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Visualizing Interactions Between Standards for Electronic Records; And Choosing Indiana’s ERMS Standard August 2014 Presented by Tibaut Houzanme, Electronic.

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Presentation on theme: "Visualizing Interactions Between Standards for Electronic Records; And Choosing Indiana’s ERMS Standard August 2014 Presented by Tibaut Houzanme, Electronic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visualizing Interactions Between Standards for Electronic Records; And Choosing Indiana’s ERMS Standard August 2014 Presented by Tibaut Houzanme, Electronic Records Specialist. Indiana Commission on Public Records

2 Background My Internship at ICPR (2012) Electronic Records Policy Subset on ERMS Requirements Requirements to impact 100+ State and 3500+ government Agencies Email Policy Research Realizations: 1.No front runner standard 2.Individual review daunting 3.Mgmt: “Why MOREQ and not DOD?” 4.How to recommend and justify a standard 5.How to do it more quickly 6.How to share results?

3 Process 1 : Questions How do we know if a standar d is Complete or well documented? Influential or Authoritative? Relevant or Current? How do we know if a standard is

4 Process 2 : Domain and Method Completeness Better documented resources seem of better quality Authority Authoritative and/or more cited documents appear more respected/influential Citation Analysis + Network visualization Network Visualization story? What will we learn?

5 Process 3: Collecting and preparing the data Prep 1 week: collection of references in standards 2 project members Start 2 columns in Excel: 1 for source and 1 for target Citations led to discovery of other documents End Harmonized some titles (e.g. MOREQ 2001) Excel converted to csv for network creation Issues: -Standards versions - country versions -blind trust in use/citation -shortening names

6 Process 4: Choosing an Output Format Though Gephi and other applications were used initially, we decided for Google Fusion Table this time for the following reasons: Distributed data collection and cleansing Visualization can be more easily shared Visualization can be embedded into web applications Collective work might be easier improved and curated

7 Result 1: Visualizing the network – top 196

8 Result 2: Visualizing the network – top 100

9 Result 3: Visualizing the network - top 50

10 Result 4: Visualizing the network - top 5

11 Result 5: Visualizing the network - top 2

12 Analysis and decision ICA-Req Novelty/ currency completeness Authority/ Influence Choice: ICA-Req plus -qualitative content analysis and comparison -ICA seems to have covered MOREQ 2008 -DOD 5015.02-STD has helped add some content -ICPR-Specific needs added to standard

13 Perspectives You can do it yourself Collaborate to Analyze policies Analyze metadata standards Contribute and use this network Communally curate data collection & visualization Add/view year, location and other attributes OR

14 Access this Viz online at To view the network, select 1. “Help” and “Back to Classic Look” 2.“Labs” and “Network Graph” and 3.Chose any settings for color, weight, zoom, and voila!

15 Q&A - Contact: Tibaut Houzanme,

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