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Jennifer ZingeryAbel AvilezKatie KunzAya Udagawa CONSULTANTS:

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Presentation on theme: "Jennifer ZingeryAbel AvilezKatie KunzAya Udagawa CONSULTANTS:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jennifer ZingeryAbel AvilezKatie KunzAya Udagawa CONSULTANTS:

2 INTRODUCTION  AT ISSUE: Develop New Maps for GBRA’s Web Site  Current map is a static map only  Shows watershed boundaries only with no other info GOAL OF THE PROJECT: Create new maps for addition to their web site Interactive maps for visitors to see and use Create data which can be downloaded from site

3 Current Map: Source: GBRA Web Site Prepared for GBRA’s 2007 Basin Highlights Report

4 Methodology  DATA MUST UNDERGO THE FOLLOWING STEPS  Phase 1:Data Collection and Development  Phase 2:Data Assembly (Arc-GIS Software)  Phase 3:Web-GIS Assembly (Manifold Software)


6 Task  Geo-Tex Spatial Solutions (GTSS) must collect data to built GIS-web interactive maps  GTSS must make available about 11 different types of layers to help inform the wide range of GBRA website users  Data must be from reliable sources

7 Data Collection Methods  Internet  Phone  Excel files Source:

8 Data Sources

9 Issues with Data  The rights to use the data  Waiting to receive data  Finding incomplete data  Size of data  Overall time spent looking for data Source: www.ilmfinder

10 Phase 2: Data Assembly  The purpose of the Data Assembly is to determine which map data is most suitable for the needs of GBRA. The data will be assembled using a GIS software and will include :  Data provided by GBRA  Data discovered from outside agencies  Develop data collected from raw data  However, even after the completion date, it is expected Geo- Tex may need to continue to collect and assemble data as needed.


12 PHASE 3: WEB GIS  By using the Manifold Program (Web GIS) it makes the maps interactive with the user in many ways.  The World-Wide Web opens doors for everyone with internet to make available GeoSpatial Information.

13 Phase 3: WEB GIS  Benefits to the User:  View only layers they would like to see  Makes the maps easier and faster to download  Easy to Navigate  GIS information available to all society membe rs

14 PHASE 3: WEB GIS (Sample Map)

15 Time Line IMPORTANT DATES: Monday, March 2 Proposal Presentation to client Wednesday, April 6Progress Report to Client Monday, May 11Final Report Presentation Final Deliverables to Client

16 Budget Data Collection Total Hours (7 hours/week * 3.2 weeks * 4 consultants) 89.6 Hourly Pay$30.00 Total$2,688.00 Data Analysis Total Hours (7 hours/week * 10.8 weeks * 4 consultants)302.4 Hourly Pay$45.00 Total$13,608.00 System Management N/A$0 Equipment Costs N/A$0 Data Purchased Data0 Total$0 Total Expenses N/A$0 TOTAL COSTS$16,296.00

17 References - Journals  Sebillo, Monica; Tortora, Genny; and Vitiello, Giuliana. “Cultural institutions and digital technology.”  Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica University of Salerno – Italy. 2003. 25 Feb. 2009.  Su, Yafang; Slottow, Joan; and Mozes, Avi. “Distributing proprietary geographic data on the World Wide  Web – UCLA GIS Database and Map Server.” Elsevier Science Ltd. 15 Aug. 2000. 25 Feb. 2009.  235840%232000%23999739992%23198147%23FLA%23&_cdi=5840&_pubT ype=J&view=c&_auth=y&_acct=C000059537&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_user id=158229&md5=5a2daf8632e5dc7c5dbe959c22f56937  Tuyen V. Dang; Hanh D. Do; and Hung, Tran. “Developing a flash-based tool for GIS applications on the  web.” GeoViet Consulting Co. Ltd. 25 Feb. 2009. 

18 References – Data  Barron, Robert, “Geographic Information Systems Data” Texas General Land Office: GIS Data. 12 Feb. 2009.  “Download GIS Data.” Edward Aquifer Authority. (Edwards Aquifer (TCEQ) Projection Info: UTM Zone 14N NAD 83). 13 Feb 2009.  “GIS Lab Data Downloads” Texas Parks and Wildlife. 12, Feb. 2009.  Lett, Chris, “Brach of Data & Systems Services,” U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services. Feb. 9, 2009. 12 Feb. 2009.  “Map Layers.” The National Atlas of the United States. April 29, 2008. Feb. 12, 2009.

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