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Disability Support Services New Faculty Orientation.

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1 Disability Support Services New Faculty Orientation

2 Eventually all Faculty will have a student with a disability in their class. It is the legal responsibility of the University to provide reasonable academic accommodations for these students. Disability Support Services (DSS) is responsible to determine the eligibility for accommodations at SIUE. All students with disabilities must provide evidence of both disability and functional impairment to DSS.

3 Students with Disabilities At SIUE, students with disabilities will present a “DSS ID Card” to the faculty in the classroom. This ID card indicates the accommodations that the student is eligible to use while attending the University. The accommodations that require Faculty assistance the most are Note Taking and Test Taking.

4 Note Taking At SIUE, students with disabilities that require a Note Taker in the classroom will approach the instructor of the class, show them their ID card and ask that the instructor make an announcement inquiring if another member of the class would be willing to volunteer to take notes. An example of a Note Taker announcement is as follows: “Disability Support Services is seeking a volunteer Note Taker for this class. If anyone is interested in taking notes for a student with a disability, please remain after class.” The instructor is asked to introduce the student with a disability to the volunteer. It is VERY important that the instructor NOT announce the name of the student to the entire class. We appreciate your assistance in helping to identify volunteers; this facilitation of the process makes the job of finding a Note Taker easier and expeditious. Many instructors will reward a volunteer with extra credit. Survey of Volunteer Note Takers indicates that on average, Note Takers are more attentive to the class and express that they do better in the course when they know their notes are being viewed by another. If no student volunteers, DSS may ask you to re-announce at the next class time or ask you to approach a student you think may be willing if asked personally. If no volunteer comes forth, please encourage the student with a disability to come to DSS for assistance.

5 Test Taking Accommodations Students with Disabilities for whom test taking requires accommodation will present the instructor with their ID card and a Term Testing Schedule. This form will allow the students to schedule their exams for the entire term. The information is typically drawn from your syllabus. (See example of form in your packet) The student is required to complete the top section of the form, indicating the days and times of the exams to be given. The instructor is required to complete the bottom portion of the form indicating the materials allowable by all members of the class (i.e. notes calculators etc.), the amount of time allowed for lateness before the student can not be given the exam, and the amount of time allowed to the members of the class to take the exam. ALL ACCOMODATIONS are provided in the DSS office.

6 DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES Term Testing Schedule Student’s Name: ____________________________ Phone: _____________________ E-Mail: ____________________ Course Name/Number/Section: ___________________________ Accommodations Requested (CIRCLE all that apply): Reader Scribe Computer Scantron Assist Audio Test Extended Time(double) Segregated Testing Assistive Technology Requested_________________________ Exams are prescheduled for the entire term. The times and dates below indicate when you will be taking the exam with DSS. Please fill out the following information completely and accurately. Any changes to these scheduled exams will require a signed reschedule form from the professor at least five days prior to taking the exam. Exam Date:____________Exam Time:________ FINAL EXAM DATE:__________ Exam Date:____________Exam Time:________ Exam Date:____________Exam Time:________ FINAL EXAM TIME:___________ Exam Date:____________Exam Time:________ NOTE: List a specific time; “ANY TIME” is not acceptable. Please ask your professor to complete the bottom portion of this form, however, it is still your responsibility to return this form to DSS. -------------------------------------------PROFESSOR/INSTRUCTOR------------------------------------------ Please answer the following questions and indicate your agreement to these scheduled test times and dates by signing below. What can the student use during the exam?(CIRCLE all that apply): notes, formulas, textbook, dictionary, calculator,other (please indicate):__________________________ I allow my students up to __________ minutes of tardiness before I will not allow them to take my exam. I allow my class _________________minutes to take my exam. (Please use the BACK of this form for different test specifics.) Test delivery options (circle one): Deliver to DSS or Email to DSS or Fax to DSS (See Below); Other:_________________________________________________ By signing this form I indicate that I understand this student will be taking his or her exams with Disability Support Services (DSS) and all appropriate accommodations will be applied. I will make my exam available on the business day prior to the scheduled exam to allow DSS ample time to apply accommodations. THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED TO DSS NO LATER THAN 5 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO THE FIRST EXAM. PROFESSOR SIGNATURE:___________________________ Name (Print)_______________________ Date:________Campus Extension:_____________Email:________________Building & Room:________ Disability Support Services Student Success Center, Room 1270 Edwardsville, IL 62026 Office: 618-650-3726 Fax: 618-650-5691 Email: (OVER)

