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1 Road Crash and Victim Information System (RCVIS) Mr Sem Panhavuth Road Crash and victim information System Project Manager Handicap International Belgium.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Road Crash and Victim Information System (RCVIS) Mr Sem Panhavuth Road Crash and victim information System Project Manager Handicap International Belgium."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Road Crash and Victim Information System (RCVIS) Mr Sem Panhavuth Road Crash and victim information System Project Manager Handicap International Belgium Cambodia

2 2 1.Database development and setup 2.System Operation Content

3 3 1. Database development and setup MS SQL Sever 2005 Studio.NET 2010 Data entry form with Unicode interface Searching tool User account Customize report tool Other available tools

4 4 1. Database development and setup ISS Database already developed and install at MOH Road crash database for police already developed and installed at MOI RCVIS Database is under construction by HIB

5 5 2. System Operation2 Data Check & Analysis Monthly Report Dissemination Data collection at hospitals, private clinics and traffic police offices Data Verification & Follow up End User & Feedback Data Entry & Storage Monthly/annual Report Writing 1111 3 4 5 6

6 6 2. System Operation SOP1: Data collection Casualty forms are completed by the participating partners Individual hospitals route their forms through Provincial Health Departments to the Ministry of Health in Phnom Penh. Traffic police route their completed forms through Provincial Commissary Police Offices to the Ministry of Interior in Phnom Penh. Forms from private clinics in Phnom Penh are retained by them and collected by RCVIS staff. The RCVIS Manager collects copy data forms from MoI and the RCVIS officer collects copy data forms from MoH and original data forms from the private clinics. Forms are sorted by province and Date of crash and by Hospital and Date of crash as preparation for data entry and verification.

7 7 2. System Operation SOP2: Data entry and verification Data encoders and RCVIS officer check collected form and entering data in a timely and reliable way. RCVIS officer allocates manually a serial number for each data collection form. The Data encoder monitors the data during data entry If the information is incorrect or missing, RCVIS Data encoders cross-check with the RCVIS officer, the RCVIS Manager or, for serious errors If reports cannot be corrected or completed, the Data encoders list the errors and provide these lists to the RCVIS officer or RCVIS Manager. Feedback to the interviewers to correct those mistakes and to avoid the same mistakes in the future through training and ministry. If data entry can not input on the desired timescale, manager have to find solution to solve the problem. Database syntax: to prevent the confusion/mistake by the database encoder. Ex: victim is a motorbike rider  seatbelt is not applicable

8 8 2. System Operation SOP3: Data form filling system RCVIS officer in charge of data form filling system. Data forms entered in SOP02 are filed in serial number order, with separate files for Traffic Police and Hospitals, and by crash month. Data collection forms which arrive at the RCVIS office early, are temporarily filed until the next calendar month when they will be entered into the RCVIS system. Data collection forms which arrive at the RCVIS office late, are temporarily filed for entry when time is available in the current month. The monthly reports already published remain unmodified and modified data is only shown when published in the annual report.

9 9 2. System Operation SOP4: Data quality control and assurance 1. Data entry checks Data encoders monitor the data during data entry (3.3., 3.4. and 3.5. SOP02). The RCVIS Manager and officer monitor differences between input data and original copy. The RCVIS officer checks the number of hardcopy data sheets versus the number of data entries recorded. 2. Spot checks via media reporting The RCVIS Manager and officer monitor crash reports in the media, store this information and subsequently check that it has been accurately reported via the RCVIS data collection system. Any discrepancies are checked during data entry Media contacts are also made, if the information on the forms is different from the media.

10 10 Step 1: to check the duplicated records, important variables are selected to query data: -Location of accident (province, district, commune) -Date of accident -Name of hospital -Serial number -Name of victim -Gender -Age, Occupation -Time of accident -Date and time of arrival hospital -Type of road user -Type of transport -Severity of injury -Hospital discharge. Key variables: Location (province), accident date, victim name, 2. System Operation SOP4: Data quality control and assurance 3. Checking duplicate record

11 11 2. System Operation SOP4: Data quality control and assurance 3. Checking duplicate record

12 12 1.Sort (ascending) through variable: location (province)/accident date/ hospital/ serial number 2.Sort (ascending) through variable: Name (name of victim) 3.Other variables are used to see how likely those recorded can be duplicated Through this process, we can identify records that are most likely duplicated Step 2: the records are sorted out: SOP4: Data quality control and assurance 3. Checking duplicate record 2. System Operation

13 13 Step 3: Copy those “most likely” duplicated records into excel sheet SOP4: Data quality control and assurance 3. Checking duplicate record 2. System Operation

14 14 Step 4: Compare the original forms of those “most likely” duplicated records. The data can be duplicated: - between hospital and traffic police forms - between 1 hospital and another hospital Step 5: Those “most likely” duplicated records will be finally judged by the staff and update them into the database SOP4: Data quality control and assurance 3. Checking duplicate record 2. System Operation

15 15 1. If the records are duplicated between hospital vs traffic police: - mark the police record as “duplicated data” and it won’t be included for the final data analysis - keep hospital record in the database 2. If the records are duplicated between 1 hospital and another hospital (*): - keep the data that is recorded by the first hospital, - mark as “duplicated data” for the data that is recorded by another hospital, and it won’t be used for the final data analysis (*) Note: it means the victim was transferred from the first hospital to another hospital, mostly because the first hospital is not able to treat the victim SOP4: Data quality control and assurance 3. Checking duplicate record 2. System Operation

16 16 Ensures that input data are ready for data analysis to produce the report. Using the Query function in Access proceed by Run RCVIS database for the month. Create an SPSS file by receiving data from the Access query. Create graphs from the SPSS database and then extract the required figures into the monthly report sheet in Excel. SOP5: Data analysis and report production 2. System Operation

17 17 Create graphs from the SPSS database and then extract the required figures into the monthly report sheet in Excel. The Project Manager checks the contents and quality of the reports, updating the original template, before sending them to the Program Manager for approval. The Project Manager compiles and summarizes the main reasons for accidents in the period of the report. After production of the English monthly report the RTAVIS Manager translates to a Khmer version. SOP5: Data analysis and Report Production 2. System Operation

18 18 SOP6: Report dissemination Based on updated “end-user distribution list” the Project Coordinator sends the monthly report to English language end-users requiring electronic mail transmission and Khmer version reports are transmitted by the RCVIS manager. The RCVIS officer sends hardcopy monthly reports via driver to end-users that have requested hardcopy including media organisations. RCVIS staff monitors the media coverage of each monthly report and extract and file any copy. 2. System Operation


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