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Managing User Accounts, Passwords and Logon Chapter 5 powered by dj.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing User Accounts, Passwords and Logon Chapter 5 powered by dj."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing User Accounts, Passwords and Logon Chapter 5 powered by dj

2 Chapter Objectives  Work with User Accounts  Set a logon Passwords  Manage logon process  Configure Parental Control  Explain User Privileges  Configure User Access Control  Work with User account Control (UAC) powered by dj

3 Recall  Screen resolution is measured in pixels, where each pixel represents a tiny lighted dot on the screen  The Instant search is used to search any application instantly. The application can be opened from the categorized list  Windows Aero is a more visually dynamic feature of Windows Vista  Sidebars is displays at the right side of the monitor. It contains some mini program called Gadgets  Tablet PCs are mobile PCs. It uses a pen device to enter data rather then keyboard powered by dj

4 Working with User Account  Establish a relationship between a user and a computer, network or an information service  Consist of username and password  Provides Windows with the information about a particular user and the files and folders that can be accessed by that user  Allow the user to make the appropriate changes to suit their personal preferences powered by dj

5  Practical Activity: Demonstrate the procedure to create a new user account through User Accounts options of Control Panel and Computer management tool. (20 min) powered by dj

6 Types of User Accounts  Standard Accounts – It is required and used for everyday computing experience  Administrator Accounts – Member of the Administrators group are classified as administrator accounts  Guest Account – It is used and created for users who need temporary access to the computer or network of computers powered by dj

7  Practical Activity: Demonstrate the procedure to change the account name and type. (10 min) powered by dj

8 Implementing User Accounts on a Shared Computer  Controlling Logins  Except one account change all other user accounts to standard accounts  Protecting all accounts with passwords  Restricting logon times  Restricting access to certain files and folders powered by dj

9  Practical Activity: Demonstrate the procedure to enable and disable the Guest Account through User Accounts option of Control Panel. Demonstrate the procedure to delete an unknown account. (15 min) powered by dj

10 Implementing User Accounts on a Shared Computer  Restricting the amount of disk space available for each user  Turning on the Guest account only when necessary powered by dj

11  Practical Activity: Demonstrate the procedure to enable and disable the Guest Account through User Accounts option of Control Panel. Demonstrate the procedure to delete an unknown account. (15 min) powered by dj

12 Setting a Logon Password  It acts as a defensive mechanism against unauthorized access to your files and folders  Guideline to create a secure password:  Use at least eight characters  Use a mixture of numbers, punctuations, special characters, uppercase letters and lowercase letters  Avoid using your name or your username  Use random sequences instead of straight words, or intersperse numbers and punctuation between words powered by dj

13  Practical Activity: Demonstrate the procedure to set, change and remove a password. (15 min) powered by dj

14 Recovering from a Lost Password  Use when you may not remember your password  Tools for password Recovery:  Password hint  Password Reset Disk powered by dj

15  Practical Activity: Demonstrate the procedure to create a password reset disk. Ask the students to perform the procedure to use a password reset disk. (15 min) powered by dj

16 Enforcing Secure Password Practices  Use passwords which are difficult to crack by intruders  Change the password periodically  Set password policies to enforce password history, maximum password age, minimum password age, minimum password length, password meeting complexity requirements and store password using reversible encryption for all users in the domain powered by dj

17  Practical Activity: Demonstrate the procedure to set password policies for minimum password length and password with complexity. (10 min) powered by dj

18 Managing Logon Process  There is no difference in the logon experience when a user logs in to a domain, workgroup or a network  Skip the Ctrl+Alt+Delete Requirement to Logon  Bypassing Logon screen  Logging Off, Switching Users or Locking your computer powered by dj

19  Practical Activity: Demonstrate the procedure to skip the Ctrl+Alt+Delete requirement and to set auto logon for a user. (4 min) powered by dj

20 Parental Control  It protect children and young adult from certain websites, play games or accessing certain materials on the Internet  Parental controls can be configured for standard user accounts, administrators as well as for domain user accounts powered by dj

