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Speakers: Dale McGrath Keron Alexander Matthew Manning Nic Milton Aleksandar Adamovic Advisor: Patricia Mellodge.

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Presentation on theme: "Speakers: Dale McGrath Keron Alexander Matthew Manning Nic Milton Aleksandar Adamovic Advisor: Patricia Mellodge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speakers: Dale McGrath Keron Alexander Matthew Manning Nic Milton Aleksandar Adamovic Advisor: Patricia Mellodge

2 Overview Monitor a patient outside of a hospital setting A tool for healthcare professionals to diagnose and monitor a patient’s problems and progress over the long term Assess daily activities such as lifting their foot, measuring distance traveled, room monitoring, etc. will be upgraded later by adding complex and costly sensors Achieve objectives with three different groups: data acquisition, footwear and a walker Operate on a $1000 budget shared between three groups

3 Keron Alexander Hassan Alshaikh Salman Aljehany Mohammed Almakhalas Matthew Manning Nick Kern

4 Walker Development Force Sensors In each leg Calculate applied force Wireless Transmission Analyze data

5 Sub-Groups Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design Frame/wire routing Optical Encoder

6 PCB Design Clean up messy breadboard Create proper schematic Create eagle file Circuit improvements Etch a PCB

7 Walker-Frame Work Stray loose wires are a hazard Drill frame of walker and properly route wires Clean up walker Wires Enclosure PCB Optical encoder

8 Optical Encoder Measure the distance traveled Create a circuit to drive an optical encoder Construct the optical encoder Drill wheel Mount IR emitter Mount IR detector

9 Finished Design A more professional, finished product Presentable looking design User Friendly Reduce part count Reduce manufacturing cost

10 Chelsea Vendetti Bill Dely Dale McGrath Vanessa Lannaman Ledyitee Wheagar Nic Milton Shemika White

11 To measure forces in different areas of the foot In depth analysis when combined with walker provides early diagnosis of hip and leg problems Monitors progress in rehabilitation Portable design makes analysis more convenient

12 Analysis-Data Gathered Implement force sensors with accelerometer to assess the forces the foot experiences in a typical day Differing forces in the front and back of the foot Axial tilt of ankle/foot Possibly deriving distance traveled in the course of a day

13 Progress vs. Problems Benchmarked NASA iShoe for ideas Decided on a final product design Ordered necessary components Built force sensor test circuit Anticipate working prototype by April 3 rd Compact design, power source Purchasing appropriate sensors Absorption of impact by design or shoe Building the circuits

14 Group Members: Aleksandar Adamovic Fouad El Khoury Victor Borrome CompEng CompEng & CS CompEng

15 Background Data acquisition systems are processes used to collect and interpret information. The data acquisition process is integral to all design projects. Our job as Data Acquisition group is to interpret and present the data collected by the motions sensors on the footwear and the walker in the form of graphs and tables that others can read and use.

16 Where are we now? Feb 13:Familiarization with LabView (Done) Feb 20Familiarization with LabView (Done) Feb 27Meet with Walker Group, Map out needs. (Done) March 6Meet with Walker Group, Map out needs. (Done) March 13Mid-Term Presentation (Today) March 27Spring Break! April 3Fully functional with all sensors (In Process) April 10Refine and debug any problems (In Process) April 17Refine and debug any problems (In Process) April 24Final Presentation

17 Issues We are finding that it is possible issues may arise when it comes to data transmission. The Walker and Footwear groups have not decided how they want to transmit data from their sensors, so we will continue to communicate with and assist them with their choices.

18 LabView Our group’s main tool is LabView. It is versatile and flexible enough to accomplish tasks in many different engineering fields. Using this software we are able to take raw input signals and translate them into graphs and other readable data.

19 Our Expectation By the end of the semester: Each part of the system should work correctly We should be able to collect and analyze data We should have a working prototype.

20 Conclusion Digital Health Walker Development FootwearData Acquisition Final Product

21 Questions?

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