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PCB Layout Introduction

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1 PCB Layout Introduction
Wei Ren Feb. 2nd, 2010

2 Content Workflow System Analysis Transmission Lines
Components Placement Transmission Lines Routing Power Distribution Crosstalk EMI Summary

3 Workflow Optimization may need to be made after debugging
the circuits.

4 System Analysis Divide the whole system into several sub-systems by their functions: Power sub-system: DC-DC converter (analog? digital?); Linear regulator (analog? digital?); ±12V, ±5V, ±3.3V, etc. (analog? digital?); etc. Analog sub-system: Analog clock path; Signal path 1, (Priority?) Signal path 2, (Priority?) Digital sub-system: Digital clock path; Digital-to-analog path; Digital control path;

5 Signal Lines as Transmission Lines
General Transmission Line Categories: PCB Cross View Microstrip Stripline Twisted Lines Parallel Lines

6 Signal Lines as Transmission Lines
When a signal delay is greater than a significant portion of the transition time, the signal line must treated as a transmission line. where, L0 – distributed inductor, C0 – shunted capacitor so we have Characteristic Impedance Z0=(L0/C0)1/2 Propagation Delay td=(L0C0)1/2

7 Signal Lines as Transmission Lines
Issues About Transmission Line 1, Impedance Matching In order to maximize the power transfer and minimize reflection from the load. Should have ZS=ZL. The reflection coefficient:

8 Signal Lines as Transmission Lines
Then we put the source, the load and the transmission line together. There are two boundaries which may generate reflections. If miss-match, ringing is generated at the load.

9 Signal Lines as Transmission Lines
2, Noise Coupling Issue. Example: a, Coupling between 2 parallel lines, f=100kHz,TTL signal Without coupling With coupling, 800mV b, Direct-coupler

10 Components Placement

11 Transmission Lines Routing
Layout Rules for TLs A, Avoid Discontinuities. at bends on the trace, keep the Zo constant. A, poor layout B, shaving the edge C, by 45-degree corner D, by curve

12 Transmission Lines Routing
Vias take signal through the board to another layer. The vertical run of metal between layers is an uncontrolled impedance. So use the vias as few as possible

13 Transmission Lines Routing
B, Do NOT Use Stubs or Ts a), stubs b), preferred solution

14 Power Distribution It is important to have a noise-free power distribution network, which also must provide a return path for all signals generated and received on the board. 1, Power Distribution Network as a Power Source A, The effect of Impedance A, Ideal case, zero impedance B, real case Goal: Reduce the impedance of the power distribution network as much as possible!!

15 Power Distribution B, Power Buses vs. Power Planes
Power Buses Power Planes Power planes generally have better impedance characteristic than power buses; Practical consideration might favor power buses.

16 Power Distribution C, Linear Noise Filtering
All the systems generate enough noise to cause problems. Since the power plane or buses does not eliminate line noise, extra filtering is required. Solution: Bypass capacitors acting as a filter are needed. Generally, 1uF to 10uF caps are placed across the power input to the board to filter the low frequencies (like 60-Hz); and 0.01uF to 0.1uF caps are placed across the power and ground pins of every active device on the board to filter the harmonics ( in the range of 100MHz and higher)

17 Power Distribution Real capacitors have equivalent-series resistance (ESR) and equivalent-series inductance (ESL), so the real cap is a series resonant circuit, which has resonant freq, Fr=1/(LC)1/2 It is capacitive at frequencies below Fr, and inductive at frequencies above Fr. As a result, the capacitor is more a band-reject filter than a high frequency-reject filter.

18 Power Distribution Type Range of Interest Application
Table 1. Bypass Capacitor Groups Type Range of Interest Application Electrolytic 1uF to >20uF Power-supply connection of board. Glass-encapsulated Ceramic 0.01uF to 0.1uF Bypass cap at the chip. Often placed in parallel with electrolytic to widen the filter BW and increase the rejection band. Ceramic-chip Primarily used at the chip. C0G <0.1uF Bypass for noise-sensitive devices. Often used in parallel with another ceramic chip to increase rejection band.

