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Official Energy Statistics in Sweden Mats Rönnbacka Statistics Sweden.

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1 Official Energy Statistics in Sweden Mats Rönnbacka Statistics Sweden

2 Energy Statistics in Sweden Monthly Monthly oil-, gas-, and stock statistics Monthly electric energy statistics Quarterly Quarterly fuel statistics Annually Electricity, gas and district heating statistics Energy statistics for non-residential premises Energy statistics for one- or two-dwelling houses Energy statistics for multi-dwelling houses Energy use in industry, (Nace 10-37)

3 Energy Statistics in Sweden Monthly oil-, gas-, and stock statistics Population: About 60 coal- and oil trading companies, and producers and delivers of bio- diesel (for transport purposes) and ethanol. Two distributors of natural gas. About 120 companies with stocks. Variables: Quantity of stocks, imports, exports, production, own consumption, bunkers for foreign shipping and deliveries to consumers and retailers. Supply, consumption and deliveries of natural gas. Stocks of domestic heating oil and heavy fuel oils. Respons: Almost 100 per cent Publishing: About 6 weeks after the period, web- report, Swedish Statistical Database

4 Energy Statistics in Sweden Monthly electric energy statistics Population: About 1 800 undertakings (manufacturing, district heating plants and railways). Cut-off-sample for manufacturing (use 2 000 MWh per year). Estimate the small ones. Variables: Electricity production, imports, exports, use of electricity and distribution losses. Use of electricity are divided into consumer sectors. Respons: Almost 100 per cent Publishing: About 6 weeks after the period Web- report, Swedish Statistical Database

5 Energy Statistics in Sweden Quarterly fuel statistics Population/sample: A total sample of about 250 power and district heating plants. Cut-off sample (>325 toe) of about 1 000 manufacturing establishments. Variables: Consumption of fuels. Gross production of electric energy. Production and deliveries of district heating. Stock, supply, own consumption and deliveries of coal, coke, fuel oils and liquefied petroleum gas. Supply, own consumption and deliveries of natural gas. Respons: Almost 100 per cent Publishing: About one quarter after the period, Web-report and paper

6 Energy Statistics in Sweden Annual electricity, gas and district heating statistics Population/sample: A total sample. About 1 000 enterprises (200 netcompanies and 800 others), about 1 300 power plants and about 200 CHP and district heating plants, and 1 gaswork and 7 natural gas distributors Variables: Power plants: Technical equipment, electricity production and fuel consumption (quantity and value) District heating plants: Production and turnover of district heating, consumption of electricity and fuels. Enterprises: Production and deliveries divided into consumption sectors and specifications of receipts, certain costs, salary, and employment Respons: Almost 100 per cent Publishing: Preliminary data about 10 month, and definitive data about 14 month after the period, Web- report and paper

7 Energy Statistics in Sweden Energy statistics for non-residential premises Population/sample: A sample survey of 8 000 real estates from 92 000 real estates Variables: Heated space, type of heating, number of premises and real estates, and consumption of fuels Frequency: Annual Respons: Around 80 per cent Publishing: About eleven month after the period, Web-report and paper

8 Energy Statistics in Sweden Energy statistics for one- or two-dwelling houses Population/sample: A sample of about 6 800 real estates with one- or two-dwelling houses from a population of 1.8 million real estates. Year 2003 the sample was 100 000, breakdown by municipality Variables: Heated space, type of heating, number of houses and use of energy Frequency: Annual Respons: Around 80 per cent Publishing: About ten month after the period, Web- report and paper

9 Energy Statistics in Sweden Energy statistics for multi-dwelling houses Population/sample: A sample of 7 000 real estates with multi-dwelling buildings from a population of 80 000 real estates Variables: Heated space, type of heating, number of dwellings and use of energy Frequency: Annual Respons: Around 80 per cent Publishing: About ten month after the period, Web-report and paper

10 Energy Statistics in Sweden Annual statistics of energy use in industry Population/sample: From year 2004, total sample with more than nine employees. For the small companies we estimate the energy use Variables: Electricity consumption, consumption of fuels for transportation, consumption of fuels for other purposes Frequency : Annual Respons: Around 80 per cent Publishing: Web-report and paper

11 Energy balances in Sweden - surveys Quarterly balances Monthly electricity statistics Monthly fuel, gas and stock statistics Quarterly fuel statistics Foreign trade statistics (for some fuels) The quarterly balances are published about one quarter after the period, web and paper

12 Energy balances in Sweden - surveys In annual balances Annual electricity, gas and district heating statistics Annual energy statistics for industry Annual statistics for one and two-dwelling buildings, multi-dwelling buildings and non- residential premises Quarterly balances Foreign trade Model estimations from intermittent surveys Construction, forestry, fishing, agriculture The annual balances are published about one year after the period, web and paper

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