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Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Data Support Webcast date: September 24, 2012 Information valid until: November 3, 2012 Wisconsin Department of Public.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Data Support Webcast date: September 24, 2012 Information valid until: November 3, 2012 Wisconsin Department of Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Data Support Webcast date: September 24, 2012 Information valid until: November 3, 2012 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Webcast Presenters: Jennifer Wegner, Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator Melanie McCalmont, Data Support Technical Manager Ken Syke, IT Communications Coordinator

2 1. Federal CRDC Survey –What is the collection? –Focus for SY2011-12 2. DPI Data Support Project –What data support will DPI provide? –Shared responsibilities 3. September-October Steps to Do –Review materials and data matrix –Gather local data 4. November-December Steps to Do –Receive DPI files –Complete the survey Webcast outline

3 What is the CRDC? Federal CRDC survey DPI Data Support Nov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do What is the Civil Rights Data Collection? The purpose of the U.S. Department of Education (ED) Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) is to obtain data about how well the nation's public school districts and their schools are doing in fulfilling their obligation to provide equal educational opportunity.

4 What is the CRDC survey? Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Survey history The Dept of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) began collecting the CRDC in 1968. It’s authorized under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX gender equity, Section 504 for disabilities, and other statutes. States and districts that receive federal funding have a legal obligation to provide data for the survey. The regulations implementing these provisions can be found at 34 CFR 100.6(b); 34 CFR 106.71; and 34 CFR 104.61. Federal CRDC survey DPI Data Support Nov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do

5 CRDC final database Includes data for survey years: 2000, 2004, 2006, and 2009 Federal CRDC survey DPI Data Support Nov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do

6 the CRDC focus this year Focus for SY 2011-12 data survey Equity in college readiness Equity in career readiness Equity between racial/ethnic groups Equity between districts and between states Federal CRDC survey DPI Data Support Nov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do

7 Data Support Project Project summary –DPI will supply partial survey data to districts (approx 60% of questions) –Data will come from your existing collections (ISES, Coursework, Staff, Directory) –Data will be delivered in 4 files –LEA must collect remaining data –LEA uploads 8 data files to survey –LEA must check all data cells Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do

8 Data collection this year 4 parts of 2011-12 CRDC Survey LEA Part 1 form SCH Part 1 form LEA Part 2 form SCH Part 2 form USE FALL 2011 DATA Enrollment and placement data Cumulative and year-end data Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do

9 CRDC terminology Terminology we will use DPI data –Questions marked YES on Data Support Matrix Local data –Questions marked NO on Data Support Matrix Web interface –Online CRDC survey forms –Use for file uploads and screen typing Pre-collection tools –Online CRDC data collection templates (Excel) –Use for gathering local district data Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do

10 Data Sources What data will be used? –ISES Third Friday –ISES Child Count –ISES Discipline –ISES Year End (key date Oct 28) –Coursework Completion –School Directory –Fall Staff Report Pull from ISES YE will use Oct 28 key date, please make sure your ISES coordinator is aware Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do

11 Data Support Matrix Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do Data Matrix shows by survey question what DPI will send and what districts must collect Data Matrix shows by survey question what DPI will send and what districts must collect

12 Data Support disclaimers Disclaimers –Responsibilities: DPI can only provide partial survey data. LEA provides remainder. In the survey web interface, the CRDC help desk should be consulted for all survey assistance. –Delivery: The data DPI provides is only as good as the quality of your ISES and Coursework collections. We cannot revise the data files we send to you. –Quality checks: LEAs are the final authority of quality data. Check all the survey answers to make sure the data is correct. You can always overwrite DPI numbers sent to you. –Use of data: The DPI data files should not be used for any other purpose. –Full list of disclaimers is on the project homepage Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do

13 Key websites How to get survey help Help with DPI data files –Melanie McCalmont (608) 267-9162 –DPI project homepage lbstat/ crdc-support.html Help with pre-collection tools and web interface –CRDC help desk 1-855-320-6459 – Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do

14 Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do Step 1 to get ready for the survey 1.DISTRICT: Submit ISES YE on time The DPI data files depend on locked collections in ISES YE (year end) on Oct 28 key date. All other data is already finished for 2011-12. Sept-Oct Step 1

