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Doc.:October 2009 Slide 1 Architecture for Smart Grid IT Interoperability (1) Purpose –Understand and model Smart Grid IT and its interoperability needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.:October 2009 Slide 1 Architecture for Smart Grid IT Interoperability (1) Purpose –Understand and model Smart Grid IT and its interoperability needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.:October 2009 Slide 1 Architecture for Smart Grid IT Interoperability (1) Purpose –Understand and model Smart Grid IT and its interoperability needs –Define and model Smart Grid IT interoperability Coordinated and consistent with architectures for P2030 Smart Grid Power and Communications Technologies Use/reuse existing relevant architecture artifacts –GridWise Architecture Council (GWAC) documents –NIST documents, especially Cloud diagrams –UCA International Users Group (UCAIUG) documents –Architectures and models from closely related applications, e.g. models that commercial and industrial electric power customers have had for years (residential consumption control is not new) –etc

2 doc.:October 2009 Slide 2 Architecture for Smart Grid IT Interoperability (2) Determine architecture scope and artifacts needed to understand and define SG IT interoperability, including but not limited to: –Information exchanges –Logical (operational) nodes –Information exchanges –Physical (system) nodes and interconnectivity –Data definitions and taxonomies –Architecture principles (e.g., separate function from device) –Factoring for ownership and administrative authority of equipment, services, and information (privacy, scope of control, etc)

3 doc.:October 2009 Slide 3 Architecture for Smart Grid IT Interoperability (3) Determine architecture framework(s), modeling technique(s)/language(s), and tool(s) to be used, for example –Frameworks DoDAF Zachman Framework TOGAF etc –Modeling languages and techniques UML SysML Subsumption architecture etc –Consider Andreas Tolks work

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