21  Practical Activity: Demonstrate the procedure to configure Parental Controls. (10 min) powered by dj

22 Parental Control  Parental Control features:  Restricting Access to Websites  Restricting Logon Hours  Controlling Access to Games  Blocking Specific Programs  Monitoring User Activities powered by dj

23  Practical Activity: Demonstrate the procedure to restrict access to websites and logon hours. Demonstrate the procedure to control access to games and block access to specific programs (25min). powered by dj

24 Dealing with User Account Control (UAC)  Restricts unauthorized changes  Task performed into two different groups  Standard  Administrator  The default user account is also known as Admin Approval mode  Application requires full administrator access powered by dj

25  Practical Activity: Demonstrate the procedure to configure UAC settings. Ask the students to perform the procedure to change the elevation prompting behavior for standard users and disable the UAC. Ask the students to perform the procedure to disable secure desktop.(10 min) powered by dj

26 Configuring User Access Control using Local Security Policies I  Admin Approval mode for Built-in Administrator Account  Behavior of elevation prompt in Admin Approval mode  Prompt For Consent  Prompt For Credentials  Elevate Without Prompting  Behavior of the elevation prompt for standard users  Prompt For Credentials  Automatically Deny Elevation Requests powered by dj

27  Practical Activity: Demonstrate the procedure to troubleshoot UAC. (5 min) powered by dj

28 Configuring User Access Control using Local Security Policies I  Detect application installations and prompt for elevation  Enabled  Disabled  Only elevate executables that are signed and validated  Enabled  Disabled  Only elevate UIAccess applications that are installed in secure locations powered by dj

29 Configuring User Access Control using Local Security Policies II  Run all applications in Admin Approval mode  Control Switch to the Secure Desktop when prompting for elevation  Virtualized file and registry write failures to per- user locations powered by dj

30 Running User Accounts as Standard User  Increases the security level by allowing administrator accounts as standard users  If the UAC is not used still a user who is logged as an administrator can install software without receiving a prompt or warning  Windows vista offer Admin Approval Mode  The Admin Approval mode requires administrator’s credentials to approve installations powered by dj

31 Elevating User Privileges  UAC provides the user with an option to perform an administrator task  The four types of accounts are:  Built-in Administrator account  Administrator account  Standard Account  Built-in Guest account powered by dj

32 User group and profile  Group is a collection of users, computers or contact  Used for security in which it allows accessing the granted rights and permissions  User profile is a collection of settings that make the computer look and work the way user wants  The Groups folder is placed in Local Users and Groups Microsoft Management Console  The user rights are assigned in the local security policy powered by dj

33  Practical Activity: Demonstrate the procedure to create a Local group. (5 min) powered by dj

34 Summary I  User Accounts are required to establish a relationship between a user and a computer, network or an information service  User accounts settings can be changed by a user as and when required  Guest account is allotted to temporary users. This particular account is used to logon to the system without providing a password  The secured settings ensure protecting users data from unintentional deletions, changes as well as theft powered by dj

35 Summary II  The Local security policy can be used to directly modify Account and local policies, Public key policies and IP security policy for your local computer  Setting a logon password to a user account is mandatory as it acts as a defensive mechanism against unauthorized access to your files and folders  You can set a password by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete which displays a screen wherein you can click Change password and then set the appropriate password powered by dj

36 Summary III  Incase, you forget your password you can create a password reset disk which can be made only for a local or a stand alone computer. It cannot be created if your computer is joined to a domain  You can have only one password reset disk for a user account  Password history, minimum password age, minimum password age, length, complexity requirements and saving password with reversible encryption can be set as per requirements powered by dj

37 Summary IV  The Ctrl+Alt+Delete and the logon screens can be bypassed if a user is bothered by it  User Account Control (UAC) is a technology and security feature which offers better security to a standard user while using Windows  The logon hours, access to games, blocking specific programs, monitoring user activities can be taken care of as and when required by using the Parental Control option powered by dj

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