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PRINCE Project Management Methodology Application in Project Of Registries Tomáš Cajthaml.

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Presentation on theme: "PRINCE Project Management Methodology Application in Project Of Registries Tomáš Cajthaml."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRINCE Project Management Methodology Application in Project Of Registries Tomáš Cajthaml

2 Agenda 1. Basic registries and SDI 2. RUIAN 3. Prince methodology 4. Quality in RUIAN 5. ISO measures in RUIAN 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

3 Hierarchical View on Part of SDI CZ 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

4 SDI Development in CZ – state of art 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

5 Purpose of Basic Registries Reference data entries New system approach in Public Administration All information systems communicate through notifications Responsibility for changes – „editor“ as legal role Self-cleaning mechanism in public administration - system of complaints and discrepancy elimination Creation of public administration map with rules and patterns for other bodies 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

6 Basic Registries 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

7 Actors ROB – Register of Inhabitants ROS – Register of Persons RUIAN – Register of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estates RPP – Register of Law and Obligations ISZR – Information System of Basic Registries ORG – Converter of Basic Registries Czechpoints – contact points for public 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

8 Basic Registries Project Members Czech Statistical Office Ministry of Interior COSMC (Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre) The Office for Personnel Data Protection Other public administration Bodies (through „agenda“ infromation systems) 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

9 Roadmap 2009: Basic Registries Law Start of tenders INSPIRE transposition law in Czech Republic 2010:  Basic Registries Law – new amendment  Amendment to INSPIRE Law 2011 – RUIAN project operation (2 weeks ago) 2012 – operation working (plan) 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

10 RUIAN Register of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estates – editor = COSMC ISKN – Information System of Public Administration ISUI – information system of land information RUIAN – main part for presentation/publication with client and application interface The one source in public administration for … Future possible use for … Integrated rescue systems, INSPIRE, … etc. 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

11 Content of RUIAN  Reference data sets Real estates (cadastral parcels) Addresses – complete address numbers Identification – administrative units Streets – street definition lines Buildings Part of „Geonames“ 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

12 Prince Methodology - introduction The methodology was established for public administration in the 70s in Great Britain Official UK government methodology for project management 90th - the other EU countries 2008 Prince2 Methodology 2008 oficial methodology for projects funded from EU budget in Czech Republic 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

13 Quality in RUIAN project Prince compliant methodology Quality plan – similar to handbook Acceptance criterias of product/outputs Relations to milestones, quality criteria/metrics Method of quality control etc. Evaluation from 3 points of view: Subject general (ISO standards …) Agreement with supplier Methodology (internal rules) 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

14 COSMC implementation „Fit for purpose“ definition Quality = tool to measure the quality of the project quality management are understood as coordinated measures to manage and control an organization The basic tool for checking = is the checking stage, which is the job of project manager who controls the work progress, quality, open issues, risks and tolerances Quality elements/metrics are recorded in the register of quality (Quality Log) 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

15 Quality Plan Project management responsibilities: Team on Quality (COSMC and supplier members, independent members) Team of Acceptation (internal and supplier members only) Description of procedures: Acceptation – connected with project milestones Quality control – twice a year, 3 points of view 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

16 Content of Quality Log Source Error Code The method of quality control Description of quality criteria Standard ID and identifier according to the criteria The value obtained evaluating the quality and level of acceptance Date of supply Related Documentation with links – quality reports The result as an action that is necessary to perform Proposed measures Target values Date of acceptance Delivery date, etc.. 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

17 Quality Log 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

18 Quality report - example 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

19 Draft of COSMC Quality Model KvalitaMetadatová položkaADAUCPGNHYPSTN completness DQ_CompletenessCommission XXxXX2X DQ_CompletenessOmission XXXXXXX logical consistency DQ_ConceptualConsistency XXxXX DQ_DomainConsistency XxxXX DQ_FormatConsistency xxxxX DQ_TopologicalConsistency NS2X3X9X6X positional accuracy DQ_AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracy XXXX X2XX DQ_RelativeInternalPositionalAccuracy NS/---X temporal accuracy DQ_TemporalConsistency XNS thematic accuracy DQ_ThematicClassificationCorrectness xxXxX DQ_NonQuantitativeAttributeAccuracy XXX DQ_QuantitativeAttributeAccuracy NS Xx Maintenance MD_MaintenanceInformation XXXXXXX Pozn: Křížky (X) jsou označeny požadované metadatové položky pro jednotlivá témata přílohy I. Z toho ČÚZK může tučně označené položky zařadit povinně do metadatového profilu bez zvýšení nákladů. Jsme schopni provádět i další kontroly kvality, jejich povinnost by si však vyžádala zvýšené náklady na management kvality – tyto položky jsou označeny X. x – jsou označeny položky, které jsme schopni zavést nad rámec návrhu JRC. NS(položka nemá smysl), „-“ (Upřednostňuje se absolutní přesnost) 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

20 Results - summary  Main controls are focused on consistency  „Hundred of thousand/millions incorrect items was repaired according to „self-cleaning principles“  Topology controls were used in procedure of administrative units transformation – 9 rules  Completeness – the same evaluation methods as Czech cadastre use  Quality improvement – new GIS data model  Long-lasting activities were established 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

21 PRINCE Project Management Methodology Application in Project Of Registries Tomáš Cajthaml Thank you very much for your attention

22 Summary COSMC has been implementing the Register of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estates (RUIAN) as one of the basic registries for public administration since 2009. The development and implementation of this project, which is under the terms of drawing funds from the EU, have to respect Prince2 methodology. Project management board decided to incorporate necessary measures according to current standards ISO 19100 Series for geographic information. Together with basic registry principles, application of these ISO standards help to reach interoperability and commonality, as well as the required level and make possible to continuously improve quality of nationwide databases for identification of addresses, administrative units, street networks and other elements of RUIAN, including cadastre of real estates and buildings. 13.9.2011EuroGeographics Webinar, Q-KEN

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