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Surviving The Festive Session A Recovery Survival Guide to avoiding the Ghosts of Christmas Past! A Perth Christmas Story as told By: Ba Humbug.

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Presentation on theme: "Surviving The Festive Session A Recovery Survival Guide to avoiding the Ghosts of Christmas Past! A Perth Christmas Story as told By: Ba Humbug."— Presentation transcript:


2 Surviving The Festive Session A Recovery Survival Guide to avoiding the Ghosts of Christmas Past! A Perth Christmas Story as told By: Ba Humbug.

3 Ebenezer’s Scrouged!! We all know the story of Christmas Past and the story of change that takes place in one fateful night! We all know the story of Christmas Past and the story of change that takes place in one fateful night! In reality we all know that Christmas is not always the pleasant time that people expect it to be. Many people really do face their ghosts, and they ain’t always pleasant!! In reality we all know that Christmas is not always the pleasant time that people expect it to be. Many people really do face their ghosts, and they ain’t always pleasant!! This guide is designed to help you face the festive session as best you can. Please check with Perth & Kinross Services for any changes. This guide is designed to help you face the festive session as best you can. Please check with Perth & Kinross Services for any changes.

4 Challenge One! The Ghost of projects closed! The Ghost of projects closed! Many projects can and do close their doors over the holiday period, please make yourselves aware of the opening times. Many projects can and do close their doors over the holiday period, please make yourselves aware of the opening times. This includes your GPs and other important services! Get a hold of the emergency contact numbers. This includes your GPs and other important services! Get a hold of the emergency contact numbers. (Project open times for P&K are in the next slide! Always check with the project for opening times) (Project open times for P&K are in the next slide! Always check with the project for opening times)

5 Local Services Closing Times: Highland House, will be closed the 25 th & 26 th Dec and the 1st & 2 nd Jan. Highland House, will be closed the 25 th & 26 th Dec and the 1st & 2 nd Jan. CAIR Scotland is closed 25 th & 26 th Dec and the 1st & 2nd Jan. CAIR Scotland is closed 25 th & 26 th Dec and the 1st & 2nd Jan. TCA: is closed, 25-26 th Dec and 1st & 2nd Jan 2013. TCA: is closed, 25-26 th Dec and 1st & 2nd Jan 2013. Several Local Churches provide meals at various times: please check this. Several Local Churches provide meals at various times: please check this.

6 Out of Hours Services! Social Work: 0845 30 111 20 Social Work: 0845 30 111 20 NHS 24: 08454 24 24 24 NHS 24: 08454 24 24 24

7 Local Services! Change is a must: Closed, 25 th -27 th Dec and 1-3 rd Jan. Out of Hours: 01738 476768 (provides 24hr cover over Public Holidays) Change is a must: Closed, 25 th -27 th Dec and 1-3 rd Jan. Out of Hours: 01738 476768 (provides 24hr cover over Public Holidays) ECLIPS: 25 th -26 th Dec Closed and 1 st and 2 rd Jan re-opens 3 th Jan. (Call 01382 200532 for info) ECLIPS: 25 th -26 th Dec Closed and 1 st and 2 rd Jan re-opens 3 th Jan. (Call 01382 200532 for info) Change is a must can be accessed by calling 01738-742260. At Public Holidays the Out of Hours Social Work Number. Change is a must can be accessed by calling 01738-742260. At Public Holidays the Out of Hours Social Work Number.

8 National Support Services Scottish Recovery Consortium: Scottish Recovery Consortium: 0141 226 1662 Scottish Drugs Forum: 0141 221 1175 {Naloxone information is available On this site}

9 Project Contact Details! : 01738- 6262442. : 01738- 6262442. Tulloch Net; covers Tulloch: 01738- 562731. Closed 25 th Dec till Jan 2 nd. Tulloch Net; covers Tulloch: 01738- 562731. Closed 25 th Dec till Jan 2 nd. Samaritans: 01738 626666 or 0845 909090. Samaritans: 01738 626666 or 0845 909090. CATH: 01738 633077 CATH: 01738 633077 Al-Anon: 0141 339 8884 Al-Anon: 0141 339 8884

10 Local Recovery Groups: PAST can be contacted by e-mailing or calling: Tony on 07428297035. PAST can be contacted by e-mailing or calling: Tony on 07428297035. INSPIRAL can be contacted at or calling: 01738-626242. INSPIRAL can be contacted at or calling: 01738-626242. Family Support can e-mail or calling: 07784912050 Family Support can e-mail or calling: 07784912050

11 Challenge Two! The Ghost of Winter Weather: The Ghost of Winter Weather: Talk with your worker, find out what happens in case of bad weather, to your script, your attendance requirements etc! Talk with your worker, find out what happens in case of bad weather, to your script, your attendance requirements etc!

12 Surviving The Challenges! What can you do to survive this time of year: What can you do to survive this time of year: Plan out what you have to do over the next few days/week. Plan out what you have to do over the next few days/week. Remember there is support out there for you. (please seek support if you need it) Remember there is support out there for you. (please seek support if you need it) Talk over the challenges with your workers, friends and family. Talk over the challenges with your workers, friends and family.

13 Survival Helplines!!! AA: 0845 769 7555 AA: 0845 769 7555 NA: National Helpline: 0300 999 1212 NA: National Helpline: 0300 999 1212 National Helplines Organisation: (Has the list of all helplines you requires) National Helplines Organisation: (Has the list of all helplines you requires)

14 Christmas Things! If you ain’t the Baa Humbug type: If you ain’t the Baa Humbug type: Go out and see the Christmas Lights and attractions. Go out and see the Christmas Lights and attractions. Go for a walk and look at the shops, you really don’t need to buy anything. Go for a walk and look at the shops, you really don’t need to buy anything. Look out for free events, like Carol Singing. Look out for free events, like Carol Singing. Check out what is happening at the local churches and community centres. Check out what is happening at the local churches and community centres. Go to the Library and stock up on books DVDs things to keep you going. Go to the Library and stock up on books DVDs things to keep you going.