19 Power Distribution Parallel the bypass caps to extend the range!
high-capacitance, low-ESL capacitor in parallel with a lower-capacitance, very-low-ESL capacitor.

20 Power Distribution Bypass Capacitors Placement:
1, Close to the active device, keep the connection as short as possible; 2, Close to the Vcc and GND. Preferred Placement Typical Placement

21 Power Distribution 2, Power Distribution Network as a Signal Return Path Each time a signal switches, AC current is generated. Current requires a closed loop. The return paths are needed to complete the loop by Ground or Vcc. Current loops have inductance. They can aggravate ringing, crosstalk, and radiation. Equivalent AC path

22 Power Distribution Table 2. Inductance of simple electrical circuits in air

23 Power Distribution 3, Layout Rules with Power Distribution Considerations A, Protect the circuit from damage. Put a fuse between the power supply and device to protect the system from damage caused by short circuit, overload or device failure. B, Be careful with feedthroughs. PCB Topview Common paths of signal return due to vias

24 Power Distribution C, Ground cables sufficiently Insufficient grounds
b) Enough grounds lumped together c) Grounds evenly distributed among signal lines

25 Power Distribution D, Separate analog and digital planes
On the boards with analog and digital functions, the power planes are separated; the planes are tied together at the power source. Place jumpers across the ground planes where signal cross to minimize the current loop.

26 Power Distribution E, Avoid overlapping separated planes
Do NOT overlap the power plane of digital circuitry and analog circuitry. If the planes overlap, there is capacitive coupling, which defeats isolation. F, Isolate sensitive components route other signals away from the isolated section; etch a horseshoe in the power planes around the device; add shielding box. PCB Topview

27 Power Distribution G, Place power buses near signal lines
Sometimes, power buses is the only choice when must use two-layer PCBs. It is possible to control loop size by placing the buses as close as possible to the signal lines. The loop for that signal is the same as it would be if the load used power planes.

28 Power Distribution H, Pay attention to the trace width
After estimate the current of each trace, calculate the trace width before route the wire. There are some use website as “PCB Trace Width Calculator”. For example: H, Pay attention to the trace width After estimate the current of each trace, calculate the trace width before route the wire. There are some use website as “PCB Trace Width Calculator”. For example:

29 Crosstalk Crosstalk is the unwanted coupling of signals between traces. It is either capacitive or inductive. 1, Capacitive Crosstalk Capacitive crosstalk refers to the capacitive coupling of signals between signal lines. It occurs when the lines are close to each other for some distance.

30 Crosstalk The ground trace must be a solid ground. For good grounding, the ground trace should be connected to the ground plane with taps separated a quarter wavelength of the highest frequency component of the signal.

31 Crosstalk 2, Inductive Crosstalk
Inductive crosstalk can be thought of as the coupling of signals between the primary and secondary coils of an unwanted transformer Transformer equivalent Inductive crosstalk

32 Crosstalk Crosstalk Solutions Summary
The effect of both capacitive and inductive crosstalk increases with load impedance. Thus all lines susceptible to interference due to crosstalk should be terminated at the line impedance; Keeping the signal lines separated reduces the energy that can be capacitively coupled between signal lines; Capacitive coupling can be reduced by separating the signal lines by a ground line. To be effective, the ground trace should be connected to the ground every quarter wavelength long; For inductive crosstalk, the loop size should be reduced as much as possible For inductive crosstalk, avoid situations where signal return lines share a common path

33 EMI Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) can be reduced through shielding, filtering, eliminating current loops, and reducing device speed where possible.

34 Summary Analyze the circuit well before start layout the PCB;
Integrity and stability of power and ground; Termination and careful layout of transmission lines to eliminate reflections; Termination and careful layout to reduce the effects of capacitive and inductive crosstalk; Noise suppression for compliance with radiation regulations.

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