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Duke Energy Gas Transmission Communication Program Enhancements Rick Kivela Manager – Operational Compliance Transmission & Storage Operations Rick Kivela.

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Presentation on theme: "Duke Energy Gas Transmission Communication Program Enhancements Rick Kivela Manager – Operational Compliance Transmission & Storage Operations Rick Kivela."— Presentation transcript:

1 Duke Energy Gas Transmission Communication Program Enhancements Rick Kivela Manager – Operational Compliance Transmission & Storage Operations Rick Kivela Manager – Operational Compliance Transmission & Storage Operations

2 DEGT Communication Program  Public education/communication program for many years  Participated in the development of API RP 1162  Minor modifications to existing program to incorporate RP 1162  DEGT recognizes the benefits of going “beyond” RP 1162  Public education/communication program for many years  Participated in the development of API RP 1162  Minor modifications to existing program to incorporate RP 1162  DEGT recognizes the benefits of going “beyond” RP 1162

3 Stakeholder Groups and Contacts Target audiences for public awareness outreach:  Emergency responders  Landowners along the right-of-way  Residents / businesses along the right-of-way  Excavators  Schools  Local public officials  Local leaders  Employees  Civic clubs / NGOs  Media Target audiences for public awareness outreach:  Emergency responders  Landowners along the right-of-way  Residents / businesses along the right-of-way  Excavators  Schools  Local public officials  Local leaders  Employees  Civic clubs / NGOs  Media

4 Developed Plan for Improvement  DEGT internal cross-functional team  Governance Team – U.S. and Canada  Communication Consultants  Pipeline Safety Advocates  DEGT internal cross-functional team  Governance Team – U.S. and Canada  Communication Consultants  Pipeline Safety Advocates

5 Opportunities for Enhancement  Employee Ambassador Program  Access to pipeline maps  Area Manager signature on mailouts  Supplement the 800 number with a local number  Employee Ambassador Program  Access to pipeline maps  Area Manager signature on mailouts  Supplement the 800 number with a local number

6 Employee Ambassador Program  Train field employees to be more effective listeners and communicators

7 How the Employee Ambassador Program Came About  More stringent communication requirements  Enhancement of historical public awareness communications  Sound business case to develop new and enhance existing relationships with stakeholders  Has real financial impact  Recommended by Public Awareness Team Above all it’s the right thing to do  More stringent communication requirements  Enhancement of historical public awareness communications  Sound business case to develop new and enhance existing relationships with stakeholders  Has real financial impact  Recommended by Public Awareness Team Above all it’s the right thing to do

8 Some Communications Basics  Things aren’t always what they seem  Communication isn’t always easy  Listening is big  Body language  Value of preparation / organizing your thoughts  Things aren’t always what they seem  Communication isn’t always easy  Listening is big  Body language  Value of preparation / organizing your thoughts

9 Six Steps 1. Define an “Ambassador” and explain the rationale for the program and its training 2. Share quick facts and messages about natural gas, pipelines and the energy industry in general 3. Discuss stakeholder groups and identify appropriate contacts and opportunities 4. Listening skills training and practice 5. Message delivery training and practice 6. Follow-up and feedback with stakeholders 1. Define an “Ambassador” and explain the rationale for the program and its training 2. Share quick facts and messages about natural gas, pipelines and the energy industry in general 3. Discuss stakeholder groups and identify appropriate contacts and opportunities 4. Listening skills training and practice 5. Message delivery training and practice 6. Follow-up and feedback with stakeholders

10 Pipeline Maps   Also available via a link on the company’s website   Also available via a link on the company’s website

11 Pipeline Maps – Security Issues  Map view limited to zip code level  Limited to 3 zip code searches per session  Latitude/Longitude not provided  Only DEGT pipelines are shown  Map view limited to zip code level  Limited to 3 zip code searches per session  Latitude/Longitude not provided  Only DEGT pipelines are shown

12 Pipeline Maps – Cautionary Notes  The map that results from zip code searches provides an approximate location of the company’s natural gas pipeline(s) in your area.  Pipeline markers on the right-of-way provide phone numbers to call to reach our personnel before excavating near our pipeline(s).  Before conducting any excavation or similar activity in the vicinity of the pipeline(s) or other underground facilities contact your state’s one-call system (the state phone numbers are available on the one-call page at  The map that results from zip code searches provides an approximate location of the company’s natural gas pipeline(s) in your area.  Pipeline markers on the right-of-way provide phone numbers to call to reach our personnel before excavating near our pipeline(s).  Before conducting any excavation or similar activity in the vicinity of the pipeline(s) or other underground facilities contact your state’s one-call system (the state phone numbers are available on the one-call page at






18 Opportunities and Challenges  How to evaluate effectiveness of program  Transition from Construction to Operations  Level of detail on pipeline integrity issues  Open houses at DEGT facilities  How to evaluate effectiveness of program  Transition from Construction to Operations  Level of detail on pipeline integrity issues  Open houses at DEGT facilities

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