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Published byBryce Norton Modified over 9 years ago
Visualization Taxonomies and Techniques Trees and Graphs
University of Texas – Pan American CSCI 6361, Spring 2014
Tonight: More about Taxonomies and Techniques VTK Project
Tree and Graphs VTK More about visualization pipeline Big picture last time details now Project Alternatives to vtk – for class and project – e.g., D3 One of many tools for creating visualizations
Orienting … Card et al. reading (2nd part of chapter 1 of Information Visualization) provides detail about mapping data to visual form E.g., different types of data Tonight, trees (hierarchies) and graphs (networks)
Visualization Pipeline: Mapping Data to Visual Form (Card et al
Visualization Pipeline: Mapping Data to Visual Form (Card et al., North) Raw Information Visual Form Dataset Views User - Task Data Transformations Mappings View F F -1 Interaction Perception Review and where we will focus tonight Reading for last time and this time, (2nd part of Card et al. Chapter 1 in Information Visualization (edited book) provides detail of pipeline reference model
Visualization Pipeline: Mapping Data to Visual Form (Card et al
Visualization Pipeline: Mapping Data to Visual Form (Card et al., North) Raw Information Visual Form Dataset Views User - Task Data Transformations Mappings View F F -1 Interaction Perception Visualizations (a bit fancier definition): “adjustable mappings from data to visual form to human perceiver” Series of data transformations ( ) Multiple chained transformations Human adjusts the transformations Entire pipeline comprises an information visualization
Visualization Pipeline: Visualization Stages
Raw Information Visual Form Dataset Views User - Task Data Transformations Mappings View F F -1 Interaction Perception Data transformations: Map raw data (idiosynchratic form) into data tables (relational descriptions including metatags) Visual Mappings: Transform data tables into visual structures that combine spatial substrates, marks, and graphical properties View Transformations: Create views of the Visual Structures by specifying graphical parameters such as position, scaling, and clipping
Visualization Pipeline: Information Structure
Raw Information Visual Form Dataset Views User - Task Data Transformations Mappings View F F -1 Interaction Perception Visual mapping is starting point for visualization design visual form Includes identifying underlying structure in data, and for display Tabular structure Spatial and temporal structure Trees, networks, and graphs Text and document collection structure Combining multiple strategies Impacts how user thinks about problem - Mental model
Visualization Pipeline: Tonight
Raw Information Visual Form Dataset Views User - Task Data Transformations Mappings View F F -1 Interaction Perception Visual mapping is starting point for visualization design visual form Includes identifying underlying structure in data, and for display Tabular structure Spatial and temporal structure Trees, networks, and graphs … Impacts how user thinks about problem - Mental model
Visualization Pipeline: Some Detail
Raw Information Visual Form Dataset Views User - Task Data Transformations Mappings View F F -1 Interaction Perception Shneiderman’s “Data Type x Task” taxonomy only in terms of data to be displayed (Dataset) E.g., 1D, 2D, 3D, n-dimensions Card et al. model splits out “Visual Form”, after “Visual Mapping” So, e.g., 3D (or n-D) data can be displayed in 2D space (dimensionality reduction)
Trees, Networks and Graphs
Raw Information Visual Form Dataset Views User - Task Data Transformations Mappings View F F -1 Interaction Perception Tree, or hierarchy, data: Cases are related to subcases Will consider both dataset and visual form (more later) Tree data can be thought of as imposing an ordering in which cases are parents or ancestors of other cases Tree is a graph = set of V, E Root (top), leaves (bottom), parents, children
Trees, Hierarchies About
Pervasive Family histories, ancestries File/directory systems Organization charts Animal kingdom: Phylum,…, genus,… , species Object-oriented software classes … Tree is graph = set of V, E Root (top), leaves (bottom), parents, children Vertex, node, “item” Entity, element E.g., office / person Edge, link, “connection” Relation among nodes E.g., reports to
Trees, Hierarchies Representations
Pervasive Family histories, ancestries File/directory systems on computers Organization charts Animal kingdom: Phylum,…, genus,… Object-oriented software classes … Principle representations: Node-link Space-filling Also, matrix (later)
Trees, Networks, and Graphs
Visualizing trees Indented, node link, enclosure, layered Visualizing graphs Node link, matrix, network summarizations Spatial layout Primary concern of graph drawing is the spatial layout of nodes and edges Often goal is to effectively depict the graph structure Connectivity, path-following Network distance Clustering Ordering (e.g., hierarchy level)
Trees Trees, or Hierarchies, or rooted-trees
Recursion makes it elegant and fast to draw trees Visual representations Indentation Node link Enclosure Layering … Complete listing of visual forms follows
Layouts E.g., Rectilinear, BubbleTree, Treemap
Layouts for 3228 nodes
Visual Encodings of Trees Munzner Taxonomy
Node link - A Depth, vertical position Layered node-link Depth, horizontal pos. “Icicle” Radial node-link - D Depth, dist. (from center) Concentric circles Depth, distance Nested circles with radial containment Treemap - E containment, nesting level show tree depth Indented
Trees Indentation Simple, often used, pros and cons
Place all items along vertically spaced rows Indentation used to show parent/child relationships Commonly used as a component in an interface Breadth and depth contend for space Often requires a great deal of scrolling
Degree Of Interest (DOI)Trees cf. Heer et al.