15 Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do Step 2 to get ready for the survey 2.DPI: Download the Data Support Matrix –Go to project website Download the Data Support Matrix Shows survey question number and table DPI will provide data? See column C (YES/NO) –WATCH FOR questions that are PARTLY answered by DPI and PARTLY answered by district Sept-Oct Step 2

16 Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do Districts must collect data in pre-collection tools that DPI will not provide (DPI = NO) Districts must collect data in pre-collection tools that DPI will not provide (DPI = NO) Sept-Oct Step 2

17 DPI LEA DPI LEA DPILEA DPI LEADPILEA Local districts will create 4 partial data files DPI will send 4 partial data files to districts in early November Complete survey will show answers from both sources Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do Sept-Oct Step 2

18 Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do Step 3 to get ready for the survey 3.FEDS: Download the Excel pre-collection tool –Go through the CRDC website Download the 02 pre-collection tool Excel folder Read the Table Layouts (PDF of survey questions) Compare to DPI Data Matrix Fill out the Excel templates Sept-Oct Step 3

19 Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do Pre-collection tool contains 4 spreadsheets for the 4 survey parts Review training modules Sept-Oct Step 3

20 Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do Table Layouts.pdf in the pre-collection folder show question numbers and table names These match the Data Matrix A complete set of gender & race data is called a TABLE Sept-Oct Step 2

21 Sept-Oct Step 3 If data matrix shows that DPI will provide the data, district must leave cell BLANK Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do blank FILL Excel pre-collection tool

22 Sept-Oct Step 3 Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do Blank, DPI does table 3,4,5,6 Excel pre-collection tool DPI blanks apply to TABLES and to single question sub-parts Fill, District does table 1,2,7,8,9

23 Sept-Oct Step 3 The Excel sheets have skip logic that will turn some cells red so that you SKIP them (like a branching survey) WATCH OUT SCH-0031 is missing SCH-0032 is stuck in the middle of 34 and 35 Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do Excel pre-collection tool

24 Sept-Oct Step 3 Each school is entered in a separate column Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do Excel pre-collection tool

25 Sept-Oct Step 3 DPI data file Local data CRDC Survey 8 total files 5506600LEA1STATE01.csv 5506600LEA2STATE01.csv 5506600SCH1STATE01.csv 5506600SCH2STATE01.csv 5506600LEA1MAPLE01.csv 5506600LEA2MAPLE01.csv 5506600SCH1MAPLE01.csv 5506600SCH2MAPLE01.csv 55 LEAid form name5 version Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do

26 Federal CRDC surveyDPI Data SupportNov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do Step 4 to get ready for the survey 4.WAIT for 4 DPI files to arrive Keep your 4 local.csv files Wait for 4 DPI.csv files in early November LEAs can upload their 4 files but error checks will NOT run properly (needs SCH-0005 data found in DPI file) Live webinar on file submittal in early November Sept-Oct Step 4

27 Next steps in November BASIC STEPS in the web interface 1.Login at 2.Upload DPI files Best to do DPI files first 3.Upload LEA files Files process overnight 4.Web – Fill in any blanks 5.Web – Run error checks (xls error reports) 6.Web – Make corrections 7.Certify survey, and print copies Federal CRDC survey DPI Data Support Nov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do

28 Web interface potential issues When in the survey web interface, here’s some tips to avoid data corruption or wasted time 1.Do not use ENTER key 2.Only one user at a time in app 3.“Refresh the page” frequently 4.Do not double-click buttons 5.Run error checks AFTER the DPI files are uploaded 6.Always phone CRDC for help Federal CRDC survey DPI Data Support Nov-Dec Steps to DoSept-Oct Steps to Do

29 How to get help How to get survey help Help with DPI data files –Melanie McCalmont (608) 267-9162 –DPI project homepage lbstat/ crdc-support.html Help with pre-collection tools and web interface –CRDC help desk 1-855-320-6459 –

30 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Data Support Webcast date: September 24, 2012 Information valid until: November 3, 2012 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Webcast Presenters: Jennifer Wegner, Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator Melanie McCalmont, Data Support Technical Manager Ken Syke, IT Communications Coordinator

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