our data management and record-keeping systems  Data availability  Operational size and complexity 21

22 2015 Reporting & Verification Deadlines  Reporting Deadline: June 30 th  Verification Deadline: December 15 th  January – April: Collect emissions data  May – June: Enter emissions data into CRIS  July – Dec: Begin and complete verification activities  Batch Verification:  Reporting Deadline—May 15, 2015  Verification Deadline—August 31, 2015 22 “A deadline is negative inspiration. Still, it's better than no inspiration at all.” ― Rita Mae Brown

23 Questions?  The Climate Registry has a friendly Member Services team that will answer reporting and software questions 9am-5pm Pacific   (866) 523-0764 ext. 3 23

24 Visit  Read the General Reporting Protocol  Register for online trainings  Carbon Footprinting 101  Using CRIS 3.0 to Report GHG emissions to The Registry  Begin an Inventory Management Plan  Browse the Reporting Toolkit 24

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