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Presentation on theme: "FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT STEVE Leesa Shem-Tov STEVE Project Manager."— Presentation transcript:


2 Is STEVE part of EVVE?

3 STEVE and EVVE are almost entirely different Different applications Different purposes Different users Transmit different data Route messages differently Different accounting BUT STEVE and EVVE can co-exist on the same hardware in your jurisdiction

4 Can we use STEVE even if we haven’t finished re-engineering?

5 Re-engineering is not required STEVE input files can come from any data repository STEVE output files can be loaded back into any data repository Different files types can come from different sources

6 Do I have to use STEVE? What happens if I don’t?

7 STEVE is not currently mandatory Implementation begins in late 2008 and continuing through 2010 Non-participants may experience delays in receiving IJE data from trading partners Assume NCHS data transmission will only be through STEVE at some point Only practical way to meet birth-death matching requirements

8 How do I know who is an active STEVE trading partner?

9 STEVE displays a map Logon display of jurisdictions showing active, inactive and pending trading partners If not an active participant, there is no trading partner profile activated Once a new trading partner joins, IP address and other information is automatically “pushed” to the community

10 What hardware, software and licenses will I need for STEVE?

11 Assumptions Standard configuration with a web server in a DMZ and the STEVE TM installed behind the firewall Permission to install and operate STEVE IT support for network configuration IT support for installation and maintenance of the TM

12 What’s needed to install STEVE PHINMS certificate from CDC Commercial SSL certificate for Web Server Commercial SSL certificate for TM Server Determine target Web Server operating system/software (IIS/Apache/Other) Determine target TM Server operating system/software (Tomcat/Other) Determine target TM Database (SQL Server/Oracle/Other) Identify or procure hardware resources for Web, TM and Database servers

13 Do I need to install PHINMS?

14 PHINMS comes wrapped inside STEVE No additional installation required PHINMS will be installed with STEVE Cannot use existing PHINMS installations for STEVE PHINMS now supports point-to-point message transmission

15 How will STEVE know how my data should be exchanged and used?

16 You configure your rules Display data elements for each file type Make a “go” or “no go” decision: –Vital records trading partners –Data sharing partner programs in other jurisdictions –Data sharing partner programs in your jurisdiction –VSCP data reportable to NCHS STEVE saves the rules as “filters” If things change, modify a filter or add a new one

17 How do I know if my IJE files are correctly prepared?

18 STEVE allows you to pre-validate your IJE files Facility to test IJE formatting prior to production or after modification Identifies validation errors at the field level Opens validation “window” into actual data If passes field validation, can be directly submitted for messaging

19 What happens once I’m in production?

20 You can exchange Birth, death, roster, fetal death, ITOP events with other jurisdictions VSCP reportable data with NCHS Specific data to designated data sharing partners, such as newborn hearing or child support enforcement Data for approved research Single files on request

21 Most things are automatic Picks up files from designated inbox Strips off and sends NCHS data Identifies message destinations from the data Creates, transmits and tracks message transmissions Loads files into recipient mailboxes Provides reports of transmission activity and TM performance

22 Do I have to send all my data through STEVE? What if I send only birth data --- will I receive only birth data?

23 You control what you send and received You can send selected file types You can send data to NCHS through STEVE or not You will receive all data once you are a trading partner You can set up whatever mailboxes you choose

24 How do I become a trading partner?

25 Timetable 5 to 6 start-up trading partners in late 2008 @24 more jurisdictions in 2009 Remaining jurisdictions, including territories, in 2010 NCHS planning for early 2009 Additional trading partners for Phase II upon application to IJE Committee

26 Contact NAPHSIS IJE Committee Chairperson Jane McKendry Leesa Shem-Tov

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