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Ingi Þór Einarsson.  Swimming nerd Have worked with disabled swimmers at all levels for many years.

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Presentation on theme: "Ingi Þór Einarsson.  Swimming nerd Have worked with disabled swimmers at all levels for many years."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ingi Þór Einarsson

2  Swimming nerd Have worked with disabled swimmers at all levels for many years

3  MSc in Sport science ◦ Race analysis  PhD nám ◦ EMG ◦ EIPET ◦ Health ID

4  Approaching disability ◦ Who is disabled  Competition opportunities for disabled ◦ Special Olympics ◦ Paralympics ◦ Local opportunities  Classification of disability ◦ Functional or medical  Teaching disabled ◦ Individual approach ◦ Few tricks

5  To have you look at disability in a fresh way.  If you are already good swimming teachers/coaches you are 95% ready to be good with disability 

6  Irish and Icelandic Physical Educators experiences in teaching students with special educational needs ◦ 88% respondents had taught a student with a disability ◦ 91% had no undergraduate adapted physical education training ◦ 51% “somewhat” competent in teaching students with disabilities  Swimming teachers seems to be doing best


8  Google gives close to 100  Social welfare uses one  IPC uses another  It all depends on your point of view  I use my own

9  The language we use may influence how other people view disability  We should always use the language and descriptions that people with disabilities indicated as appropriate for them  Appropriate language may vary between countries, different disabilities and individuals e.g. disabled people/people with disabilities  Expect great things from all!

10 People first, disability second  Do not sensationalise  Avoid generalising  Avoid emotional terminology: suffering, victims, struggles with, conquered  Focus on ability, not level of impairment  Talk video Talk video 10

11  Same for people with disabilities as for non-disabled ◦ to keep fit ◦ be with my friends ◦ to relax ◦ to enjoy my swimming ◦ to be the best  To reduce the effect of my disability 11

12  Disabled people DON’T need our pity nor sympathy  Disabled people need our understanding and sometimes our assistance

13  If you feel like reading more up matters like this go to www.EIPET.EUwww.EIPET.EU  Its “off the shelf” material to help any one who works with disability in Physical activity context  Its free and everyone can use, either all or part of it.

14  Two main directions  Special Olympics  Paralympics  Both great, but that’s about it, what they have in common

15  The biggest victory is to take part  Mainly for Intellectually disabled, but not closed to any one  No classification before hand ◦ Swimmers race in heats in the morning (or entry time) and are then split in to groups 4-8 swimmers based on their time  Many sets of medals for each event  Everyone has a fair chance of winning

16  Big Global Games every four years  Many regional and national games in most countries  Important that these opportunities are pointed out to those who have a chance of taking part.  n&client=mv-google&v=5Y9k- U67FNg&nomobile=1 n&client=mv-google&v=5Y9k- U67FNg&nomobile=1

17  Hard core competitions  Who is the best  Pre-competition classification  Strict rules  Big Paralympics games held every 4 year following the Olympics in same venues  Many local and regional opportunities

18  In international swimming there are 3 main classification systems going on.  Visually impaired = Medical Classification  Physically disabled = Functional Classification  Intellectual disabled = Medical & Functional Classification

19  S11 ◦ No light perception in up to light perception but inability to recognize the shape of hand at any distance  S12 ◦ Ability to recognize shape of hand up to visual acuity of 2/60 and/or visual field of less than 5 degrees.  S13 ◦ Visual acuity above 2/60 up to 6/60 and/or visual field of 5 –20 degrees.

20  Compete in S1 – S10  Complicated system based on ability, not disability.  Different kind of disability often swim in the same class  Based on what the swimmer should be able to do with good training and help

21  Normal body has 300 points  Then we subtract points for missing or non- functioning limbs or body parts  Arms 130 points  Legs 100 points  Body 50 points  Start 10 points  Turns 10 points

22  All you need is will!


24  S7 in Free  SB5 in Breast  SM6 in IM


26  The classification panel is three people one medical and one swimming expert and one other. There is a: ◦ Bench test ◦ Water test ◦ Competition observation  Repeat minimum of two times  Leuven video link Leuven video link

27  Often need to combine classes ◦ Due to few swimmers in each class  Reference formulas used  Experience coaches put young children approximately in classes in the beginning  Important that this is done fairly

28  ID included in Paralympics 1996 and 2000  ID took no part in 2004 and 2008 because of lack of evidence and classification system  Data collected between 2004 and 2010 both in cognitive testing and race analysis  ID took part in EU 2009 and 2011 and worlds 2011  Will take part in London 2012

29 1. Be on INAS-FID master list A.IQ test < 75 B.Questionnaire C.Before 18 years old 2. Apply to get on to IPC master list A.Sport specific questionnaire B.Cognitive test battery (five different tests) C.Sport specific test (SST)

30  Measure cognitive function that is related to ability to perform in sport ID AB 0/5 = 1/5 = 2/5 = SST 3/5 =  4/5 =  5/5 = 

31 Based on the relationship between stroke rate and swimming velocity Relative stroking speed Different pattern can be observed between S14- and AB swimmers



34 Swimmer who is scoring more “normal”, that is 2/5 on the cognitive test battery, and are swimming like an elite AB swimmer; do not show diminished ability to perform at a high level in swimming, and should there for not be swimming under IPC rules!

35  Iceland ◦ ◦ SÓ  Færeyjar ◦ ◦ SÓ  Denmark ◦ ◦ SÓ

36  Finnland ◦ ◦  Sweden ◦ ◦  Norway ◦ ◦

37  There are many guidelines around to help us pedagogically to work with disabled  We have all learned in school what is good teaching in general

38  Gain attention first  Provide information in chunks  Use appropriate language  Pause frequently – give time to process & respond  Repeat and simplify information  Stress important words in sentences  Be clear about the order of events (first, then)  Have defined end to event  Say what you mean  Avoid negatives  Use demonstration & visual supports 38


40  No matter who it is everyone needs the same to learn to swim.  Security ◦ Breathing, holding breath, water in face  Balance ◦ Float in front and back  Limbs ◦ Symmetrically and asymmetrically movements

41  Autism ◦ Often find symmetrically swims easier to master ◦ Low perception of intensity level  ADHD ◦ Can be VERY good swimmers in right settings ◦ Skills takes longer to master – build clear frame  ID ◦ Low perception of intensity level ◦ Skills are not stable ◦ Too weak

42  Amputee ◦ Legs and arms create similar problems ◦ Need to work hard to find the right rhythm  Paralyzed ◦ Difficult to hit the right intensity zone ◦ Body position is the name of the game  CP ◦ Need longer to recover from hard training ◦ Need sometimes very special skill adaptations  Visually impaired ◦ Skills unstable ◦ Needs on-hand teaching

43  Online system www.swimties/learnwww.swimties/learn  Material for coaches and teachers  Special chapters for disabled, but mostly general stuff.

44  Integration is more and more common  We all need to be specialist in disability swimming  Its important that PE teachers know how and where to channel disabled swimmers  KISS


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