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Neno Kukuric - IGRAC Almaty - July 2014 Data Processing & Harmonisation.

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Presentation on theme: "Neno Kukuric - IGRAC Almaty - July 2014 Data Processing & Harmonisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neno Kukuric - IGRAC Almaty - July 2014 Data Processing & Harmonisation

2 Structured data Standardised formats: Digital maps Tables (excel) Text Data collection Paper maps Paper reports Text, tabular data, images, maps Digital data Tables, maps, reports Data Processing From ‘raw’ data to consistently structured data

3 From ‘technical’ maps to simplified thematic maps Data Processing

4 Harmonisation: Formations

5 ? KazakhstanUzbekistan Harmonisation: Formations

6 1 TBA 2 Countries Countries need consensus on delineation of TBA 2 data sets National data sets may differ in format Harmonised data Harmonised TBA map, based on national data sets. Harmonisation: map information Transboundary aquifer For example information on Aquifer productivity (Namibia) and Groundwater potential (Botswana)

7 Harmonisation: agreements on units Borehole yield m 3 /hr (Namibia) , l/s (South Africa)

8 Namibia, 1991 South Africa, 2006 Group A Excellent Group B Good Group C Low Health Risk Group D Unsuitable Class I Operational Class II Max allowable for limited duration mg/l Harmonisation: agreements on classifications

9 Harmonisation is about developing a common language and terminology, i.e. agreeing on: classifications (suitability for water consumption, land use types, water use types, stratigraphy, etc. etc.) map scale and map projection areal sub-divisions for reporting (eg report per local municipality or per district?) units table formats report format additions/modifications to the methodology (eg: Groundwater community management) …. Data processing & Harmonisation

10 1.Data collection (incl. data entry and digitising of relevant information) 2.Taking stock (which data are available and which not) and fine- tuning of methodology (data & indicators) 3.Structuring of data (data processing) 4.Harmonising data in a consistent way across the aquifer 5.Producing outputs: Indicators, thematic maps, overview tables, illustrative graphs, conceptual model, assessment report Project workflow / tasks

11 11 Thank you

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