7 Please use this area to schedule any tests that were not able to be scheduled on the front of this form. This may include either additional tests or tests with differing time needs. Exam Date: ___________Exam Time: _________ What can the student use during the exam? (circle all that apply): notes, formulas, textbook, dictionary, calculator, other (please indicate): I allow my students up to _____ minutes of tardiness before I will not allow them to take my exam. I allow my class _____ minutes to take the exam. Test delivery options (circle one): Deliver to DSS, Email to DSS, Fax to DSS, other: ______________________________ Exam Date: ___________Exam Time: _________ What can the student use during the exam? (circle all that apply): notes, formulas, textbook, dictionary, calculator, other (please indicate): I allow my students up to _____ minutes of tardiness before I will not allow them to take my exam. Iallow my class _____ minutes to take the exam. Test delivery options (circle one): Deliver to DSS, Email to DSS, Fax to DSS, other: ______________________________ Exam Date: ___________Exam Time: _________ What can the student use during the exam? (circle all that apply): notes, formulas, textbook, dictionary, calculator, other (please indicate): I allow my students up to _____ minutes of tardiness before I will not allow them to take my exam. I allow my class _____ minutes to take the exam. Test delivery options (circle one): Deliver to DSS, Email to DSS, Fax to DSS, other: ______________________________ Exam Date: ___________Exam Time: _________ What can the student use during the exam? (circle all that apply): notes, formulas, textbook, dictionary, calculator, other (please indicate): I allow my students up to _____ minutes of tardiness before I will not allow them to take my exam. I allow my class _____ minutes to take the exam. Test delivery options (circle one): Deliver to DSS, Email to DSS, Fax to DSS, other: ______________________________ Comments: ____________________________________________________________

8 Testing Procedures for Faculty 1.Review the form presented to you by the student. 2.Ensure that the dates and times are correct. (Exceptions to time may be made if the class begins before DSS opens or ends after DSS closes) 3.Fill out the “Instructor/Professor” portion of the form, making sure to complete all sections. 4.Return form to the student for delivery to DSS. 5.If individual tests and quizzes require different times, materials used, or instructions, use the back of the form to individualize each exam. Note: If you would like a copy of the form, please attach a note or e-mail DSS requesting a copy be sent to you via campus mail.

9 Giving and Returning Exams Faculty are sent a reminder card five business days before the test is to be administered. This reminder will be taken to the department office and asked to be put in your campus mail box. (See example of reminder form in your packet.) You are asked to put your exam into an envelope and attach the reminder to the outside of the exam and bring it to DSS at the Student Success Center, room 1270 at least 24 hours before the exam must be given. The test will be administered and returned to your department office. All tests are received into DSS and stored in a secure testing area. If you wish, you may also fax your exam or send it electronically to DSS secure email at We appreciate timely delivery of exams so that any modifications to size or conversion can be made effectively and efficiently. There are many ways that Faculty and DSS work together to ensure equal application of the law and the provision of accommodations to students with disabilities at SIUE. We appreciate the willingness of the intelligent and student centered faculty of SIUE and look forward to working with you as you become a member of our University Community.

10 IMPORTANT – TEST INFORMATION Professor/Instructor: _________________________________ Office Location: ____________ STUDENT’S NAME: _________________________________ Campus Extension: __________ Notification of Test Scheduled According to the Term Testing Schedule, you have a test scheduled in ______________ for the above named student on _________ at ___________. In addition, we have noted that you will allow this student to use __________ on this exam. We ask that you deliver the exam via hand delivery, email or fax to our office, which is located in the Student Success Center, Room 1270 at least 24 hours in advance. Please note any changes to the above information: _____________________________________________________ Please place test(s) in sealed envelope(s) and attach this form to the front with the "Notification of Test Scheduled" facing out. Do not mail through campus mail! Please call us for test delivery alternatives. If you have any questions or concerns, please call 618-650-3726. THANK YOU! *************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Disability Support Services Test Runner Form Delivery Method: Hand-delivered, email, FAX, other____________ Date Test Received: ______________ Date Taken: ______________________ Class is allowed: _________ Student may be ________ minutes late Time Started: ____________ Time Finished: ___________ Student must finish by____________ Accommodation(s) Used: _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, this examination was administered under the conditions agreed upon between the instructor, the student, and DSS. I have noted areas of concern below. Signed: ____________________________ Date: ___________________ Delivery Attempt at __________ on __________ Please note the following areas of concern: ________________________________________________________________________ Received By (Print Name) :_______________________________ Signature :________________________________ Date:­­­­­­­­­__________ Disability Support Services Student Success Center, Room 1270 – Box 1611 Office: 618-650-3726 Fax: 618-650-5691 Email:

11 Contact Information If you have questions, concerns or want to discuss the provision of services to students with disabilities at SIUE, please feel free to contact any member of the DSS Staff. Disability Support Services Student Success Center-Room 1270 Phone: (618) 650-3726 Fax: (618) 650-5691 Email: Website:

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