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\\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt1 Automotive Network eXchange (ANX) Les Cottrell Presentation given at ICFA-NTF at CERN March 1998 see

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1 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt1 Automotive Network eXchange (ANX) Les Cottrell Presentation given at ICFA-NTF at CERN March 1998 see for more

2 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt2 What is ANX TCP/IP based VPN or Extranet –standards, competition Interconnects automotive industry trading partners (single link for trading partner) Characterized by service quality required for mission critical communications Pilot started Dec-1-1997, completes summer 1998

3 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt3 Conceptual Design CEPO TP CSP IPsec gateway TP = trading partner CSP = Certified service provider CEPO = Certified Exchange Point Operator TP Overseer (Bellcore) CSP IPSec gateway ISP

4 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt4 Minimize finger pointing ANX Overseer ANX CSP ANX CSP ANX CEPO Trading Partner Trading Partner CSP

5 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt5 Requirements 100 metrics in 8 categories Business continuity, disaster recovery, security, customer care, trouble handling, interoperability, reliability Performance metrics –Primary: minimal network congestion and efficient and predictable routing. –Others: latency, packet/cell loss, circuit/link utilization, throughput, and efficient exchange of routing information

6 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt6 Performance metrics Active monitoring Black box approach to measure metrics Monitor file transfers –User metrics include thruput, delay and loss

7 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt7 Pilot performance metrics Throughput –measured thruput >= half of access link bandwidth –Test files 30+ Mbytes –MTU 512 bytes –sliding average over several tests

8 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt8 Pilot performance metrics Throughput Packet loss –PLR = (# sent - # necessary)/#sent –target 0.03% –use 30+MB files with 512Byte MTU –calculations averaged over large enough set of recent trials so results meaningful # sent > 100/PLR

9 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt9 Pilot performance metrics Throughput Packet loss Delay –1 Mbyte file size, 512 Byte MTU –sliding window average over several tests –90% of transfers must meet delay requirement

10 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt10 Performance Test Tool Transmitter: responsible for all performance measurement tasks & logging Receiver Performs passive opens, discards received data after acknowledging via TCP ANX

11 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt11 Measurement Architecture TP CSP Overseer CSP CEPO Router Performance test tool Automotive Trading Partners

12 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt12 Security - Public Key Infrastructure Trading Partner CA ANX CSP CA ANX CSP CA ANX CSP CA ANX CSP CA ANX Overseer CA Trading Partner CA 14 LEGEND = Cross-Certification CA = Certificate Authority

13 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt13 Security - Responsibilities Trading Partner Applications Trading Partner Applications Security for individual TP applications is outside of ANX service scope ANX public key infrastructure IPsec Gateway IPsec Gateway ANX public key infrastructure supports network-level security between TP IPsec gateways

14 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt14 Trouble Handling Trading Partner 1 ANX CSP ANX CSP 22 ANX CEPO 33 3 ANX Overseer 444 5 (Rarely) Trading Partner

15 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt15 CSP signs contract with ANX Overseer & gets registered –registration results in application -> assessment –if successful results in verification –verification repeated at regular intervals –if fail, get 30 days to fix –if not fixed -> probation –if fail TP asked to change CSP in 90 days Legal Aspects Overseer (Bellcore) CSP

16 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt16 Legal Aspects Each TP contracts with ANX Overseer & with its CSP Each CSP contracts with Overseer & CEPO CEPO contracts with Overseer CEPO TP CSP Overseer (Bellcore)

17 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt17 Legal Stuff Services are defined in contracts by guarantees Termination is provided to provide graceful exits Confidentiality required for Overseer reporting Liability limitations (reduce fright factor in joining up) Trying to head off litigation, have an escalation process, working on arbitration process

18 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt18 Flow of Money ANX CEPO ANX CSP Trading Partner Trading Partner ANX CSP AiAG l Ongoing ANX Pilot feedback on costs ANX Overseer

19 \\pcbackup\users\cottrell\ietf\anx.ppt19 Impacts Establishes certification of ISPs Implements multi-service provider VPNs Benchmarks ISP service levels Accelerates maturity of Ipsec Expect service charges to be about double that for public Internet

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