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Published byIan Cole Modified over 11 years ago
Soon Wan Region 1 Membership Development Chair Region 1 Membership Development Region 1 Board Meeting Providence RI August 24, 2013
Slide: 2 Agenda Outline Region 1 Membership Development Activities Quick Update on Region 1 July 2013 Membership Conclusion Appendix: Update of Section 2013 MD Goals 2013 Region 1 MD Goals Region 1 and GOLD Activities Region 1 Section MD Chairs Roster Member Renewal Cycle IEEE-USA Membership Initiatives Member-Get-A-Member program New Member Recruitment Best Practices
Membership Development Activities
Slide: 4 What Soon has been doing since January 2013? Conference Calls using WebEx in February and June Pre-Arrears Outreach on February 23, 2013 (the last day to renew) MD Booths at NE Engineering Week, Region 1 Student Conference Introduction of IEEE at MIT, Bristol Community College, and Suffolk University Spoke on enhancing members outreach, public engagement and membership promotion through social media (facebook) at the April IEEE MD webcast IEEE MGA Smart Tech – Metro Area Workshop in Boston MD Officer Training Webcast – 7 Sessions Last but not least – looking for the best ice cream in Region 1
Slide: 5 MD Officer Training Webcast Monday, 10 June 2013 at 7:00pm Eastern, or 23:00:00 UTC Tuesday, 11 June 2013 at 10:00am Eastern, or 14:00:00 UTC Tuesday, 11 June 2013 at 4:00pm Eastern, or 20:00:00 UTC Wednesday, 12 June 2013 at 1:00pm Eastern, or 17:00:00 UTC Wednesday, 12 June 2013 at 7:00pm Eastern, or 23:00:00 UTC Thursday, 13 June 2013 at 10:00am Eastern, or 14:00:00 UTC Thursday, 13 June 2013 at 7:00pm Eastern, or 23:00:00 UTC IEEE MD Officer Training webcasts are scheduled during the week of 10 June 2013. The sessions will be scheduled for 90 minutes to allow for questions and answers. The host and co-presenter is Ed Perkins, 2013 Chair of the Membership Recruitment & Recovery Committee (MRRC). Each session scheduled will have a Region MD Chair as co-presenter and they will share their experience and knowledge with you. The training presentation will cover what IEEE membership development is, how the membership year works, what your role is and expectations, many resources and tools will be reviewed so you know what is available to help in accomplishing your goals. SoonWanBoston RamonDe la CruzBoston NikolaosGolasLong Island ManiIyerNorth Jersey KalyanMondalNorth Jersey ElieRosenPCJS GOLD Chair ThomasFergusonSpringfield GailBrenkusSyracuse Attendees from Region 1
Slide: 6 2013 IEEE Boston Metro Area Workshop Sponsored by IEEE MGA (Member Geographic Activities Board)
Slide: 7 IEEE Smart Tech Metro Area Workshops provide participants with a unique learning experience with topics on the cutting- edge of technical innovation today. These two-day seminars are focused on providing an opportunity for participants to learn first-hand from the field experts. Each workshop is a springboard to a deeper understanding of technology and its myriad applications and potential for innovation. IEEE Smart Tech: Metro Area Workshop Series
Slide: 8 IEEE MGA (Member and Geographic Activities Board) has selected Boston Section to host one of the fours MAWs. Westin Waltham-Boston Hotel 70 Third Avenue, Waltham MA 02451 September 27 and 28, 2013 Target Attendance: 200 Boston Metro Area Workshop
Slide: 9 The goal of the workshop is to increase member engagement and provide value to IEEE members and their local community by providing career assistance, professional networking and education on technology changes. Workshop target audience is practicing engineers and technical professionals who are innovators, have a desire to learn more, and/or are in career transition or considering a career change. Workshop content shall address emerging technologies that are in demand in metro area (Example topics include, but are not limited to, Cloud Computing, Smart Grid, Software Engineering, Mobile Application Development and Electric Vehicle Technology). Metro Area Workshop Goals
Slide: 10 Boston MAW 3-Fold Brochure
Slide: 11 Boston MAW Program
Slide: 12 IEEE Day – October 1 st, 2013
Region 1 July 2013 Membership Quick Update
Slide: 14 Region 1 and IEEE Membership July 2013 Reports
Slide: 15 Region 1 July 2013 Membership Quick Summary Total Membership in July 2013 is 32,488 28,696 Higher Grade 3,792 Students Total Membership continue to decline -1.9% Higher-grade declined -2.9% Student continued to increase +6.3% Renewal/Retention: 83% (highest in 10 Regions) First Year Member Retention: 39.9% (3 rd in 10 Regions ) Recruitment: 178 more new members (+5.1%) Higher Grade: -4.0% GSM: 20.2% Student: 4.7%
Slide: 16
Open Discussion What can you do?