15 The Natural Beauty! Perth & Kinross, is certainly one of the most beautiful area’s of Scotland, wrap up and enjoy the winter scenes. Perth & Kinross, is certainly one of the most beautiful area’s of Scotland, wrap up and enjoy the winter scenes. Make a wee list of things you want to do, check out the Library notice boards for events Make a wee list of things you want to do, check out the Library notice boards for events Make sure you are aware of transport issues; check with Travel Line on 0871 200 2233 or to check any disruptions. Make sure you are aware of transport issues; check with Travel Line on 0871 200 2233 or to check any disruptions.

16 Attending Meetings! If you are attending AA or NA meetings (or any support meetings), phone the contact person and see if you can share transport with other people. NA now meets in Perth on Friday Evenings. If you are attending AA or NA meetings (or any support meetings), phone the contact person and see if you can share transport with other people. NA now meets in Perth on Friday Evenings. Plan ahead for the holiday stop dates! Plan ahead for the holiday stop dates!

17 Things to Do! Families! You can do things like make your own Christmas cards, like the old Blue Peter style. You can do things like make your own Christmas cards, like the old Blue Peter style. Have a film night, invite friends along get a DVD and watch, get a musical and sing-along. Have a film night, invite friends along get a DVD and watch, get a musical and sing-along. Have a theme round the film “Rocky Horror Show” It’s you party!!!! Have a theme round the film “Rocky Horror Show” It’s you party!!!! Share food get together around a friends house, all bring something or make something to eat! Try baking! You never know. Share food get together around a friends house, all bring something or make something to eat! Try baking! You never know.

18 Families Continued! Do outings in groups with friends, the movies or a theatre night. Do outings in groups with friends, the movies or a theatre night. Go for a group walk, or go swimming at the local pool. Go for a group walk, or go swimming at the local pool. Remember talk it over, share ideas, the more fun the better. Remember talk it over, share ideas, the more fun the better.

19 Things to do on your own! Yes you can have a good time on your own! Watch a film that makes you laugh. Yes you can have a good time on your own! Watch a film that makes you laugh. Listen to your favourite music. Listen to your favourite music. Pamper yourself with a nice long soak in bath salts. Pamper yourself with a nice long soak in bath salts. Relax and don’t get stressed, do things that make you chill. Relax and don’t get stressed, do things that make you chill. Eat your favourite food, treat yourself to a selection box. Eat your favourite food, treat yourself to a selection box. Make the house look Christmassy, get a wee theme going. Make the house look Christmassy, get a wee theme going.

20 Stay Clean; Stay Sober. The final ghost you might have to tackle, plan to beat this. The final ghost you might have to tackle, plan to beat this. Take a friend who will stay sober and ask them to get you to leave if you are going to drink at a party. Take a friend who will stay sober and ask them to get you to leave if you are going to drink at a party. Be in a safe place where people respect you and not encourage you to drink or take drugs. Be in a safe place where people respect you and not encourage you to drink or take drugs. Take your own soft drinks with you. Take your own soft drinks with you.

21 Your in Charge This Christmas! Plan your visit, tell people you have to be away early. Plan your visit, tell people you have to be away early. If you feel that someone might be at a party that might upset you or tempt you to drink or take drugs, it really is best to avoid the party If you feel that someone might be at a party that might upset you or tempt you to drink or take drugs, it really is best to avoid the party Remember you might have changed, but people at the party might not have Remember you might have changed, but people at the party might not have Remember you stay in control. Remember you stay in control.

22 General Hints Have enough food in the house and plan for the shops closing. Have enough food in the house and plan for the shops closing. Have food that can last over a few days, chicken! Have food that can last over a few days, chicken! Make soup keep it in the fridge this will last a good few days. Make soup keep it in the fridge this will last a good few days. Make sure you have your medications as well as stocks of the cold and flu remedies that we all need at this time. Make sure you have your medications as well as stocks of the cold and flu remedies that we all need at this time. Don’t forget some fruit and veg! Don’t forget some fruit and veg!

23 Finally! We could rant on, but the advice is: We could rant on, but the advice is: Plan: Plan: Get Key Dates: Get Key Dates: Find things to do: Find things to do: Talk with family and friends: Talk with family and friends: People care, but look after yourself. People care, but look after yourself. Christmas can be a good time, try and make this so, for yourself. Christmas can be a good time, try and make this so, for yourself. Be strong, if you have a problem, seek support, visit a support group: NA or AA. Be strong, if you have a problem, seek support, visit a support group: NA or AA. Have yourself a very merry Christmas! One that you are in control of. Have yourself a very merry Christmas! One that you are in control of.

24 Resolutions: These are personal & individual but can I be so bold as to suggest. These are personal & individual but can I be so bold as to suggest. Find out more about Naloxone, you could save a life. Find out more about Naloxone, you could save a life. Join the growing Recovery Movement in Perth & Kinross. We are developing a Recovery Forum, get your voice heard. Join the growing Recovery Movement in Perth & Kinross. We are developing a Recovery Forum, get your voice heard. If you have a Smart Phone get the U-Turn App! It can save a life. If you have a Smart Phone get the U-Turn App! It can save a life.

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