Indented tree Also, size of word increases as user browses “Focus + Context” technique “See all with items of interest more detail” Navigation (interaction) changes view Often used strategy Cf. reference model (next slide)
Trees Indentation “Word tree” – IBM Many Eyes site
Visualization Pipeline: Some Detail
Raw Information Visual Form Dataset Views User - Task Data Transformations Mappings View F F -1 Interaction Perception View change through interaction Paradigm example of “focus + context” Viewing all with details of some User control of focus
(Simple) Node-Link Diagrams
Root at top, leaves at bottom is very common Root can be at center, as well, with leaves growing out Radial layout
Trees for Decisions, too NY Times, 2012
Engaging use of interactivity Binary tree for electoral outcomes Just “battleground” states Or REALLY big
Tree “Layout Algorithm” For node-link diagrams
“Graph drawing” algorithms studied in their own right Subfield of computer science … and other disciplines A basic node-link tree drawing algorithm: Recursive algorithm Height on separate levels to indicate level Width in unique columns Make room for subtrees upwards Potential problems For top-down, width of fan-out uses up horizontal real estate very quickly At level n, there are (can be) 2n nodes Tree might grow a lot along one particular branch Hard to draw it well in view without knowing how it will branch
Better Regions compressed horizontally
Reingold-Tilford Algorithm
Compact layout Uses symmetry Depth on levels Applet
SpaceTree Conventional 2D layout techniques + view techniques
Video & Demo (planaria.avi) Vertical or horizontal Subtrees are triangles Size indicates depth Shading indicates number of nodes inside Navigate by clicking on nodes Strongly restrict zooming Design Features Make labels readable Maximize number of levels opened Decompose tree animation Use landmarks Use overview and dynamic filtering
Containment for Hierarchy GrouseFlocks
Uses containment to show graph hierarchy structure Archambault et al. ’08 from Munzner Several alternative hierarchies built from the same graph. Hierarchy alone is shown in the top row Bottom row combines the graph encoded with connection with a visual representation of the hierarchy using containment
Space-Optimized Tree Put root node at center, then draw children out radially Key: Smart positioning to optimize placement of braches (Voronoi diagram-like approach)
Trees Radial node-link diagrams
Simple radial layout Just lay nodes equidistant Lay out nodes in concentric circles Vertices with no pred-ecessors placed in center Descendants are placed on the next circle and so on Works fine with some examples But, in general leaves much white space
Trees Radial node-link diagrams
One approach is to have node-link diagram in polar coordinates Radius encodes depth with root in center Angular sectors assigned to subtrees Or, just lay equidistant
Trees Balloon tree node-link diagrams
Compact drawing area by placing vertices in “balloons” around tree root Can control: angle for children of each vertex preferred spacing between parent and child vertex angle for children of root vertex start angle for children of root vertex minimal spacing between two vertices.
Node-Link Problems Scale Solutions
Tree breadth often grows exponentially Quickly run out of space Solutions Hyperbolic layout Filtering Scrolling or panning Zooming
Trees, Layered Diagrams
Similar to node-link layouts without edges structured encoded using: Layering Adjacency Alignment Recursive subdivision of space Apply same set of approaches as in node-link layout
Trees, Layered Diagrams Radial Layout
Similar to node-link layouts without edges structured encoded using: Layering Adjacency Alignment Recursive subdivision of space Apply same set of approaches as in node-link layout
Degree-of-Interest Trees Focus + Context display
Trees quickly degrade into line Use focus + context technique to control how a tree is drawn Combine multiple approaches: Expanded DOI computation Logical filtering to elide nodes Geometric scaling Semantic scaling Clustered representation of large unexpended branches Animated transition
Example Operations Example Operations
Compression For nodes: compress to fit (compress in X or in Y)
Within-node compression Data deletion Word abbreviation Node rotation
FlexTree Horizontally-drawn tree with compression along vertical dimension One focus is on showing decision trees well Contextual multi-foci view Basic idea: Push all nodes down as far as you can Song, Curran & Sterritt Information Visualization ‘04
FlexTree Bar Chart and Partial Views
FlexTree Full Tree View
FlexTree Node Tree xxx
FlexTree As Decision Tree
Tree Layout: Alternative Solutions
One approach - change the geometry Apply a hyperbolic transformation to the space Root is at center, subordinates around Apply idea recursively, distance decreases between parent and child as you move farther from center, children go in wedge rather than circle
Tree Hyperbolic layout of nodes