Slide: 18 Suggestion Membership Gift Card Offer 5-10-15 Years Membership Due (Lifetime Membership) Section Websites – Redesign and Update with past and upcoming local activities, meetings, awards, and news Society Membership
Conclusion Wrap Up / Take Away Points
Slide: 20 Wrap Up / Take Away Points Region 1 Membership is still on downward trend. Need your help Recruit more new members – now, IEEE Membership due is 50% discount, including the Societies Membership
Thank You. Question? Soon Wan Region 1 Membership Development Chair Slide 21
Sections MD 2013 Goal Updates
Slide: 24 Section MD Goals Summary IEEE-USA Recruitment Incentive To maintain its higher-grade members, and gain at least 1 new additional member by end of August 2013. Year-Over-Year: Members Renewal (Cumulative) To achieve >85% of the total arrears members (opportunity) to renew their membership by end of August 2013. Year-Over-Year: Recruitment (Cumulative) To recruit >10% of new members by end of 2013. Section MD Action Plan Plan out out the goals Execute the action items, and meet the milestones
Slide: 25 IEEE-USA Recruitment Incentive As July 2013 GOAL >1 Gain By end of Aug 2013 As May 2013 None Section achieved the goal
Slide: 26 Region 1 July 2013 Membership Year-Over-Year: R1 Renewal (Cumulative) GOAL > 85% by Aug 2013
Slide: 27 Region 1 July 2013 Membership Year-Over-Year: R1 Recruitment (Cumulative) GOAL > 10% by end of 2013 7 Sections met the goal so far
2013 Region 1 MD Goals
Slide: 29 2013 Region 1 MD Goals To fill Section MD Chair position vacancies. To increase the partnership between Region 1 MD and Section MD Chairs. Provide Training Provide Supports at Section Membership drive events To encourage Section to Members Communication To support and focus on new members recruitment. To continue maintain high or to improve members retention rate. To pilot and implement new initiatives to improve Region 1 Membership. To reverse Region 1 Membership decline trend, and increase the Membership by 2% by end of 2013.
Region 1 and GOLD Activities
Slide: 31 MIT, Cambridge MA (April 5-6, 2013) Conference Program Keynote Speech Micromouse Competition Student Paper Contest Micromouse Workshop Award Dinner Ceremony 2013 IEEE Region 1 Student Conference
Slide: 32 205 Registrants 34 Student Paper Content Participants (13 papers submitted) 41 Micromouse Participants (7 Micromouse Registered) 11 Ethics Competition Participants 9 T-Shirt Design Participants 165 Student Attendees from 23 Schools in Region 1 20 Volunteers, and Speakers
Slide: 33 Friday Welcome Reception & GOLD STEP Event
Slide: 34 Saturday Opening Plenary Session
Slide: 35 Saturday Student Forum Session
Slide: 36 Region 1 GOLD Affinity Groups Affinity GroupChairEmail Berkshire No Affinity GroupNA BinghamtonVacant BostonSrinivas BuffaloThomas Connecticut Cynthia Armstrong, Larry Cole, Green Mountain No Affinity GroupNA IthacaYahya Mesgarpour Long IslandAdam MaineLonnie Mid-Hudson No Affinity GroupNA Mohawk ValleyVacant New HampshireGregory New Jersey CoastDelfin New YorkMichael HaroutunianMichael.Haroutunian@NYCT.COM North JerseyDandan Princeton/Central Jersey Godwin Nwankwo, Usman Nasir, ProvidenceShane Rochester Survi Kyal SchenectadyFazel Yavariyavarf@RPI.EDU Springfield Audrey Newcomb Syracuse No Affinity GroupNA Worcester CountyLarry Nelson
Slide: 37 Region 1 GOLD Challenges –About 6 GOLD Affinity Groups have been inactive for 3 years. They were considered to be dissolved. –To find someone suitable with commitment and dedication to be the Region 1 GOLD Coordinator. 2013 Region 1 GOLD Goals –To revive the inactive GOLD Affinity Groups: To source new GOLD volunteers / leaders. And, update the Region 1 Good Young Professionals List. –To update the list of Region 1 GOLD Chairs. Then, to provide training to new GOLD Chairs, and mentor them. –To develop the Student-GOLD Mentorship program.
Slide: 38 Region 1 July 2013 GOLD Membership Region 1 GOLD Members (include GSM) = 3,654 GOLD members are IEEE Higher Grade, Professional Members or GSM (Graduate Student Member) who have graduated with their first professional degree in the past ten years
Slide: 39 2013 Region 1 Section MD Chairs (as 02/08/2013)
Slide: 40
Slide: 41 Glossary Arrears – members who have not paid the current year dues, services will end Inactive – members who have not paid dues from the past year and receive no services Deactivation – All IEEE members who have not paid dues for the current membership year by the deactivation service date (23 February in 2013) have their member status changed to Arrears MD – Membership Development MGA – Member & Geographic Activities MRRC – Membership Recruitment & Recovery Committee MGM – Member-Get-A-Member program A&A – Admission & Advancement program SM – Senior Member grade GOLD – Graduate of the Last Decade HG – Higher-grade member (Member, Senior Member, Fellow. Life Member) RSR – Region Student Representative RSAC – Region Student Activities Chair SAMIEE – Section/Society Access to Membership Information
Slide: 42 IEEE Members Renewal Cycle JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC September: Renewal for following membership year opens (several e- mails and print invoice) Members who joined between 16 August and 31 December wont receive a renewal notice until the following October March: Deactivation of service to un-renewed members January: Membership renewal becomes past due From August to January: 85% Effort in Renewal and Retention
Slide: 43 IEEE Membership Cycle Slide 43
IEEE-USAs Membership Initiatives
Slide: 45 IEEE-USAs Membership Initiatives E-Book Renewal Incentive Renewed Members have free access to selected E- Books Member Recruitment Incentive $20 per actual net member growth (split 50/50 between section/region) To maintain total Higher-Grade dues paying membership count at the same level as the prior year. To exceed Higher-Grade recruitment year-over- year.
Slide: 46 To provide a financial incentive to share its assessment revenues with Sections in IEEE Regions 1-6 who are successful in increasing their membership. In order to qualify for the incentive, a Section would have to at least maintain its higher-grade, full dues paying previous membership level for the current calendar year (using the August membership report as the reference base). Qualifying Sections and Region 1 would receive $20 incentive funding for each higher grade member recruited in that Section during the period September 2010 - August 2011 above the previous years total higher grade membership. Migrating members (i.e. members who moved from one region/section to another) would not count. IEEE-USA Recruitment Incentive
Member-Get-a-Member (MGM) Program
Slide: 48 MGM Program Overview Member-Get-a-Member rewards current IEEE members for referring new members to join. Members receive $15 per higher grade member recruited. –$2 per student member recruited –HG members cannot earn awards on students recruited. –Annual max award of $90 per member. Slide 48
Slide: 49 MGM Program Overview Awards are assessed at the end of the membership year in September, and are sent to eligible recruiters in the form of a promotion code that can be used toward: –membership renewal, –IEEE products and services, –a donation to the IEEE Foundation, –IEEE merchandise site eCertificates. Slide 49
Slide: 50 MGM Program Overview Pre-printed MGM Referral Cards in every members renewal or new member acknowledgement pack –Potential for every member to hand out 4 cards to prospective members –Downloadable, editable PDF online for members who need more Section awards – Top 5 recruiters in each region receive an additional award for their section – Top overall recruiter receives an additional section award Slide 50
New Members Recruitment Best Practices
Slide: 52 Recruitment Best Practices (1) Section/Chapter Meetings Advertise Section and Chapter events effectively. Get your event covered in a local newspaper. If people see your advertisement, it may spark their interest in attending your event and joining IEEE.joining IEEE Bring a friend or colleague to a Section or Chapter meeting. Include membership recruitment reminders in Section and Chapter newslettersSection and Chapter newsletters Plan joint Section/Chapter activities with Student Branches for Spring and Fall. Highlight career discussion exchanges with students and also emphasize the importance of continued IEEE membership after graduation.Student BranchesIEEE membership after graduation Demonstrate the capabilities of IEEE Xplore(R) at Chapter meetingsIEEE Xplore Visit the Section/Chapter Support site or the Unit Officer Training site for more information on Section management, Section newsletters, officer training and the dynamics of running an effective meetingSection/Chapter SupportUnit Officer Training Slide 52