Tree layout – hyperbolic, decreasing area f(d) center Layout and navigation Interactive systems, e.g., web site
2D Hyperbolic Browser Approach Comparison
Lay out the hierarchy on the hyperbolic plane and map this plane onto a display region. Comparison A standard 2D browser: 100 nodes (w/3 character text strings) Hyperbolic browser: 1000 nodes, about 50 nearest the focus can show from 3 to dozens of characters Lamping and Rao, JVLC ‘96
2D Hyperbolic Browser Clicking on the blue node brings it into focus at the center
2D Hyperbolic Browser Video
Clicking on the blue node brings it into focus at the center Video Hyperbolic_Browser_chi96_02_m1_35mb (local file) CHI ‘95, Rao: Demo from prefuse
2D Hyperbolic Browser Key Attributes Problems
Natural magnification (fisheye) in center Layout depends only on 2-3 generations from current node Smooth animation for change in focus Don’t draw objects when far enough from root (simplify rendering) Problems Orientation Watching the view can be disorienting When a node is moved, its children don’t keep their relative orientation to it as in Euclidean plane, they rotate Not as symmetric and regular as Euclidean techniques, two important attributes in aesthetics
3-d hyperbolic tree using Prefuse
3D Hyperbolic Browser Munzner, ~1995
Layout Find a spanning tree from an input graph - Use domain-specific knowledge Nodes are laid out on the surface of a hemisphere (vs. circle) A bottom-up pass to estimate the radius needed for each hemisphere A top-down pass to place each child node on its parental hemisphere’s surface Drawing Maintain target frame by showing less context surrounding node of interest during interactive browsing Fill in more of the surrounding scene when the user is idle
3d Hyperbolic Browser Navigation
3D Hyperbolic Browser Same transformations in 3D space
Munzner videos, H3
Visualization Pipeline: (again) Some Detail
Raw Information Visual Form Dataset Views User - Task Data Transformations Mappings View F F -1 Interaction Perception Shneiderman’s “Data Type x Task” taxonomy only in terms of data to be displayed (Dataset) E.g., 1D, 2D, 3D, n-dimensions Card et al. model splits out “Visual Form”, after “Visual Mapping” So, e.g., 3D (or n-D) data can be displayed in 2D space (dimensionality reduction)
Visualization Pipeline: Some Detail
Raw Information Visual Form Dataset Views User - Task Data Transformations Mappings View F F -1 Interaction Perception Also, Hyperbolic Browser illustrates change through interaction Paradigm example of “focus + context” Viewing all with details of some User control of focus
Another 3D Approach Cone Trees
Add a third dimension into which layout can go Top-down and centered techniques Children of a node are laid out in a cylinder “below” the parent Siblings live in one of the 2D planes Cone trees Xerox PARC 3D views of hierachies, e.g., file systems Video 0:52-0:58, 1:21-1:28
Cone Trees Pros Cons More effective area to lay out tree
Use of smooth animation to help person track updates Aesthetically pleasing Cons As in all 3D, occlusion obscures some nodes Non-trivial to implement and requires some graphics horsepower
Tree/Hierarchical Data
An early, well known example The Information Visualizer: An Information Workspace by G. R. Robertson, S. K. Card, J. M. Mackinlay, 1991 CACM
Problems with 3D After all the interest in 3D and hyperbolic techniques in the ’90’s, recently, there has been renewed interest in the old 2D methods (just done better) SpaceTree presented earlier
Trees: Enclosure Diagrams
Trees: Enclosure Diagrams
Encode structure using spatial enclosure Often referred to as “treemaps” Shneiderman and group Benefits Provides single view of entire tree Easier to spot small / large nodes Problems Difficult to accurately read depth
Treemaps Layout Recursively fill space based on a size metric for nodes E.g., n files Enclosure indicates hierarchy Additional measures can control aspect ratio of cells Most often use rectangles, but other shapes possible Square, circle, voronoi tessellation Another example G H C D B A E F
Treemaps Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch, Map of the Market
Friday, 1/31/14, 1:45 CST This treemap works, others not so much Here, stock sectors (labeled) are first level Individual stocks (within sectors) are next level Node size is size of company
Treemaps Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch, Map of the Market
Friday, 1/31/14, 1:45 CST This treemap works pretty well with no “training” Training is good for others…
Treemap Layout in rectangular and non-rectangular space
Treemap Again, layout in non-rectangular space
Trees, more
Trees, yet more
Web Pages & Videos Trees
DOI trees NY Times “election decision tree”: Reingold-Tilford algorithm applet: SpaceTree: , have planaria.avi Hyperbolic tree browser – CHI ‘95, Rao: Local copy: Hyperbolic_Browser_chi96_02_m1_35mb Munzner videos, H3: Cone Trees videos: 0:52-0:58, 1:21-1:28 Map of the market: Tree poster: vtk graph and viewing: Also, “popular vtk videos”: Xx
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