Slide: 53 Recruitment Best Practices (2) Students and GOLD (Recent Graduates) Initiate GOLD Affinity Groups in Sections to foster a greater "sense of belonging" to young professionals while also providing these members with leadership opportunities.GOLD Affinity Groups Contact graduating Students and invite them to a Section meeting. Form a committee comprised of members from various IEEE employers in the Section available to act as company liaisons or IEEE mentors for these new members. Have your Section's SAMIEEE officer provide your outreach volunteers with the names of graduating students and new members to be contacted each month.SAMIEEE Contact a representative at a local college or university to announce special IEEE Student rates, networking or career growth opportunities. career growth opportunities Sponsor a job fair or career workshop and invite graduating Student members where they can network and learn of the values of IEEE membership.IEEE membership Slide 53
Slide: 54 Recruitment Best Practices (3) Recruitment Promotions Aggressively promote IEEE membership during technical conferences. Distribute IEEE membership applications to conference attendees or encourage them to apply online.technical conferencesapply online Use the half-year dues period as a peak recruitment time. This allows people to test IEEE membership for a smaller initial monetary outlay. New members pay half-year dues when they sign up from 1 March through 31 August. Services commence immediately upon joining and continue through December of that year. A member joining in March receives a bonus of 4 months of extra service above and beyond the six months they are paying for. Announce and provide information on the Member-Get-A-Member and Student- Get-A-Student Programs at Section, Student Branch and Chapter meetings.Member-Get-A-MemberStudent- Get-A-Student Use the Conference Membership Recruitment Program to offer a free Society membership to anyone who joins IEEE at a conference. This program runs from 1 September through 15 August.Conference Membership Recruitment Program Run programs concurrent with National Engineers Week (E-Week). IEEE Sections can sponsor exhibits, local science fairs and contests to promote this week-long technical event in February. Slide 54
Slide: 55 Recruitment Best Practices (4) Professional Setting With company permission, post notices of IEEE activities on office bulletin boards and electronic communication. Submit articles on employee IEEE involvement and and show how this can reap benefits for the company as well. Conduct a Professional Society Day and have a table exhibit of IEEE benefits and services such as IEEE continuing education courses and Standards committee participation.IEEE benefits and servicesIEEE continuing education courses Standards Share positive IEEE experiences with your colleagues during professional meetings. This will show potential members what IEEE means to you. Plan national engineering days and week-long celebration displays and exhibits for local schools and businesses. Slide 55
Slide: 56 Benefits of IEEE Membership Keeps you technically current Grows your professional network locally and internationally Access to in-person technical forums Members-only discountsIEEE products, conferences, and insurance coverage Provides tools for career development and advancement Developing critical, non-technical skills to be more effective Opportunities to volunteer, and give back to society Special Interest Memberships Expands the scope and depth of your technical knowledge Extends your professional network Influence the direction and application of technology through standards development Promotes the entry into and retention of women in engineering programs IEEEthe Organization The worlds largest technical professional association, 375,000+ members Local activities in a global network World-renowned standards body Sponsors 400+ conferences annually Publisher of 1/3 of the worlds literature on electro- technology Making the world a better place 125 years of engineering the future IEEE Membership: Its benefits, its mission, the organization Slide 56
Slide: 57 Membership Development Portal – Slide 57 Membership Development Web Cast Web Cast Etiquette: Ask questions using the online chat feature. Technical help: Membership Reports MD Online Community SAMIEEE access Membership Development Manual Member benefits at a glance (One-page flyer) Recruitment programs and tools MD Kits – online order form Benefit Development Toolkit: Regions 7-10 Presentation templates IEEE membership statistics
Slide: 58 New Online Order Form available Slide 58
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